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Q: Tumah of multiple births

Micah FogelIn parashah Tazria we read that a woman is rendered impure by giving birth; one week for a boy child and two weeks for a girl child. What if it is twins or more? Are the periods of impurity applied consecutively? Or concurrently? Or something else?

5 hours later…
Idea for a new sport. Put all the people who think the are Moshiach into a pit, and they have to battle it out. Whoever emerges winner gets a chance to redeem humanity
4 hours later…
Q: What is this intro to this rendition of Kah Echsof?

Rabbi KaiiMy inability to hear lyrics, and my inabilities in Yiddish require me to ask the fine folk here what exactly is being said in the first words that precede Kah Echsof in this rendition. Could someone transliterate and translate for me, and for a nice bonus, give me some kind of context of why they...

4 hours later…
Q: Torah scholar conceding due to a logical but unlearned argument

SchmerelIs there any documented case of a major Torah scholar changing his mind as the result of a logical argument put forth to him by someone who was not basing his argument on any clear Torah sources the Torah scholar did not know, was not testifying that the opinion of some other greater scholar was...

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