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For those with crossover interests, the Video Production election still has no candidates...
If you qualify and have sufficient rep there, please do consider nominating yourself
10 hours later…
Hi, quick question. I'm writing a sheet for a piano piece, and there's a brief modulation in the second and fourth systems/lines here:
Do you think it'd be easier for the player if I explicitly write the key signature change, or should I just leave it in Eb minor like this:
For clarity, for the rest of the piece beyond the image I showed, it just stays in Eb minor
1 hour later…
@SirCumference I prefer changing the key signature since I notice the notes form the F7 chord and the Bb7, which is much easier to detect, and thus to plan my fingers accordingly when the key signature is 2 flats.
@GratefulDisciple Got it, thanks
One other question, is it generally good to include double barlines for key signatures like that, or only when I'm beginning a separate section?
@SirCumference Double barlines seems to be the convention, you're doing good in both instances (when changing and when returning). When changing to lesser flats / sharps, sometimes the engraver would put natural signs such as in the Chopin Waltz below. But personally, I prefer without (less things to read).

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