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4:52 PM
@MonicaCellio @IsaacMoses @HodofHod Should this edit be rolled back and the final line removed? judaism.stackexchange.com/q/36630/759
@DoubleAA a) I agree with the rollback, since the original question has already been answered. b) I disagree with forcibly removing the last line. Instead, let the answer address the incorrect assumption along with answering the stated question.
... caveat to (a): The insertion of additional instances of the qualifier "Ashkenazic" seems justified.
1 hour later…
6:23 PM
@IsaacMoses Well something needs to be done, because right now we have a valid question and a sourced answer with 3 downvotes and 1 upvote between them.
2 hours later…
8:11 PM
@IsaacMoses From parshas Shemini:
R’ Shamshon Raphael Hirsch ZT”L would say:
“וידם אהרן - ‘Aharon was silent.’ In Tehillim (65:2, Dovid HaMelech says, ‘For You silence is praise.’ Rashi
explains that any effort to recount all of Hashem’s attributes is useless, for they are infinite; hence ‘Silence is His
praise.’ It is the art of remaining silent practiced by him who would rather say nothing at all than deliver himself of
a rash ill-considered statement; who would listen quietly to the views of others in order to learn from them; who
@GeminiMan Sorry! I'll try not to dominate the conversation so much. :)
@IsaacMoses It was apropos of nothing in particular :) I just saw it on a parsha sheet.
@GeminiMan Y"K. Very nice. Reminds me of the famous story (I don't recall the source.) in which someone was castigated for trying to expand upon Chazal's formula for praise in the Amida.
@IsaacMoses Berachos Daf 33b
8:26 PM
If I edit a ping into a comment, will it do it's magic?
@msh210 - This explanation is also an answer to your question.
@YEZ I'm guessing yes, but go ahead and experiment and let us know!
@DoubleAA Ok, here goes
Although it may be different in chat than on site.
In chat, I'm pretty sure your target will get a new ping each time you edit a message that is addressed to them. ... so here's another ping. .... and another .... and a fourth. ... and here's an edit without your name, so no ping. And you get pung if a mod hijacks the post with an edit -- AA.
@DoubleAA my sound is off, but I imagine that would have been irritating.
^^^ that was totally unintentional
8:38 PM
@YEZ You can imagine me having said sorry
OK i confused myself in that conversation - everyone just figure out who I meant to ping.
@DoubleAA you can delete this but let me know if it pinged you.
8:50 PM
@YEZ It did. Let's hear it for Science!
1 hour later…
9:53 PM
...tough crowd...
10:49 PM
@DoubleAA WOOOOO <--- as per the proscribed method of Bam Celebratory Remarks

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