room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
I'm not sure of the implications in broadcasting that in open chat
but you're more than welcome to my EDU provided copy of XP. as I wont be using it, ever.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure how that works for sharing product keys.
Ok. I'm not a license wizard but I figured if it would help you out you're more than welcome to it.
Well, I really appreciate that.
Thanks for offering it to me.
Anytime. Sometime tomorrow after I paint a room i'm going to start on helping debug that issue with the windows port of stackapplet.
do i have to have a certain amount of rep to make a room private?
@lazyPower Not sure.
Thanks for helping with StackApplet.
Thats what its all about brother :) I get to learn python in the process (as if learning silverlight, C++, and symfony weren't enough :P)
Well... I'm no Python expert myself. StackApplet was the first applet I wrote.
2 hours later…
@GeorgeEdison: jquery question for you. I didnt think anonymous function binding in jquery had scope issues like this, but ok here goes nothing
entry.find('a.changeStatus').bind('click', function () {

its throwing a scope error, videos[i] is undefined. So how do i pass that in to the block?
@lazyPower Where is videos defined?
The parent block
want me to gist this snippet?
As a sidenote, you can try:
var temp_videos = videos;
Stick that right before the entry.find....
gist: 948691, 2011-04-29 17:46:26Z
function buildDisplayList(videos) 
	if (videos == null)
			$('#Notification').jnotifyAddMessage({ text: "Error processing queue.", permanent: true, type: 'error' });
			throw("I failed, sorry.");
	// ok the object isnt null, lets build a sortable table with the info
	for (i = 0; i < videos.length; i++)
		// generate the lightbox entry prior to appending to the list
		lbox = generateLightBox(videos[i].VideoId, videos[i].EmbedFile);
		// now append it to the list
		entry = $('#list-template').clone();
		entry.attr('id', videos[i].VideoId);
		// append the data to the cloned item
				  // bind any and all events in this row
		entry.find('a.changeStatus').bind('click', function () {
		if (videos[i].IsApproved == false) 
			entry.find('img#videoStatus').attr('src', "images/onebit_33.png");
		} else {
			entry.find('img#videoStatus').attr('src', "images/onebit_34.png");
		//entry.find('td.view').text(genView(videos[i].HasThumb, videos[i].VideoId));

		  //stick it in the table
		$('#VideoList TBody').append(entry);

	}//end loop
	//apply the lightbox to our built objects
		'hideOnContentClick': true
...then reference temp_videos inside the block.
Weird... it should be complaining that 'i' is not defined :)
Ignore what I said before.
You need to create a local copy of 'i'.
(At least, I think that's the problem. This scope stuff sometimes eats me for breakfast.)
javascript scoping is so strange compared to what i'm used to
@lazyPower I know. Does that work though?
I'm curious to see if I know what I'm talking about.
creating a temporary copy worked
// temprorary hack due to javascripts strange scoping
temp_vid = videos[i].MemberId;
entry.find('a.changeStatus').bind('click', function () {
i still think [i] should have been visible as its declared in a parent block
but what do i know ;)
Oh good.