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@cfr I want a cake. :(
@PauloCereda What type?
@JosephWright oh I actually haven't thought about it. :)
@PauloCereda Wondering what might survive a trip to Brazil: fruit cake perhaps ;)
@JosephWright :)
@Joseph: I have a friend from the north region who always tries to send food to their relatives through mail. :)
@PauloCereda I guess a “frittura di pesce” doesn't arrive in good health.
@egreg I guess not. :)
@egreg Only if the fried fish could swim... :)
@PauloCereda Self-delivery?
@egreg that would be interesting. :) Then the fish would perform some sort of 切腹 at arrival. :)
3 hours later…
@PauloCereda i want not to be an idiot that keeps losing things :-(
Thank you for listening, I think I'm gonna die.
@yo' -- some nasty germ got hold of you? (get better!)
@barbarabeeton that too. And this. And that thing as well. Sorry I just feel really down, I should probably stop communicating before I infect you.
@yo' -- well, i'm still trying to kick a rotten cold. still sniffling, but no longer sneezing. i hope everything gets better for you. i really want to see you in good spirits come the new year.
That's another thing. Was cold for more than a week. Finally it got better so I went for the choir workshop. And guess what? Everything seems wrong here.
I forgot a bag of clothes worth a lot f money somewhere. I got sick again so I'm not able to sing really, especially not in tenor people convinced me to go to. Almost all the music is in German which I hatr as a singing language. The kantor speaks German and nobody is translating quite often. This is not the most enjoyable weekend I tell you. Anyway, I hope you'll get better soon!
The point is, nothing serious happens, but still I'm feeling really down
@PauloCereda (Vegan) caaaakkkkkkkkeee. Maybe we should send @yo' some, too.
@JosephWright I posted my issue in this question tex.stackexchange.com/q/339942/2288 regarding graphicx clash with fontspec, I hope you can consider it.
@DiaaAbidou @JosephWright meant you can use \documentclass[draft]{...} rather than pass draft on \usepackage
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
@JosephWright we should make fontspec default to tuenc:-)
@DavidCarlisle I'm planning to look at some of this later on today
@JosephWright I didn't miss a reply re belowdisplayskip on luatex list did I? do you think it's worth asking again?
@DavidCarlisle No, didn't miss a response; no, probably not worth asking again: I'm sure this is deliberate (they've not noted any changes to logging in the 'differences from TeX90')
@DavidCarlisle I tried the class option draft, but it threw some ruler drawings at the end of every page, and I was lazy to reproduce it again and ask a question so I went for the graphicx solution as I found in tex.stackexchange.com/a/51894/2288. However, my question taught me something new about the preference of using tuenc option.
@JosephWright meanwhile another "interesting" mail on xetex list....
@DavidCarlisle Oh goodness
@DiaaAbidou the overfull rule corresponds to the "overfull box" messages in the log so you shouldn't have any of those in a final document anyway, but yes fontspec loading graphics was always rather unfortunate.
@yo', sorry sometimes it's what happened that we know, only God know what would have happened.
@DavidCarlisle I showed what I mean by the rulers I want to get rid of in this question tex.stackexchange.com/q/339974/2288 if you would like to help me.
@DiaaAbidou oh that sort of ruler I thought you meant a blob like \rule :-) Some weird Koma feature:-) I see Ulrike showed you can turn it off
@DavidCarlisle Good luck.
@egreg Indeed
@JosephWright What I'd like to see is convergence of XeTeX and LuaTeX.
@DavidCarlisle Either the world does what I want, or the world is wrong.
@egreg Will mail you
@egreg would make our lives simpler
@egreg, @DavidCarlisle See mail
@JosephWright yep
1 hour later…
Q: Why does LuaTeX plus breqn quadruple output of \text{} when in display-math mode?

NasserMWE needs to be compiled with LuaTeX to reproduce the problem: \documentclass[11pt]{report}% \usepackage{amsmath,mathtools} \usepackage{breqn} \begin{document} $J^{\ast} = \text{JFK} \to \text{NO} \to \text{SFO}$ \[ J^{\ast} = \text{JFK} \to \text{NO} \to \text{SFO} \] \...

@egreg ^^^ Guess I better try to fix that
@JosephWright Are you also maintaining breqn?
@egreg I'm involved to some extent
@egreg I can prod Will/Lars/Morten
palladium:forks joseph$ ls
acro		chemformula	ctex-kit	fontspec	publisher
biber		chemgreek	embrac		lualatex-math	substances
breqn		chemmacros	enotez		luaotfload	unicode-math
@egreg ^^^
@egreg Hmm, I did make the change in my fork: I better see what I can do
Hi! Does anybody know how I can change a biblatex preamble option in my .bbx file?
@dessert Huh? The .bbx is read as biblatex is loaded, then you can over-ride
OK, but how exactly? I tried \renewcommand*{\maxbibnames}{2} as well as \maxbibnames=2, without any avail…
@dessert Well no, they are internal so those are not the macro names, but what are you doing? Those are set in the \usepackage line if you want to override the values in the .bbx
Yes, exactly that's the problem: I need it the other way round, I want to override this \usepackage line option in the .bbx. The background is that I have a \printnames{labelname} in the .bbx which hat to use maxcitenames instead of maxbibnames.
@dessert Going to need a full example: I really don't follow what you are up to (the whole point of the ability to set in the \usepackage line is to allow local customisation)
OK, in my bibliography I need to have the citation form (Author 2016) as well as the normal bibliography form (Author, Adam: title, 2016). I achieved this roughly with \printnames{labelname}\usebibmacro{date+extrayear}, but of course this uses maxbibnames instead of maxcitenames, so I want to change this behaviour for just this line.
Or is there a way to obtain the citation form directly without having to construct it?
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda did you see someone tried to confuse me with Brazilian Portuguese, clearly not aware of my linguistic abilities!
quick question on latex: how do I make the d/dx appear halfway up the bracket instead of aligned with the fraction within it? \frac{d}{dx} \left(-\frac{x(1 + c)}{(1+cx^2)^2\sqrt{\frac{1-x^2}{1+cx^2}}}\right)
@Scruffy ? the inner and outer fractions and the () should all be aligned on the math axis?
@Scruffy ^^

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