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3:31 AM
Yes@DavidCarlisle sorry, i should have shown the code
Hi chat
I have a poster presentation coming soon!
Its academic poster
I was thinking of making three columns and each column is divided into two parts
any suggestions?
4:13 AM
is this layout good one for poster making?
4:28 AM
@BAYMAX I'd say it's a fine layout, if it agrees with the logical structure of the material. Without knowing that, how could we say for sure?
Its mathematical in nature
(Yawn.) I always get up super early on Wednesdays and Thursdays because of an early morning lecture, but today I got up an hour earlier stil because I had forgotten to set my alarm clock back an hour. Damn this so-called daylight saving madness!
i think in the first text box i am planning to insert what the research i have done? or should i directly start with the project
and add the conclusion?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ha ha , how about a meditation ?
@BAYMAX If the top box is for text, you are going to get incredibly long lines of text? That is going to harm readability.
the top one is for title
4:32 AM
@BAYMAX I'd suggest writing the contents first, then experiment with various ways of arranging it on the page.
@BAYMAX Okay, that makes sense.
Gotta go, will spend the extra hour in my office doing … something … productive?
i was talking about the first box from left out of six boxes
good day!
4 hours later…
8:38 AM
8:54 AM
It's so... quiet in here...
@PauloCereda Quack
@JosephWright ooh another duck arrived
I don't like how some people have fought to incorporate Halloween as a Brazilian celebration. We never had this thing around here, but probably due to external influence, teenagers have been trying to do this from about 5 years...
@PauloCereda Today is holiday, qua qua!
@CarLaTeX yay!
@PauloCereda The same is Italy, a joy for shops and discos...
9:01 AM
@CarLaTeX oh :(
@PauloCereda I hope they don't adopt Anglo-Saxon tradition also for food!
@CarLaTeX We have some atrocities here as well...
@PauloCereda Let's stop them! :)
9:46 AM
@PauloCereda christmas and eastern are celebrated in brazil also due to "external influence" -- an it wasn't a friendly influence.
@UlrikeFischer Indeed. I always find it find the "White Christmas" thing. :)
1 hour later…
10:50 AM
@DavidCarlisle looks like the dungeon will be quite full
@JosephWright ooh
11:24 AM
@yo' ^^ yo!
Research ruins everything.
12:19 PM
@PauloCereda These researchers have never got a dog
@CarLaTeX or a duck. :)
Ducks are very huggable.
12:37 PM
@PauloCereda Of course! <3
1 hour later…
1:40 PM
@JosephWright how many?
@DavidCarlisle One pizza slice per person.
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle Currently a dozen
@JosephWright ooh
@DavidCarlisle: for large values of 12. :)
1:53 PM
@PauloCereda :)
@JosephWright You could bring your arara to the meeting and annoy @DavidCarlisle. :)
@DavidCarlisle That's larger than the dungeon, isn't it?
@egreg yes
@JosephWright seems to be the week for getting bug reports from famous people:-)
@DavidCarlisle ooh David Tennant
2:55 PM
@DavidCarlisle Yup
@DavidCarlisle I guess he's used to a cut-down plain set up!
@DavidCarlisle All very odd
@JosephWright now I'm getting curious. Where is a bug report?
@UlrikeFischer one in gnats from someone at microsoft and one in ho-tex from someone who's not in Holland:-)
3:14 PM
@DavidCarlisle I don't see a new bug in ho-tex and I have no idea how (and if) I can see bugs in gnats ;-)
3:26 PM
@DavidCarlisle ooh it's the Balmer guy
@UlrikeFischer ah it's just come to ho-tex mailing list sorry (archived at tug) gnats is latex-project.org/cgi-bin/ltxbugs2html
@PauloCereda more famous than him
@DavidCarlisle ooh Lamport
3:37 PM
@DavidCarlisle looking at the qbezier question: In the question the email address is hidden but later on in @egregs comment it is in the quoted part in the From and Reply-to line. I think there is a problem here.
@UlrikeFischer I noticed that, look now
@DavidCarlisle better ;-)
@egreg I forgot to warn you about that ^^^^ gnats is not too clever about quoted emails...
@DavidCarlisle I see
@egreg not that the address couldn't be guessed by anyone:-)
3:45 PM
@DavidCarlisle hmmm
@PauloCereda can you delete?
@JosephWright ^^
@DavidCarlisle I need @JosephWright. :( Joseph, could you zap my message?
@DavidCarlisle It was public on his page... sorry. :(
@PauloCereda yes probably but having just fought with gnats to delete it from the public view there best not to add more public versions....
@DavidCarlisle Understood, sorry.
4:09 PM
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda, @DavidCarlisle I've zapped
@DavidCarlisle I just need confirmation that everyone is happy with the Github plan ...
@JosephWright using gitlab now:-)
@DavidCarlisle I like it
@DavidCarlisle A different conversation (one for people doing paid software development!)
@PauloCereda well currently have only used the commandline git to push a new branch to a repo hosted (somewhere) but they have a self-hosted gitlab website over their git repo (somewhat bravely they gave me push access:-)
@DavidCarlisle Oooh
4:20 PM
@DavidCarlisle you are a very trustful person
@JosephWright still not sure how this is all supposed to pan out, if everyone just generates branches someone at some point has to merge the bits they want (but not me so that's all right:-)
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
@DavidCarlisle Gitflow perhaps?
@DavidCarlisle As long as you have some agreement ...
@JosephWright well, it's a mass of c++ about which I know very little but the documentation is written in something called latex about which I know something....
@DavidCarlisle Ah
@JosephWright we don't use tex here, but this is an outside collaboration and so tex appears:-)
4:25 PM
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle You also mainly don't use Git, right?
@JosephWright apart from some experiments with putting public files on github this is the only git use we have I think, all the main code is svn/trac/jenkins
Now GitHub kinda forces you to add a code of conduct to your repos.
@PauloCereda it does?
@DavidCarlisle yep
@PauloCereda just new ones? (I haven't seen any messages about needing to add anything to the ones I have)
4:29 PM
@PauloCereda No, they just encourage it
@DavidCarlisle for now, it's just a harmless warning. :)
@JosephWright "don't be evil" sort of thing. :)
@PauloCereda Unless I've missed anything very recent, at least
@PauloCereda They do point out why people need them, but depends on project scale
Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Our Pledge

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
The text goes on and on...
4:37 PM
@PauloCereda and at the end says "except vim users, who don't count"
@DavidCarlisle oh
@PauloCereda even vim users in who's who
@DavidCarlisle oh
Oh, wow, you opened up a whole new world for me. I will put them % everywhere, from now on! — thymaro 4 mins ago
^^ @egreg's new favourite ;)
@TeXnician LOL
2 hours later…
6:39 PM
@TeXnician And on the user's profile: BY NIGHT: I procrastinate a lot. He is definitely one of us!
There are LaTeX users that are even older than @DavidCarlisle and @egreg ;-)
Q: Why does command window say "use of \end does not match definition"?

Jonathan BennettHaving successfully compiled about 200 files for my website www.earlymoderntexts.com, I have run into four that won't compile, and I can't find out why. With each of them, the command window's complaints start with "use of \end doesn't match its definition", and I am bewildered by this; I can't ...

@ChristianHupfer @egreg seems older
@ChristianHupfer @DavidCarlisle While we were sightseeing in Padua, people on the tram gave him the seat!
@CarLaTeX I am only one person ;-) But understandable ;-) (That seat thingy :-P)
@ChristianHupfer I corrected :)
@ChristianHupfer They offer the seat to him and not to me, even if I'm a woman and only few years younger LOL
6:46 PM
@CarLaTeX one should always give up a seat to a lady
@DavidCarlisle Evidently, I look much younger!
@CarLaTeX time to give up your seat: the old man's arrived
@DavidCarlisle I see, he won't talk to me anymore since I told you this story LOL
7:32 PM
Hi, I use lualatex to compile and get ?? instead of a reference with the following code:
E=mc^2 \nonumber\\
E=mc^2 \label{eq1}
amsmath is included
is there something obvious I should have a look at? It works fine, if I place ht label behind a subsection
but not in the align environment
@JonasStein Did you compile twice? ;-)
even more
latexmk -c
@JonasStein Using that snippet in a small document with lualatex I get the correct equation number after two compilation runs
i fear it is something in my large preamble...
is the order of amspackages important?
@JonasStein No, I don't think so, but rather such packages that change the reference system, such as hyperref and cleveref. They must be loaded in that order.
7:48 PM
I use varioref, cleveref, hyperref... perhaps wrong order?
Q: Difference between ref, varioref and cleveref. Decision for a thesis

Jonas SteinHow can one make a quick decision what the best "ref" for a thesis in pdflatex with hyperref is? After a few hours reading I do not know more than ref is used by everyone who does not know about the other ~ref and works stable \vref varioref somehow works together with hyperref makes sometime...

I have to sort them...
@JonasStein Definitely wrong order. I never used varioref so far, but hyperref must be loaded before cleveref
and works! Thank you for pointing me to that!
@JonasStein Glad that it works. cleveref should be in almost any case the last package to be loaded at all
8:07 PM
@ChristianHupfer How is grid typesetting called in german? I forgot ;-(
8:29 PM
@UlrikeFischer registerhaltiger Satz?
@TeXnician thanks ;-)
9:13 PM
@TeXnician Oh... registerhaltiger Satz ... what could be more sexy than that term ;-)
2 hours later…
10:52 PM
Hi, has someone the original 67 MB texstudio 2.12.6 source file which was on sourceforge.net/projects/texstudio/files/texstudio/… ? It was changed recently and breaks my package. Besides that I would like to check what changes are between the two
Gentoo Linux verifies checksums before compiling and installing software and warned me that the checksum changed. Besides that 40 MB are missing.
@JonasStein how can an editor break a latex package? (assuming you mean a latex package)
11:27 PM
@DavidCarlisle A "Gentoo Linux package", not a Latex package.
Linux uses packages to install software. In the case of Gentoo a package is mostly a build script.
11:41 PM
@JonasStein ah I see (but no I don't know where you can find older sources:-)

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