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A: Were students "forced to recite 'Allah is the only God'" in Tennessee public schools?

DavePhDStudents in public school were assigned to write in Arabic the Shahada (Testimony of Faith), not in Tennessee, but in neighboring Virginia. In English, it is: I bear witness that there is no God except Allah; And I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and messenge...

Riverhead's highschool is not located in Staunton but a number of miles outside the city limits. In Virginia cities and counties are very distinct entities. This did occur but it was not in a religious context. It's pretty clear that the teacher made a poor decision in choosing this text since any number of other Arabic texts would suffice and not created an issue.
@JimmyJames That's true, it's about 4 miles outside Staunton city limits, but address is 19 Howardsville Road, Staunton, VA 24401
@BaardKopperud student Laurel Trruxell said the teacher deceived the students by saying the Arabic text simply meant "faith", and that some of the students were upset when they learned the true meaning.…
The Pentagon is often said to be located in Washington D.C. but it's 100% for sure located in Arlington VA. The fact remains that Riverheads highschool is not in Statunton. I'm quite familiar with the area, I can assure you that if you were to visit the two places the distinction would not be hard to see.
If you are still not convinced. Here's Riverheads Highschool and this is Staunton
@BaardKopperud also, the assignment was part of workbook titled "World Religions". If it was in an art book I would think of it as drawing, but it was presented in the context of religion and the assignment clearly says it is "sacred to Muslims".
@JimmyJames nobody is disagreeing with you. The school is in Augusta County, not in the city of Staunton, exactly as you are saying. The school's post office address says Staunton, but that doesn't mean the school is physically in Staunton.
You're answer still says it's Staunton, not "the highschool with the postal address of ..." If you mailed a letter there, "Stuarts Draft" or "Mint Spring" would work just as well, There are three different localities that I see on mail delivered to my address. One is a city nearby, the second is name that has never existed a governmental entity and the third is the actual locality that I pay taxes to. While all three are considered "my address" by the post office, only one of those is actually where my home is located and is clearly the most correct answer for where I live.
@JimmyJames actually, I think you would need permission from the post office to use those names other than "Staunton" for the school's zip code. People fought for a long time to be able to say "Tysons Corner" or "Tysons" instead of Vienna or McLean.‌​/… Stuarts Draft is 24477. Mint Spring is 24463. The school's zip code is 24401. The school officially says to mail to Staunton.
@DavePhD Who cares what the mailing address is? Why do you think that is relevant?
I guess you aren't getting that including this highschool and it's nonsense as part of my hometown is offensive to me. I'm not sure why you don't just update the answer to be accurate.
I changed to Augusta County

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