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12:07 AM
@PhelypeOleinik It's been a long time since I used Pascal, but I think it's a more compact way of storing things with at the cost of possibly slower access to the individual items.
@AlanMunn Oh, it's a Pascal thing (which becomes a C thing, in a way I don't yet understand). That helps. Thanks!
@PhelypeOleinik In C there is __attribute__ ((__packed__)): gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.0.2/gcc/Type-Attributes.html (search for packed)
@PhelypeOleinik no idea how close the two are though, I have no clue about Pascal or WEB.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz That statement is true for me as well, if you append “or C” :-)
@PhelypeOleinik my knowledge in C isn't that good either. I spend too much time procrastinating with TeX instead of with C...
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Hm, from a fast assessment it seems alpha_file is declared as a struct thingy, which looks quite like a Matlab's struct type, which I understand. So yay, that's a start!
12:13 AM
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Looking at that it doesn't seem directly comparable (but I don't know C). packed in Pascal can apply to elements of type array, file, record and set. But my knowledge is seriously faded.
@AlanMunn I should try to find out how Web2C turns the Pascal code into C code...
@PhelypeOleinik My bet is magic.
@AlanMunn mine is cross-compilation (which is a fancy term for magic)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz :)
12:19 AM
@AlanMunn but how should Pascal further pack an array containing only elements of the same type? (or can Pascal store elements of different types into a single array?)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz I'm not sure I understand the first part of the question. But an array can only contain elements of a single type.
@AlanMunn maybe I should learn some Pascal (or maybe not, no big future for that language...)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Yeah, maybe not. Look where it got me. :)
1:04 AM
I got a new favourite animal:
4 hours later…
5:04 AM
Hi. I revised this question yesterday. If there is no good answer, then I could close or delete it. Or someone could post an answer saying there is no good answer.
Q: Including a comment environment in a LuaTeX form letter implementation

Faheem MithaMy OS is Debian GNU/Linux 10.2 (buster). TeX Live is a backport from unstable, version 2019.20190605.51237-3 (a snapshot of TeX Live 2019). The code below is an LuaTeX form letter implementation. Without the comment environment lines, it compiles without problems. With the comment environment, i...

3 hours later…
8:32 AM
@PhelypeOleinik ^^ uh-oh
8:47 AM
@UlrikeFischer @barbarabeeton @Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz So I found the answer to the question about the calls. In short: We copy your project to the /compile folder and call basically latexmk -cd -f -jobname=output -auxdir=/compile -outdir=/compile -synctex=1 -interaction=batchmode -pdf /compile/a/b.tex when a/b.tex is the file to be compiled. During this, latexmk adds /compile to the front of TEXINPUTS (because of the -auxdir option).
If you want more details, I can provide them (though it's gonna be to lengthy for the chat I'm afraid).
@UlrikeFischer So back to your original question: It will be failing in standard linux, because TEXINPUTS won't be set in a way that would make it work.
@yo' no thank you I don't need more details, once I realized the texinputs part I also understood why the project compiled only on overleaf. Now I only have to decide how at best to get it working locally too.
@yo' Useful :)
@yo' but looking at this: Are you sure that you are compiling in /compile and not in /compile/a ? How are files in a found then?
9:05 AM
@JosephWright note that this is subject to some changes soon probably, as it has some unfortunate "David's features"
@UlrikeFischer we don't compile in /compile, that was my fault yesterday evening
what latexmk really does is that it switches to /compile/a (because of the -cd option)
@yo' ah, I overlooked that (I don't use latexmk).
The whole issue is that locally on your computer, you would either do cd /compile/a; pdflatex b.tex or cd /compile; pdflatex a/b.tex and we want to accomodate for both options. And this makes things very complicated :)
anyway, I gotta go, might be back in ~1hr.
@UlrikeFischer neither do I, and it does have some pecularities.
@UlrikeFischer well, we in general recommend users to always have the main file it the top-level folder, because otherwise things can go wrong...
@PauloCereda boo!
@yo' ooh
9:17 AM
@yo' the project has a lot of chapters and they try to setup things (with subfiles and similar tweaks) so that you can compile both the main file and chapter files. That sort of thing is always quite challenging to setup.
9:31 AM
10:06 AM
@PauloCereda ^^^
@UlrikeFischer oooooooooh <3
A recursive bär
@DavidCarlisle Does iftex work in ConTeXt?
@UlrikeFischer Challenge: Make an animated gif that zooms in forever. (Where “forever” means looping around to the beginning, of course.) You'll need the innermost tikzling to have a white shirt, I guess, to allow seamless looping back to the beginning.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen OMG
A fractal bär
@PauloCereda escherdroste.math.leidenuniv.nl (Googling “Droste Effect” will suck up the rest of your day. Be warned.)
10:11 AM
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oooooh
@HenriMenke perhaps, why do you ask?
@HenriMenke I expect so (it works in initex with no format at all, but I never tried it)
@PauloCereda so you could visit China
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda that one doesn't count, I'm afraid
@JosephWright @UlrikeFischer new bidi on ctan (I used the bash script, getting l3build to work would take more re-organisation than I had time for yesterday) (the docstrip arrangement is "interesting")
10:21 AM
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh
@DavidCarlisle ooh interesting
@PauloCereda better
@HaraldHanche-Olsen :)
@PauloCereda Fractalbär (German is German)
@PauloCereda oh yeah, this is something completely special!
10:32 AM
@yo' I'd have expected Fraktalkbär. Norwegian would be fraktalbjørn.
@yo' <3
@HaraldHanche-Olsen øøh
@PauloCereda nice, but doesn't count. But actually, it's perfectly good Norwegian for uhmm…
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh unexpected Norwegian
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oh right. I always keep forgetting that the idea of K in place of C is not Czech, but actually German...
@HaraldHanche-Olsen so we don't have to modify this link?
10:37 AM
@PauloCereda 不好了 :-)
@yo' I think that every single word in Norwegian containing a C is a (relatively recent) loan word from a different language. I suspect German is somewhat similar in that regard.
@UlrikeFischer (sorry I missed this message) yes, subfiles is very popular at Overleaf, and yes, due to the TEXINPUTS frenzy, it behaves different at OL and offline.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen yeah, because Z is C :)
No wait, that's silly. I forgot about all the -ich words.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen that's CH, not C though
@PhelypeOleinik I see what you did there
10:40 AM
@PauloCereda O Cebolinha falando, ué :-)
@PhelypeOleinik better remove them :)
@PauloCereda Okay
@PhelypeOleinik ooh :)
@PhelypeOleinik Turma da Mônica 4EVER
@PauloCereda The only reason I liked to go to the dentist: she had lots of comic books there
@PhelypeOleinik LOL
@PhelypeOleinik good old times when these places used to have comics.
10:44 AM
@PauloCereda Indeed
@PauloCereda “adult” doctor's offices only have boring news magazines
@PhelypeOleinik Veja, Época, Caras, Vogue... DUDE
@HaraldHanche-Olsen words with c are normally load words, but not not necessarly recent, we got quite a number from latin and french and quite a lot which have now a k had previously a c.
It's already painful to go to the dentist, and they want to shove reality in our faces...
@PauloCereda Ugh
@PauloCereda LOL
@PauloCereda One had one Super Interessante. At least some of it was entertaining
@PhelypeOleinik ooh :)
10:47 AM
@PauloCereda Oh, I have one with Mr. Burns in the cover! It's about nuclear energy
@PhelypeOleinik ooh EXCELLENT
@UlrikeFischer Okay. And I also forgot about the sch combination, found in your name even – corresponding to sh in English – and to sj or skj in Norwegian
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ck is frequent too.
@UlrikeFischer indeed. that would be kk in Norwegian.
yeah, but all these come in groups; I think that you'd not see a C without one of these companions.
10:59 AM
@yo' looking at a German dictionary, all the words I see so far beginning with a c look like loan words
Some words like Chaos and Character are maybe exceptions.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen no surprise. (Funnily, most Czech words starting in C come from German, Hungarian or Gypsy. One such example is "cálovat" -- to pay)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen that's CH tho; it has it's own sound [x] that has nothing to do with [c], [s] or [k].
@yo' How about Creme?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oh well, how much "German" you consider it? It got to German from French and English.
The issue here is, how long has the word exist as domestic in the language to be considered part of the language?
but it's true that I'm surprised it's not Kreme.
@yo' Sure, but at some level all these languages are related and have borrowed each others' words for centuries.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen yeah; as I mention, the surprising thing is that it's written with C rather than K
11:06 AM
@yo' Yeah, it's krem in Norwegian. In the dawn of the automobile age, we borrowed the French word chauffeur, but it has long ago morphed into sjåfør.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen haha, exists in Czech too as šofér, but also as řidič (see the Latin/German reference in this one?)
I like how in Czech cows go bůůůůů <3
@PauloCereda and Moravian ones go búúúúú (depending on their mood). Slovakian ones always do so
@yo' ooh
and note that ů comes from the vowel uo originally. Imagine buououououo
11:22 AM
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer, @egreg, @MarcelKrüger, @PhelypeOleinik I have everything ready locally for 2020-02-02 and the 2020-10-01-PR0
@JosephWright perhaps the PM will mention that in his address to the nation
@JosephWright 2020-10-01? Isn't there a release in between?
@JosephWright Nothing that can't be changed, but
@JosephWright ooh PRO
@PhelypeOleinik only if there has to be, October was what we decided on the call.
@DavidCarlisle Oh, sorry. Must've missed that
11:26 AM
@PhelypeOleinik It's a nominal date to keep latex-dev in-line
@DavidCarlisle :)
11:37 AM
@DavidCarlisle, @PauloCereda GitKraken FTW (handy as I've just paid for renewal)
@JosephWright ooh :)
11:55 AM
@JosephWright merge conflicts going to master?
@DavidCarlisle obey your master
(no one will get this reference...)
@DavidCarlisle No
@DavidCarlisle All very smooth
@DavidCarlisle We are begin pretty strict with master so that really shouldn't happen; I went with a release/2020-02-02 branch to stage, but won't push that one
@JosephWright obey your master
@PauloCereda Other than Master of Puppets?
@PhelypeOleinik YES THANK YOU
@PhelypeOleinik David probably doesn't know the song because he is very old
12:01 PM
@PauloCereda I thought that it was pretty well-known
@PauloCereda The song isn't that new either :-)
@PhelypeOleinik :)
@JosephWright that's what I thought, so I wondered where gitkraken helped other than git merge develop (I don't really understand guis:-)
@PauloCereda unless he's dr who's friend
@DavidCarlisle ooh
12:59 PM
@DavidCarlisle I was using the GitFlow to get a single release branch to merge both to master and develop
@DavidCarlisle That's much better news than what he's expected to say.
@JosephWright ah I guess I'd have merged all of devel to master then cleaned up version strings there, I don't trust that big gitkraken display where if you catch your mouse things move around
@DavidCarlisle I started with that, but realised there ws some cleanup, so reset to origin and started again
@JosephWright I should probably give it a more serious try at some point as integrated diffs across branches etc looks like it ought to be useful...
@DavidCarlisle I find it useful: if you don't want the build-in merge tool, you don't even need the paid-for version
1:05 PM
@JosephWright one issue used to be the licence which meant I couldn't use it for projects here but I think the new licence is OK, I'd need to check
@DavidCarlisle Ah, yes; I'm at the advantage that I'm only using it for LaTeX development work
Today my brain refuses to work in English, how does one say that a variable must be inside the bounds a <= x <= b in nice English?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz in normal everyday english "x between a and b, inclusive`
@DavidCarlisle could one say something like "it must satisfy the inequality a <= x <= b"?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz well yes you could but I wouldn't to my mum, so it depends on the context. In a math document I'd probably write $x\in[a,b]$
1:13 PM
@DavidCarlisle and in a code comment/docstring?
@DavidCarlisle no one talks to their mum about maths :)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz never put comments in code, you'll regret it later
@DavidCarlisle how come? It's code for my masters thesis, it has to be documented.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz OK more serious answer it must satisfy the inequality a <= x <= b"? is perfectly good English.
@DavidCarlisle good. Was seriously doubting my brain.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz es ist fast so gut wie mein deutsch
1:17 PM
@DavidCarlisle almost perfect, but "Deutsch", that's a noun.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz hmph I wrote German with a capital to give it a clue but it downcased it anyway. Stupid rule, I think I'll ignore it.
@DavidCarlisle well you can use "deutsch" as an adjective (like "the German car", which would be "das deutsche Auto") or as a noun (like "David speaks perfect German", which would be "David spricht perfektes Deutsch").
@DavidCarlisle that's why translators might be tripping over it.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz but infallible oracles are not supposed to make mistakes.
@DavidCarlisle and if they do the assumption of them being infallible was incorrect.
@DavidCarlisle So, let's blame @UlrikeFischer?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz guter Plan
1:32 PM
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@barbarabeeton ^^ sleeping toucan!
1 hour later…
2:53 PM
@JosephWright Should we migrate this question to the main site and ask @PhelypeOleinik and moewe to turn their comments into an answer?
3:05 PM
@AlanMunn Doesn't really fit on the main site either; it's not about technical issues
4:01 PM
@PauloCereda -- Ohmigosh! Where did this happen?
@barbarabeeton found some toucan facts on Twitter. :)
@PauloCereda -- Not the toucan (I like him/her!), the alleged location of Hong Kong.
@barbarabeeton oh my, deepy sorry! My bad for not following the reply arrow! I found the image randomly on the internet. I believe it's fake, but still...
@JosephWright Yes, it's definitely borderline, but better than meta?
@AlanMunn Hmm, OK, I'll migrate
4:06 PM
@JosephWright And I thought that the comments do make a reasonable answer.
4:40 PM
@JosephWright are you in touch with Martin S? could he let us take the filehook files off the bitbucket and stick them on ctan?
@DavidCarlisle I've got no better contact with him than you ;)
@JosephWright ah I thought he might show up at daily mod briefings:-)
@DavidCarlisle ooh filehook-fixed
@PauloCereda new style is -issues-for-a-future-mantainer
@DavidCarlisle ooh
4:51 PM
@PauloCereda as in brexit-issues-for-a-future-pm
@DavidCarlisle ah
@PauloCereda tabu is in better shape
5:20 PM
@DavidCarlisle ooh
5:58 PM
@AlanMunn Done
6:24 PM
@DavidCarlisle How is your last day as EU citizen?
Anyone else have a consistent warning about "Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right." with this minimal example?


\section{A section}
\subsection{A subsection}% <--- issue

@Werner Yes... Odd
If you remove the \subsection, everything is fine. But with it, I get a persistent warning.
@CarLaTeX Don't ...
@JosephWright You're right, it's better talk about pineapple pizza
6:28 PM
@CarLaTeX ooh
@PhelypeOleinik Any idea where I could/should file this bug/inquiry?
Here or elsewhere?
@Werner AMS look after amsart
@JosephWright Yes. So here then?
Their Technical Support online form?
6:45 PM
@Werner Er, I guess
@JosephWright latex3/ams-fixed
@JosephWright I feel the same. Thanks anyway. :)
@DavidCarlisle I'm guessing from the issue-closing bonanza that Frank is happy ..
@JosephWright ooh
7:04 PM
@Werner Sorry the delay, power went down. The problem seems to be that tocindent2 gets lost somewhere in the document. Not really sure when. Though for some (even more odd) reason, adding a \subsubsection solves the problem...
@JosephWright was eating, not looked at mail yet:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle Hopefully just need to tag and do the uploads: CTAN will love me
@Werner as you may know it doesn't do that if you put any text after the subsection
7:22 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- -issues-for-a-future-mantainer ... then you will never be able to blame @UlrikeFischer.
@Werner -- Report it to tech-support@ams.org . Does seem peculiar.
@Werner -- I've never seen that before; must be new since I retired.
@barbarabeeton ooh
7:38 PM



\section{A section}
\subsection{A subsection}% <--- issue

@barbarabeeton ^^^
@barbarabeeton -issues-for-a-future-maintainer-called-ulrike should leave scope for allocating blame
@barbarabeeton no I tried it with texlive 2016
@DavidCarlisle -- Ah. Well, there came a point when I was cut out of the department information channels, so it became rather difficult to keep up with what was going on. Somebody else's problem now.
@barbarabeeton hopefully by the time that documents reach the AMS they do not have section headings with no text following at the end of the document, so you are unlikely to ever see that in production
@DavidCarlisle Indeed. I added an \mbox{} as well, which resolved it.
@DavidCarlisle I'll try to write up some MWEs and send the information to the AMS tech support. Thanks @barbarabeeton.
@Werner the class does \AtEndDocument{\@writetocindents} but if there is a pending inline heading they get written before the heading does its internal labels and things are out of sync, so it should do \AtEndDocument{\if@noskipsec\mbox{}\fi\@writetocindents} to make sure things are flushed out
8:00 PM
@DavidCarlisle -- And the \@writetocindents has never worked properly. It's basically a reasonable idea, but Michael Downes never got around to making it do what was intended. The whole TOC design was put on hold "waiting for specs", which were never provided. That was in the mid-1990s.
@DavidCarlisle -- But thanks for the diagnosis. If @Werner can pass it along, that could be very helpful.
@barbarabeeton I'll do that.
While the issue is minor, and only relates to "incomplete sectional units", a class should take care of such things to avoid the end user feeling like something is amiss.
@Werner -- Hear, hear!
2 hours later…
10:01 PM
@PauloCereda Jamie Oliver provides some delicious recipes for @DavidCarlisle: jamieoliver.com/recipes/duck-recipes
And gooses are essentially ducks, so:
@UlrikeFischer @DavidCarlisle I want to use iftex for engine detection in PGF. Maintaining two codes that do the same thing is rather wasteful.
Something on topic, perhaps @barbarabeeton Searching for another unrelated topic I noticed this: (Tech/News/2019/46 – MediaWiki Meta):
“MediaWiki2LaTeX can put different pages from a Wikimedia wiki into a PDF. It can now make a PDF with around 5000 pages. Previously this was 800 pages.” Cf. MediaWiki2LaTeX.
@Speravir -- interesting. Thanks. Maybe this is something that could be reviewed for TUGboat. Any ideas who might be a candidate for such a review?
@barbarabeeton Sorry, no. Maybe you know someone who is active in LaTeX and in Wikipedia and friends (or know someone who knows someone …)
@Speravir -- Oh, well. Although I know a lot of people active in LaTeX, I'm not aware of knowing anyone active in Wikipedia. But I'll ask around.
10:18 PM
@HenriMenke as I say it should work (I'd accept it as a bug if it doesn't...)
@Speravir Maybe even some people active here, but how to find out?
10:52 PM
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle it looks as if beamer will get rid of filehook soon - sansmathaccent have been uploaded to ctan.
11:06 PM
11 o'clock :(
@DavidCarlisle ;-((
@DavidCarlisle Not a good feeling.
@AlanMunn I blame @UlrikeFischer
@DavidCarlisle oh no ;-(((((
11:23 PM
@DavidCarlisle if you compile a minimal document with lualatex, where is the font names database loaded from? (should be in the log: luaotfload | db : Font names database loaded ...)
@DavidCarlisle \bye
11:45 PM
45 minutes ago, Europe got weaker by 66 milions. In 15 minutes, Britain will get weaker by 500 milions.
Hello friends.
Consider the following environment, producing a framed box with constant height:
\begin{figure}[h]\fbox{\parbox[t]{\textwidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule}{\vbox to 6cm{#1}}}}{\end{figure}
@Sigur why would you box things so many times? Wouldn't something like \vtop to 6cm{\hsize\dimexpr\textwidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule\relax #1} do the trick?
I'd like to know if it is possible to have the same output but with no argument, I mean, I'd like to use it simply as \begin{foo} contents \end{foo}.
@Sigur look at \usepackage{environ}
11:51 PM
@yo', I'm making tests. What I want is a framed box with maximal width and fixed height and the contents should be top flushed.
@Sigur oh well, the [t] won't "top-fliush" it, but align the first line with the baseline of the surrounding text
@yo', the figure is because I'm going to use it within an \item
as you don't have surrouding text, this is irrelevant
(and sorry, I have a different keyboard and I keep hitting enter all the time)
@Sigur and what's wrong with \item?
@yo', I agree. I deleted [t]
What you might use is \vbox to 6cm{#1\par\vfil}. Without the fil, you'll get underfull boxes. If you place the fil before #1, it will be bottom-flushed. If you place it in both places, it will be middled.
11:53 PM
@yo', nothing wrong. I want the framed box with width equal to \textwidth and inside \item it will produce overfull (I think). So this is why I used figure.
@Sigur well, but what's the point of the itemize then?
If you don't want the extra left margin, you maybe don't need a list.
@yo', I have a list and for each item I want such box. A kind of question and place to write answer.
@yo, here is the ouput (with showframe)
@Sigur well, that doesn't really look like a list. Wouldn't a Theorem-like environment look neater? With \usepackage{amsthm}\theoremstyle{definition}\newtheorem{problem}{Problem}? It would be more prominent where the Question/Problem/Task/... starts, with the bold title, and you wouldn't have to solve this mess. Also, note that [h] floats can float away, causing a mess.
Last but not least, if you have such a thing, you probably want \raggedbottom, and actually don't put a new paragraph before the box, but rather \\* (to make a new line and avoid linebreaks at the place)

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