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@EriktheGolfer Thanks for the lovely room ;-) Can I have room ownership?
@ETHproductions Of course, I'm giving it to you.
Now I should probably get the new docs up and running...
Well, I have to shutdown, it's late night here. Hope this doesn't get frozen :P
I'll try to visit every two weeks or so if it's been inactive.
BTW, I have actually started implementing Crayon:
So far it only supports the arrows, the input functions (ELTZ), and parts of l and *
Oh, and literals. Can't forget the literals.
Shoot I broke something while trying to upload the new docs
Where is the GH
What is the xmp tag?
Ah nvm
It's the Markdown content for StrapdownJS. Its contents are converted to HTML (or should be)
BTW it's a obsolete tag
The MDN define it as a test tag
Ohhhh you use a JS library which use this tag
It actually works locally, but apparently not on gh-pages?
@ETHproductions Hahahaha the error is stupid
It try to load a HTTP resource on a HTTPS page
I suppose I can download the source and add it to the repo
I did that at some point so I could work on it offline, but I must have deleted the files since then
Docs will be up and running in 3 minutes
This bumped JS to 93% lol
@TuxCopter I don't get that error, what page/browser are you on?
Hi Downgoat, we figured it out
Oh I was on datatypes
It was a CORS problem
And I use Firefox
ah, ok
CORS is cause of 99% of network problem imo
When the docs will be up I can create an interpreter for it if you want
I can make interpreter in cheddar :D :D :D
Good luck
I really think you should write in node
It's about 2% done
I could do node, probably
If I write the interpreter I will write it in Ruby because I only speak fluently Ruby ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TIL PenguinCopters speak ruby
And I also speak a bit of Perl
@ETHproductions are you fluent with ES6 classes?
The one thing I don't know about is how I would run node from the browser
@Downgoat Somewhat
You don't ^ v vv
or webpack
there are lots of app
OK, cool
Or I suppose writing a node/browser polyglot is possible, there's not much difference besides I/O
Except that node's guaranteed to have ES6 features
@ETHproductions babel is answer
Yeah, haha
i think Quill has a browser_build script for node which should be able to be applied to this.
I suck at things like writing build scripts, I don't know anything about that
thats fine, neither do I but npm has built-in built function
just do like: "build": "babel -d lib/ src/" and you're good
For JLisp the thing I made is adding all build commands in package.json scripts and creating a shell script with npm run lint && npm run build && etc...
@TuxCopter :/
you can just write npm run all srcipt or something
There are some commands I don't want to run
ie npm run run, npm run clean, npm run cleandoc
"scripts": {
    "all": "npm run goat && npm run down && npm run up && npm ches"
then do npm run all
wait, so did we agree to do in node?
I say let's go for it
But first I need to finish the docs
@ETHproductions if you're OK with it, can I become collaborator to crayon?
:D +1 docs are pretty
@Downgoat Sure :)
On GH, you mean?
that way i can push to a branch rather than a fork
updating is less of a pain in the butt that way
btw you have a license in mindyet?
I recommand GPL
i reccomand apache2
There, I sent you an invite
:D thx
I don't know enough about licenses to really make a decision. What's good about apache2, and what's good about GPL?
All forks of a GPL licensed software must be GPL-licensed
what Quill told me was "Apache-2 is do whatever you want just don't sue me" while MIT is "Do whatever you want"
And GPL enforce that you must give the source code
@TuxCopter this is not good idea for language
wat is crayn
pls lunk
The license only apply for the implementation
@DmitryKudriavtsev english pls
i dont try to type bad :P
Then try to type good
I make some very strange mistakes when I type extrememyl quickly
> extrememyl
wow, I would have earned 300 rep so far today if not for the rep cap
About a dozen answers
accidentally ironic'd in my own chat message
I think the exact number is 10
@TuxCopter What do you mean by "you must give the source code"?
@ETHproductions ok, can you set main branch on repo to master?
that way website can be in gh-pages but code in master
Yeah, give me 1 minute
> An interpreter will be on this page in 6-8 weeks.
ok, I need to know what license to enter into npm
@TuxCopter The docs page had "Documentation will be on this page in 6-8 weeks." for like a year
I pressed enter instead of tab so I can't write Other ._.
@TuxCopter I vote GPL
It's 3-0 Apache
@TuxCopter apache
Apache then I guess .-.
@Downgoat Why did you say GPL isn't good for a language?
because its too restrictive
imo language licenses shuold be very free
It's not like anyone's going to steal and profit off of an esolang
too late already did Apache-2.0 :P
i can change it if we really wanna do GPL
though vote is 100% apache
Not trying to argue, I was actually trying to back Apache there :P

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