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Hello World
well, the only way to get arbitrary effect at arbitrary point would probably be by using a nop, so that would be useful
also pop would probably be useful
I have already added pop, no-op and output
They are on the v2.0-dev branch
I think a more difficult part will be being able to skip certain parts of code, as well as looping
but I do think it could be possible to loop, but it may be difficult
if there was a command to skip a variable amount of instructions...
I figured out how to skip directionally
if ^ is jump, . is noop and X is some code
will only run right to left
the only problem then is skipping code you actually do want to skip when going backwards
I think you can make loops like this
let & be a switch
@WheatWizard only works when top of stack!=0
unconditional skips and loops might be good
If I can prove it TC without them I'll leave them out though
it would also mean, that if ^ is conditional jump and v is unconditional:
^vX executes X if TOS is zero
I really like that
I might add those anyway
it also means that loop also works
but I don't think we need an onconditional redirect
actually we should make redirect unconditional
and you can just jump it if you don't want to redirect
Ok I'm going to do this now then
It is now up
its still mod 7
Yeah I just fixed that I think
alo I accidentally have python 3 for project;_;
I'll be back soon

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