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6:04 AM
I got a second volume pedal. But I quickly realized that 2 volume pedals is too many. If I wanted to change volume, I had to pick one (sometimes wrongly) or use both feet.
I'm ok with one foot on the pedal most of the time. But for playing a whole show, I need at least one foot firmly on the floor.
Serendipitously, the lead guitarist had a use for one and didn't have it. So, now he does.
The Morley (the new one) seems to have noticeably more top end and a stronger signal wide open. I hadn't noticed anything wrong with the VP jr, but I'm happy with the change.
The downside is it wrecked my carefully tweaked envelope filter. And it doesn't quack quite right. Need to tweak that in again.
10 hours later…
4:33 PM
Any know if Cancion de Cuna by Brouwer is actually a lullaby with lyrics?

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