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What the hell does "There's no line here to end." mean
Oh, it means I've got an end statement
That means nothing >.>
Still screwinig up
It would be REALLY nice if LaTeX's error messages were about the line it claims and not something 10 lines earlier. FFFFFFfffffffff
@Canageek That you used \\ improperly.
@egreg Got that
8 hours later…
@Canageek it can only report what it knows. (if the no line error is reported later you are presumably inside a fake environment such a tabularx that has grabbed its content?
Yay, Saturday!
Unanswered session tonight? Anyways, if tex.stackexchange.com/a/355653/586 and tex.stackexchange.com/a/355796/586 are worthy of an upvote, that's two off the list.
@TorbjørnT. Oh yes, I guess there should be
@PauloCereda I have to work
@JosephWright me too. :(
@JosephWright: Check out Yooka-Laylee when you have time. :)
@PauloCereda Yeah, and I forgot I promised to be somewhere at 9:00, now it's 10:30 :-(
@yo' oh no
@PauloCereda I mean I actually have to go in: we have a recruitment day
@TorbjørnT. Done!
@JosephWright Oh my
Couldn't you explode the whole lab?
@CarLaTeX Thanks.
@PauloCereda Might be considered bad form
@JosephWright ooh
@TorbjørnT. U r welcome, a thanksgiving for the help with tkz-euclide :):):)
@TorbjørnT. YES <3
@PauloCereda Do you know how Scrooge McDuck is called in Germany?
@ChristianHupfer No idea
@PauloCereda Dagobert Duck
@ChristianHupfer WAT
No way!
Well, in Portuguese it is Tio Patinhas. :)
Dagobert Duck (häufig auch Onkel Dagobert, Kosename Bertel, im englischen Original Scrooge McDuck oder Uncle Scrooge bzw. $crooge McDuck, Uncle $crooge; Kosename Scroogey) ist eine ursprünglich amerikanische Comicfigur in Entengestalt. Carl Barks, der einflussreichste Zeichner von Geschichten rund um die Familie Duck, erfand die Figur 1947; sie gilt als seine wichtigste Schöpfung. Nachdem Dagobert dabei zunächst nur gelegentlich als Nebenfigur in den Geschichten um seinen Neffen Donald Duck aufgetreten war, schrieb Barks in den 1950er Jahren immer mehr Geschichten mit Dagobert in der Hauptrolle…
@PauloCereda Tio is uncle, like in Spanish, and Patinhas.... means avaricious?
@ChristianHupfer Yes, Tio is Uncle. I don't know, Patinhas has no intrinsic meaning, it's probably a play on words with Pato (duck in Portuguese). Nothing so complex. :)
@PauloCereda Ah, I thought it would be some reference to Ebenezer Scrooge
@ChristianHupfer No, definitely no referencen.
@ChristianHupfer: I like his full name, Patinhas McPatinhas. :)
You know, I am a duck expert. :)
@PauloCereda DuckSomething McDuckSomething .. how poetical ;-)
@ChristianHupfer :)
@ChristianHupfer name mcname is of course a common naming construct. Adam McAdam = Adam son of Adam
@PauloCereda Funny, he doesn't seem to have a full name in the Czech translation, he's simply Uncle Scrooge (with Scrooge being translated perfectly to a nice Czech word Skrblík) (yes, we do pronounce 4 consonants in a row)
@DavidCarlisle Sigur Sigursson ... ;-)
@DavidCarlisle But Duck is not really a male first name, is it?
@ChristianHupfer duck's are very stupid animals it's not worth giving them individual names other than duck:-)
@yo' Even five, apparently
@DavidCarlisle Ok, I won't tell @PauloCereda that you think ducks are very stupid animals not worth giving individual names other than duck ;-)
@ChristianHupfer he's probably too busy working on his thesis to be chatting here.
@egreg oh, right :-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh, yes, I forgot, Paulo's 'Thesis' ;-)
@yo' ooh
@DavidCarlisle oh
@ChristianHupfer oh
@DavidCarlisle I was having biscuits. :)
2 hours later…
@JosephWright non-expandable document commands bite again:-) tex.stackexchange.com/questions/356814/…
@DavidCarlisle My fault. Sorry template world
@Johannes_B not entirely. It would have worked until recently and will probably work again next week.
@DavidCarlisle Good to hear. On the other hand, if the use-case is wrong, it should break somewhere.
@Johannes_B well you should only use NewDocumentCommand define document commands, but since we don't define what a document command is, there isn't clear statement of what is wrong and what is right. Probably we'll try to make such a statement, if there is a sensible definition, but in the meantime we have fallen back to the usual rule of just trying not to break existing stuff.
@DavidCarlisle \NewDocumentCommand should be used for user level functions, not for user level variables.
Q: Problem with imakeidx

PasI use % \usepackage{imakeidx} \makeindex \newcommand{\ii}[1]{{\it #1}} \newcommand{\nn}[1]{#1n}I % in the preamble and % \index{blablabla} \index{blablabla|nn} % in the text. So I run pdflatex and I get an index of names. My problem is that an indexed name which is in the text and in...

@egreg -- can you take a look at this one, please?
@egreg yes but the distinction isn't always clear (clear enough to make a testable rule)
@DavidCarlisle Let's blame Leslie
@egreg or whoever made \def define both sorts of things
@DavidCarlisle Heresy!
@DavidCarlisle Yes I saw
@DavidCarlisle I would do a release but need some decision on the FPU name
@JosephWright just do something and then everyone will agree you did well:-)
@DavidCarlisle Hmm
@JosephWright in other words: business as usual
@DavidCarlisle Yes, though we are I think getting more 'organised' (CI, new website, regular meetings, ...)
Q: Why do so many books indent all paragraphs except the first one in each chapter?

FoefirelordI've just looked through every printed book I've bought over the past year and noticed a curious pattern that I'd never given much thought until now (due to currently preparing a manuscript for publication). Why is it that some books (maybe all books?) don't indent the first paragraph directly a...

@Johannes_B why don't you put a comma before the first item in a list? :-)
@CarLaTeX Could you please forward the following message to Professore van Duck?

I very much appreciate you having shared a piece of cake on the occasion of my birthday. It is most gratifying to be thus honoured by two such outstanding representatives of the international duck community.

As ever an unwavering supporter of worldwide duckdom

Yours sincerely
Dr. Gert Fischer"
@JosephWright The newtx documentation contains the sentence "you have to be aware of an incompatibility between some babel code and the etoolbox command \AtEndPreamble". Do you have an idea what this refers to? Michael's packages (e.g. baskervaldx) go to some length not to use \AtEndPreamble if babel is not detected and this has curious side effects. See e.g. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/356770/…
@UlrikeFischer Professor van Duck is very pleased that Dr. Gert Fischer has enjoyed his message! Happy birthday! :):):)
@PauloCereda: ^^^^^ is also for you ;-).
@egreg -- i see you have closed the question on imakeidx as a duplicate, but the cited question doesn't explain how to handle an item that is cited in a footnote, and should get an "n" attached to the page number. it doesn't happen automatically, and i can come up with a ridiculously brief example file to demonstrate that.
@barbarabeeton Voted for reopening
@barbarabeeton On the other hand, closure by Community seems to say that the OP agreed with closing.
@barbarabeeton Besides, there's no example.
@egreg -- should edit in my example? (i'm not sure how closure by community gets decided; have you got a reference i can look at?)
Q: Can we clarify to the OP that their question is not yet closed and the duplicates are only suggestions?

animusonI keep seeing custom flags in the queue from question askers who are incredibly irritated because there is a big, prominent box at the top of their question. It's just a list of other questions which may have the answer they desire, and is only even displayed to them because the question is not c...

@egreg -- i don't disagree with the sentiment in the question you've linked, but there's a difference ... the answers there say that the notice is worded "This question may already have an answer here", with may clearly stated. the notice on the tex.sx question says "This question already has an answer here". definitive; no "may". so unless the op sees a different notice than the rest of us, it looks like this is a definitive closure.
in the meantime, i've experimented some more, and found that the coding used by the op does give the desired output, albeit with a warning from makeindex: "-- Conflicting entries: multiple encaps for the same page under same key." i still thing an answer explaining that would be useful.
@UlrikeFischer No idea: I'd need an example
@UlrikeFischer awww thank you!
@PauloCereda Added to Steam wishlist
@JosephWright It has the nostalgia feeling, as I am a huge Banjo-Kazooie fan (I have the original for Nintendo 64). It's a platform game.
@PauloCereda "somebody" sent me this link today youtube.com/watch?v=OOsqkQytHOs
@DavidCarlisle I guess I'll go with xfpu ...
@JosephWright fine with me
3 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer you around? do you understand the hyphenation example on the luatex list?
@DavidCarlisle Do you get the hyphenation?
@egreg yes (unless I set \ttfamily \hyphenchar\font=-1
@DavidCarlisle just looking at it. I get a hyphenation with miktex, but the format is older so I'm not quite sure if it the engine.
@DavidCarlisle And what's the hyphenchar after \setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono}?
@DavidCarlisle Bug in fontspec?
@egreg 45 but also in TL16.
@UlrikeFischer Yes
@egreg that's what i'd guess, but it's also 45 with xetex but no hyphens there
@DavidCarlisle Another interesting feature of LuaTeX 1.0
@egreg the manual says you shouldn't use hyphenchar in new documents:-)
@egreg perhaps I'm just tired but I don't see why hyphenation is suppressed in xetex if fontspec leaves the hyphenchar of the mono font as 45
@DavidCarlisle Try \begin{minipage}{0pt}\hspace{0pt}\verb+hyphenate hyphenate+\end{minipage}
The first is not hyphenated, because apparently there's something at the beginning that kills the \hspace{0pt}; but the second word is hyphenated.
It's fixed with \setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono}[HyphenChar=None]
@DavidCarlisle @egreg fontspec is not the problem. with \font\test={Latin Modern Mono} \def\verbatim@font{\test} I see the same difference.
@DavidCarlisle Apparently, LuaTeX has fixed the “bug” that inhibited hyphenation of the first word in a \verb context.
@UlrikeFischer yes but shouldn't fontspec have set hyphenchar to -1 when loading a mono font
@egreg this is too weird for this time of night:-)
@UlrikeFischer Yes, of course. In my opinion, fontspec should inhibit hyphenation in the monospaced font, like in standard LaTeX.
@DavidCarlisle Old people like you need to go to sleep early.
:-) and I'm in the true timezone as well:-)
@UlrikeFischer \DeclareFontFamily{OT1}{cmtt}{\hyphenchar \font\m@ne}
@DavidCarlisle @egreg one could certainly discuss it (or discuss if \verbatim@font should set it - relying on \ttfamily to do it is perhaps not the right thing), but it is not the cause of the actual difference.
@UlrikeFischer well it's part of the cause, i think if hyphenchar is -1 it doesn't break, the fact that it doesn't break in xetex with it being 45 is due to the effect @egreg just showed that (just) the first word has no hyphenation, there were some changes in 1.0 around what constituted a word boundary and hans added a parameter that gives some options
@egreg @UlrikeFischer the \hyphenationbounds settings...
\hyphenationbounds=1 makes it act as before
@DavidCarlisle Which is wrong anyway
@DavidCarlisle Ah I remember now. But imho setting hyphenchar would be better.
@UlrikeFischer yes just posted on list saying same (or verb could set the language to stop hyphenation even if the font normally had hyphenation)
@egreg yes, luatex is more rational here
@DavidCarlisle Setting the language to none might be done in standard LaTeX. In the past this would have been awkward because of missing standardization in language loading. Now the situation is better.
@egreg yes, will think about it. It's a shame you have to rely on an allocated language and that \language=-1 isn't a built in suppression, rather than just acting line =0
@DavidCarlisle setting the language sounds even better to me too.
@UlrikeFischer as egreg says main issues around policy of depending or not on babel language allocation, I suppose it could use \language\count19+1
@DavidCarlisle And if somebody allocates languages by hand, they're on their own.
@egreg yes but same is true if they redefine \box, not much you can do about that:-)
@egreg stick to feet and inches, safer than this si stuff
@DavidCarlisle I always imagine the joy of school children when they have to convert miles into yards. Or the reverse.
@DavidCarlisle Meanwhile, I'm closing the day at 320. Good night!

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