@DavidCarlisle yes thats true, editing eps turns out to be easier than editing a pdf hmm . Usually I have figures to edit. I wonder if I can get hold of each object in a pdf through some software?
@Werner As of now, tex.stackexchange.com/a/174123 no longer compiles. Since it was your answer, could I kindly ask you to look into this? Thanks in advance!
I thought I read that LuaTeX better manages the vexing issue of line numbering. But perhaps I was mistaken, because I cannot find a reference to this anywhere.
Hello all, a quick question about using includegraphics in linux: I have some image files that use the ending ".EPS" but TeX claims this graphics format to be unknown (.eps with small letters works). Is there a way to tell LaTeX that .EPS is the same as .eps?
Right now it seems that a bug is affecting MO: reputation and badges are no longer displayed next to the users' names.
This happens both on the front page:
as well as on pages of individual questions:
Furthermore, the reputation pop-up is also not displayed when I hover the mouse cursor above a...
@JosephWright With which justification? I don't see the company having any advantage from it and for users, the old question does have a working user script to hide rep.
@samcarter Ah, fair enough: reading in more detail I see that MathOverflow has a unique situation, so this is not a network-wide feature people could ask to be turned on for their site