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@DrMcMoylex :( Why did you add a run button, it calculates quickly enough already
@ASCII-only idk, I just thought the auto-updating was obnoxious. I was also thinking we could have it optimize multiple ints with commas
@DrMcMoylex Hmm, okay
Added an option for autorun back :P
@ASCII-only But then I would have to take care not to use it inside (n){m({}[l])}{}. — Neil 8 hours ago
Also whoops need to fix this
@DrMcMoylex Also pls add to brain-flak organization?
@DrMcMoylex If you're still there, pushed - the numbers in the output are separated by double newlines (and btw big numbers (i.e. non-cached numbers) are really suboptimal unless you have too much RAM so you shouldn't be relying completely on this for big numbers)
OK. I'll add you to bf org once I have time, but I'm kinda busy rn
@DrMcMoylex But it takes like 30 seconds :(
On a computer
Oh, okay
I'll either get it within 20 minutes, or before I go to bed tonight depending on how busy I end up, haha
@ASCII-only What time zone are you in? (If you don't mind me asking) you're from Australia right?
@DrMcMoylex Yes, AEST (UTC+10)
I'll be awake for about another 12 hours 17 minutes
OK. I've got another 6 tops
I probably need to do upper bound later
@ASCII-only Is this the inverse of that function I gave you?
It's the inverse of the function minus 2 (oops wrong way
It doesn't seem to be?
This should be the inverse plus two
@WheatWizard How
Oh I made a mistake copying it
do you need a stronger upper bound?
I have a method that I can use to make the upper bound even stronger
@ASCII-only Alright, just sent invite
@DrMcMoylex :D Thanks
@WheatWizard Would you like me to add you also?
@WheatWizard Not sure, the method I use isn't exactly optimal
@DrMcMoylex Yes I would thank you
@ASCII-only Do you use hard coded multiplication?
Cool. You're both owners
@WheatWizard hardcoded?
I kinda use Neil's answer
Ok I'll check that out
that upper bound might technically be too strong
try repeatedly: unsquare -> unpentagon -> divide by 2 -> divide by 3 -> minus 2 and divide by 2 -> minus 1 until under cache's upper limit
@WheatWizard It's pretty different - it does it in reverse for values not in the cache
I can't prove that the upper bound fits neil's answer
If you implement multiplication by any number not just 2 and 3 it will be fine
and I can make it a good deal stronger
I'd need a way to find the most optimal factorization
Actually you only need to implement prime numbers
I think
Unless it's possible to prove that prime factorization is always optimal
It has been proven
Having no upper bound is not that bad though, the RAM usage is way better than that of the Python one
@WheatWizard do you have a link?
@DrMcMoylex v Pls pin instead of old link?
@ASCII-only The proof is quite short. I'll type it up here
it takes 4(n-1) characters to multiply by n
@DrMcMoylex Also 0/10 online brain-flak interpreter doesn't work :P
thus to multiply by nm it costs 4(nm-1) characters
The optimizer gives (((((((((((()()()()){}){}){}){}){}){}){})({({})({}[()])}{}){})({({})({}[()])}{}‌​){})({({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[()])}{}){})({‌​({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[(‌​)])}{}) for 2**20000 I think I did something wrong
to multiply by n and then m it takes 4(n-1)+4(m-1) characters
as long as n and m is greater than 1 4(n-1)+4(m-1)<4(nm-1)
But is dividing by a large prime number shorter by repeatedly subtracting 1 and halving
@ASCII-only Oh I can't prove that
Help I don't think 2**20000 should be that short, did I do something wrong
@ASCII-only Haha, yeah that's up next
4 hours later…
@ASCII-only Since you are working on the Metagolf stuff I just thought I would tell you that I just passed Neil with my python answer.
@WheatWizard I have square and pentagonal numbers - even with the fix it's still the same at 58032
Thats a lot better than mine
Not entirely sure it does it correctly though
Neil's last one needed a fix for the square/pentagonal code, and I'm too lazy to find a number where that is the most optimal solution
try 247
well it seems to work
do you want to test septagonals?
I don't have septagonals - on Neil's code it didn't make a difference last time I tried
have you tested squares
if not try 361
1048576: ((((()()()()){}){}){})({({})({}[()])}{})({({})({}[()])}{})
361 also works
Do you want to add Anti-polygonal numbers?
442 is antipentagonal
What does your solution give
No difference in length, can you give a larger one?
yeah I just have to find one
@WheatWizard BTW in your answer you have Spetagonal
yes I do
I mean there's a spelling mistake
ok I'll fix that
BTW hexagonal numbers are just every other triangular number which is why it doesn't save any bytes until a lot later on
> a generalized form of Pentagonal numbers that includes the negatives
yeah I left them out intentionaly
try 5430
What do you get for 5430
Okay, looks like that is shorter
So what exactly do you mean by antipentagonal numbers?
@ASCII-only Every polygonal number has an algebraic representation, e.g. triangle is n(n+1)/2, so you can pass negatives in.
the "anti-pentagonal numbers" are what you get when you put negative numbers into that algebraic formula
Anti-triangular and Anti-Square numbers are just Triangular and square numbers but for pentagons and greater these are unique numbers. They are also really easy to make in Brain-Flak
Yay I can do it in reverse as well
:D I'll implement it now
I am trying to learn JavaScript so I can make some PRs, hopefully I'll be up to speed soon.
Wow, nice, 57870
@WheatWizard Trying heptagonal numbers now, what do you get for 5688
9 hours later…
@ASCII-only Sorry I fell asleep (I'm in UTC-5)
@ASCII-only (((((((((()()()){}())){}{}){}()){({}[()])}{}()())){}{}){})
@WheatWizard :( there are bugs
also it's late + assignment due tomorrow (;_;) so brb later
In the javascript?
@WheatWizard Yes
More specifically square/pentagonal etc don't work well with Neil's method
Normal is fine now but reverse is still broken

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