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@DoubleAA Don't know. Not familiar with that. Nor can I actually load the video, my connection is too slow.
@HodofHod Maybe I'll ask :)
@msh210 Actually, I was mod pro tem shortly before you and WAF were.
2 hours later…
@IsaacMoses @Yahu was up there for some time.
@ShmuelBrill Yahu was the third moderator on m.y. He was never a mod on J.SE.
yes. He is missed.
I'm so confused. Is this chat about anything specific, or is it just general? Because I'm lost.
It's strange. He still drops by, just never does anything.
@isaacmoses what happened to vram exactly?
@Shmuelbrill that's what I'm asking about.
@SethJ No idea. About a week ago, he abruptly changed his username, gravatar, and profile text; deleted a bunch of his content; gave up most of his rep through bounties; and posted a short goodbye on chat.
@ShmuelBrill Wow, I never even noticed that he's barely around. He's left such an impression that I see his stuff everywhere, and just assumed subconsciously that he was very active.
He asked a grea question on my purim torah (along with some other nonsense) and deleted it. I haven't seen him since.
What's this about Yahu being gone too?
@SethJ Yahu's last post was a question on June 28th.
@SethJ And his last comment was Aug 12
@ShmuelBrill But apparently he stopped by to observe on March 4 at 4:58
@DoubleAA My point here
He comes by some here and there.
14 hours later…
@Mods Can you merge this into this?
@DoubleAA Done
Was there no Parsha Chat for Ki Sisa?
@HodofHod I think everyone was busy with Purim preparations.
So we're up to number 14 then.
Begin Parashat Hashavua' Chat #14 - Vayak'hel-Pekudei 5772
Anyone have any topics on their mind?
@DoubleAA @ShmuelBrill ^^
okay, here's one: how did they manage to get, in the desert, oil of the needed specifications for the menorah (only the first few drops from each batch of olives), if they didn't know in advance (when they left Egypt) that they were going to need such oil?
or was that maybe a common enough process for really high-quality oil, such that they could have found some in Egypt or bought some from traders?
@Alex Good question!
Come to think of it, I wonder whether olives can grow in desert oases - if so, they might have been able to manufacture their own en route. (In Num. 20:5 they complain that the desert is "not a place of... figs, grapevines or pomegranates" - nothing about olives - though maybe that's because they're focusing on fruits that are primarily eaten.)
@HodofHod yep - googling "olives desert oasis" yields this Wikipedia article about an Egyptian oasis that indeed produces olives, though it's in the wrong direction. Still, though, I guess that establishes the possibility.
@Alex Indeed. I don't have any seforim handy to check what the meforshim say. You?
@HodofHod I haven't come across any that talk about it. Might be the kind of thing Daat Mikra would discuss.
Hello @SethJ!
hello @I
alright, nothing really seems to be on the discussion table. So I'm going to end this.
End Parashat Hashavua' Chat #14 - Vayak'hel-Pekudei 5772
we need to do something about this
@ShmuelBrill about what?
@HodofHod about this
@ShmuelBrill indeed
1 hour later…
Oh! Tripped up by DST! Oops.
@MonicaCellio I wondered if that might be the cause of the rather empty chat this week. No worries you can still ask/discuss, answer just might be a little longer in coming :-D
I was in a meeting from 12:30 to 2 so assumed I'd missed it and didn't check in. Now I know, and I hope next week will be different.

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