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7:54 PM
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Q: Clicking flipping image in selenium webdriver using C#

VictorNew to this platform I'm a beginner learning selenium webdriver with c# but I have a problem clicking on a flipping image, I identify the id but it won't click on it. I was told to use wait which really didn't work. I've used this wait and other ones as listed below: WebDriverWait waits = new We...

Q: Drag & Drop issue in selenium web driver

Albin K SDrag and Drop not working..as my drag and drop area not having 'Frames' i didn't use switchTo() here. Actions action= new Actions(driver); //driver.switchTo().frame(0); WebElement drag= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(),'GEO')]")); WebElement drop= driver.fin...

Q: I want to write Java code in Jmeter to copy current date in a variable and use this variable in next request. Where should I write it?

Abhishek SInghThis is my code: package dateTime; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class GetCurrentDateTime { p...

Q: In Azure Test Plans, how do you Move a Test Case to another Test Suite?

Brian McCarthyIn Microsoft Azure DevOps Test Plans / Test Manager, Test Plan view, how do you Move a Test Case to another Test Suite in the same Test Plan? I am not able to drag and drop the test case to another suite in the same test plan like I was able to in Test Manager in TFS. Clicking the "..." on the...

Q: Count all elements with the specific resource ID on the scrollable view

LexSavHere is the question. How can I count all the elements with the resource ID body_bubble on a scrollable view ? When I use the driver.findElements (By.id ("body_bubble")).size() method, it gets only the elements that are currently in view (visible on the screen). How can I find all the elements...

Q: Encountered Error Could not load type 'OpenQA.Selenium.Internal.IWrapsElement' from assembly 'WebDriver

ThiyagarajanI'm working in multiple browser testing. It was working code with chrome browser. Recently I have installed "Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver -Version 4.0.0-alpha04". MSedge Chromium and chrome working in setup method, But while navigate/return back to actual [Test] test method encountered the...

Q: How are you testing configuration changes?

RSHI am curious if folks are testing configuration changes in applications. For example, I have a Spring Boot app that pulls its configurations from a local properties file at build time and from Spring Cloud Config Server at runtime. When I deploy this app to a non-prod environment, it will have di...

Q: Selenium is not finding button even though it has a Class Name and XPath

DrewTheTesterI am attempting to click a save button but Selenium (with Python) is having issues. I keep getting the error, "Message: no such element: Unable to locate element" Here is the HTML <input type="submit" name="action[save]" class="FixedRight SPSubmitRequest button save-button disabledsubmit" value="...

Q: Xpath to an anchor returning error: unable to locate element

user52619I am new to automated testing. I am using C#, Selenium and Chrome 99 with the correct driver. I am trying to get to an anchor tag on the page. Here is my code that is not working, driver.Url = "abc.com"; //cant display the real one driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//a[@href='ubEntryQueue.aspx']")).C...

Q: How to find a specific occurrence of a field that exists in multiple places (Xpath)?

Benjamin AnsellI'm new to Xpath and I wanted to know if there was a way to inspect a specific element, that is repeated multiple times throughout the webpage. For this instance I want to inspect the specific span Allocation Exhausted (See picture below). However, that element is repeated multiple times and I wo...

Q: Can't find a specific element generated in DevExpress

MajklI am attempting to find an element using this code: try { new WebDriverWait(wdriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementExists(By.Id("messageGrid_TL"))); Console.Out.WriteLine("Grid: Loading element exists"); } catch (Exception) ...

Q: How to design a test plan for performance testing using Jmeter for interval of time

Jagannatha MvI have to design a test plan for an app and below is the requirement Run a thread for 1 user for 55 minutes and in between after the thread starts I need to run another user after 30 minutes. Can you give any suggestions on how can design and what kind of threadGroup can i use? Update: I have two...

Q: Java Cucumber - pretty html reports net.masterthought - No JSON report file was found

javabeginerI get the following error when I run the code About to generate Cucumber report. May 02, 2023 6:55:06 PM net.masterthought.cucumber.ReportBuilder generateErrorPage WARNING: Unexpected error net.masterthought.cucumber.ValidationException: No JSON report file was found! at net.masterthought...

Q: Why does this Selenium script sometimes fail to detect that the element has become stale?

NzallThis is a helper method we use in many places in our Selenium Java tests. The intent is to click a button and then detect that the browser has navigated away from the page by detecting the staleness of the HTML element: protected static WebDriverWait wdWait; public static void clickAndWaitForBro...

Q: Playwright - Target Closed before any action

Darshani KaushalyaI am trying playwright and try to automate login feature. I have page classes, test classes and separate action class to write common actions like click,enter inputs. My common action class import { expect, Locator, Page } from "@playwright/test" export default class Actions { page:Page; const...

Q: Can Appium be used for web testing on a Mac with PyCharm?

AnkushI wanted to automate my project, which has three parts: Web testing Ipad app Ios App I have started with the web testing, by following all the steps on appium.io and installed Appium Server, Appium-python-client, and pycharm professional. I have created my first test but I was not able to run i...

Q: [error]Cmd.exe exited with code '1' in Azure Pipeline

Bhaskara Reddy DwarampudiGetting error as 2024-03-06T14:40:10.8848644Z jmeter -g Results.jtl -o htmlReport 2024-03-06T14:40:10.9326661Z ========================== Starting Command Output =========================== 2024-03-06T14:40:10.9654622Z ##[command]"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C "CALL "D:\a_tem...

Q: Selenium and Python - How to click submit button

Peter_Brown_USAThis is the source code of the webpage ( https://eu.luxpowertek.com/WManage/web/login ) I am trying to login in and click the submit button. <div id="loginFormContainer" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 450px; position: relative;"> <form id="loginHolder" action="/WManage/web/login" method="post">...

Q: JMeter Getting as Non HTTP response code: java.net.UnknownHostException/Non HTTP response message: in Azure Pipeline

Bhaskara Reddy DwarampudiThere is an requirement to run web based application for Performance Testing in Azure Pipeline. The Application servers are physical servers. Recorded the script and run it in virtual machine. It ran successfully without any errors but Running the same script in Azure pipeline and getting as *Non...

Q: Can't get text out of Webelement using Selenium

RodgoupilI'm using Python 3.11.5, and I want to extract text from a Webelement with selenium. I use Chromedriver as a driver, and I want to find an element By.CLASS_NAME Here is my code What happens ? When I print (element), it gives me a Webdriver element, which I can't read. When I print (element.tex...

Q: Clicking button with Selenium produces no response

joelleoqiyiI am trying to automate the clicking of the "Sort by: Top picks for long stays" button at the top of the following page on Booking.com. My code is as follows: sorting_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 2).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'button[data-testid="sorters-dropdown-trigger"...

Q: Is it possible to validate response with json schema file in karate?

user58322Need to validate just the structure from response with schema file not the data values. Is it possible to do in karate?

Q: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find ...Error

ChathuDIm getting below error when try to execute a sample API test with karate API test framework. What might be the reason. I have tried with java 1.8 and 20. But no luck. [ERROR] Errors: [ERROR] TestRunner.[1:9] Add a new pet to the store and store pet ID in a JSON file ┬╗ Karate http call failed a...

Q: Is writing black box tests as part of a bug report practiced anywhere?

VoracAuthors of BB tests concern themselves with behavior instead of with means of achieving it. Customer support too. Why have I never seen a say L2 support operative file a bug with a "failing_test.py"? Why not create such positions?

Q: Only one test running when selenium tests run in parallel using local thread

surya kumarWe are automating an application which support desktop and mobile browser, so we choose selenium, appium, java client, testNG. to reduce execution we implemented parallel test execution using TestNG and created local thread safe. when we run concurrently they run fine but when we run in parallel ...


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