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hey @TùxCräftîñg have a look here but neoscript is currently WIP but again it worths to be posted here . remember to put a WIP or beta/alpha after it's name because spec may change later
good idea to post it here
and also , comment style is too confusing
because of return stack commands
@TùxCräftîñg i'm thinking of a memory model for neoscript , and for data stucture style & abstaractions
i have forget the "use strict"; in the parser >_>
the function tokenize is in module.exports and since the parser and the transpiler overwrite module.exports i cant access the tokenize function
result: ugly hack with AJAX
i can compile neoscript code in browser
A: Making Future Posts Runnable Online with Stack Snippets

TùxCräftîñgNeoscript Only work on ES6 browsers "use strict"; function nodejswrapper(url) { let data = $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, async: false }).responseText; return new Function("let module={};" + data + "return module.exports;")(); } let tokenize...

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