I cannot retrieve my pass since all I have is a username/password combination. I think I used the same email account for both accounts so, a reset password link will reset only my new account
@OliverSalzburg I should, however, be able to login using the old user/password combination if such a login page is still available. If not, no worries, it is not that important, I just have a couple of answers on that account. It's just mildly annoying :)
@terdon If you log out, you will be able to log in with another username/password
Then you could go to your profile and click my logins
There you could add the OpenID provider of your new account
If you can confirm that the other count actually belongs to you (by reclaiming it), we can simply merge the old account into your new one and you will regain control over all your content from the old account.
I am retrying the whole process now on a different browser in case it is cookie problem
ah! was it? Cool
I just tried to reset that one, it logged me on using my yahoo mail but did not show the answers I know I have posted with that account so I figured it was wrong