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@yo' I'm fine and everyone I know too.
But mentally it's a bit difficult
Facebook create a system to say to your facebook's friends that you are in security
Police asked to everyone to stay home today and probably tomorow. All school and university are closed, ...
hard time
1 hour later…
How is every one from France (Paris). Hope they are all fine. Really very bad to see the sequence of events.
@RomainPicot: Good to know. Stay safe.
@HarishKumar Yes, even the sport association decide to cancel today's session so I'll stay home and go out only to buy food
@HarishKumar all my close friends in France are ok. But obviously, tens of close friends of someone are not :-(
%We are using MikTex 2.4 as LaTex typesetting system.
@RomainPicot: are you ok, pal?
@yo': Tom, are you safe too?
@PauloCereda in Prague :-) I mean, in Telč :-)
@PauloCereda Yes I'm ok ;-)
@yo' phew.
@RomainPicot phew.
@PauloCereda I'll just stay home this weekend
@RomainPicot One very good idea.
@RomainPicot I had no idea of what happened until I saw a highlight while watching Brazil's game yesterday night.
@PauloCereda for me, it was @StefanKottwitz asking me whether I'm safe here in the chat. Soon after, my Parisian friends started posting on FCB the "I'm safe" messages.
@yo' oh my.
@yo' of course. Lot of activity done by association are cancelled and everyone say "stay home" I try to not be stupid ;)
Bruno should be safe too, he is in the US.
@PauloCereda Haven't look the football game with France but seems that you can eared some explosion during the first half on the video
@RomainPicot Yes, I saw the highlight. It was spooky.
@PauloCereda I haven't look and don't want to. Even some people have post video from shooting (Or least said they have do it)
@RomainPicot Oh my.
@PauloCereda Yeah, some people are actualy stupid I think
@RomainPicot True that. But all are for a reason.
@Johannes_B We can always find a reason to be stupid ;-)
@RomainPicot :-)
@RomainPicot They are indeed. In the middle of the year, a famous country singer was involved in a severe car crash and died. One of the medical examiners filmed the autopsy and sent the video to a couple of friends via WhatsApp. The video spread like wind and the whole country had access to this shocking scenes, not to mention the unnecessary exposition.
@PauloCereda disgusting
@PauloCereda I hope the guy got punished.
@RomainPicot Indeed. People are idiots.
@Johannes_B That's another problem in Brazil: impunity is a trademark of this country. :(
@PauloCereda :-(
Tell me guys, should i go to the doctors? Do i need mental treatment?
I have to keep calm.
Please, can someone tell me i am not crazy?
@Johannes_B The voices inside my head can confirm you are not crazy. :)
Penguins are never crazy. :)
@PauloCereda ;-)
@PauloCereda on the other hand, i am a pipe smoking penguin.
@Johannes_B if a duck dressed as a bee tells you you are not crazy, you must be sane.
@DavidCarlisle :-D
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle we had the left right margin business the other day, can you check the commit Vel did? Please
@Johannes_B where?
@Johannes_B <- @DavidCarlisle
@Johannes_B oh Made outer margin smaller than inner as it should be sounds wrong...
Which of these is correct, please?
Assume a or b is coprime to c.
Assume a or b are coprime to c.
Assume a or b be coprime to c.
@DavidCarlisle So, i am not insane? Have you seen which fix he applied to ^^J?
@Johannes_B no just saw the combined commit log
@DavidCarlisle ok.
@Johannes_B I left a comment on the commit
@DavidCarlisle Thank you :-)
@DavidCarlisle Have you please got any idea on my (off-topic) English question above? I know you're English so I can't rely on you, but I happily will :-)
@yo' english "or" :( you really mean a or b or both but not neither ?
@DavidCarlisle yep. It's non-exclusive, so either cannot be used.
Would you suggest something like "Assume at least one of a, b is coprime to c."?
@yo' was just writing more or less that.
Off-topic, in my point of view:
Q: Remove class from element after some seconds

JamgreenOn an JS event, I add a class moved to an element. How can I remove this class after 1 second? I use Meteor.

@Johannes_B the redefinition of \cleardoublepage seems to serve no purpose other than to escape KOMA-Scripts compatibility mode…
or is just so ambiguous in natural language, always best to spell it out
@DavidCarlisle ok, I'll suggest this to the authors of the paper I review :-)
@clemens Is KOMA incolved here? Ha, scrlayer-scrpage
@Johannes_B \MessageBreak is better than ^^J in a package error message or warning, breaks the line with a (package-name) prefix
@clemens scrlayer-scrpage has no knowledge of \cleardoublepage
@Johannes_B The base class isn't a KOMA class?
@DavidCarlisle Forgot about \MessageBreak, i'll wait what Vel has to say.
@clemens No.
@Johannes_B ? that command is defined in the format?
@DavidCarlisle Sorry, the backslash there was wrong. There is a KOMA-option with the same name.
@Jasper: QUACK!
@PauloCereda Hi Paulo! I am still alive!
@Jasper Hi Jasper! Good to see you!
@Johannes_B ah
@Johannes_B I see… But it seems it tries to look like one, defining \cleardoublepage like KOMA does, defining \addsec and \addchap, preventing fancyhdr, loading scrbase and scrhack… Using scrbook in the first place would probably be a lot easier
@PauloCereda Are you using Fedora 23? I am using Linux Mint Debian Edition Cinnamon!
@Jasper I have it here, but I am eagerly waiting for the F23 packages in RPM Fusion. :)
The F23 RPM Fusion packages still point to Rawhide, so I am waiting. :)
@PauloCereda It is sad to me what GNOME has become. Luckily we have MATE.
They started the transition.
@Jasper To be honest, I am enjoying the newest version. I had Rawhide in one of my laptops and had the opportunity of testing new features. :) But it is a culture shock indeed. Some friends mentioned KDE5 is very polished too.
@PauloCereda I prefer GNOME to KDE 5, LOL.
@clemens The clearpage hack was there from the beginning, addchap and addsec emulate KOMA (undocumented though) because the functionality is needed by many, so i built it in. Using scrlayer-scrpage for the pagestyles because geometry is loaded in the class and fancyhdr doesn't cope that much with margin changes. ...
Since fancyhdr will be the package a user tries to use to change pagestyles, a more meaningful message is printed. scrbase for the freaking language strings (might as well have been translator since the class loads siunitx. scrhack because ... i can't remember. All in all, since this is going on since JUNE this was a huge waste of time.
@Jasper LOL
@clemens i was thinking about just using scrbook in june, but back then, fancyhdr was used which leads to a warning, which is confusing for a newcommer. Back then, i didn't know i would completely change that thing.
@Johannes_B is this the infamous thesis template?
@clemens Yes.
@Johannes_B OK, it's the history :)
@clemens This thing (and all forks) and the wikibooks. Delete them and start over.
@Johannes_B in the wikibook that's more or less what I'm doing (peace by peace)
Do you guys know that there is a new version of More Math into LaTeX coming out end of the year? I am looking forward to it.
@clemens Deleting, just deleting, would be better imho. @percusse said the wikibook is a reference book. We have texdoc latex2e. I thought more of the wikibook to be a guide for starters (and a reference), but we have texdoc lshort.
I prefer real books. =)
@clemens You mean piece by piece.
@Jasper oh, yes :)
@clemens At least you did not type piss by piss. =)
@Johannes_B is actually deleting the thing a realistic option?
@clemens I guess not, somebody will restore it.
@ChristianHupfer ^^ Das lumberjack
@Johannes_B I think so, too. And this means the next best thing is to improve it. I don't agree with @percusse that we should just let it be
@clemens No there should be fixes, but i agree that applying them is a waste of time. Just like the template. Or maybe i am going insane.
Hi, What is .clo file and how can I save it using the Texworks?
@user87834 it's the fontsize definition file. Why in the world would you modify it? It is probably deep in your LaTeX distribution. If you really want to modify it, you have to save a local copy. However, I doubt that this is what you really want.
@user87834 @yo' With KOMA-script, you can make your own for arbitrary sizes.
@Johannes_B and is it really the proper way to do it in KOMA?
@yo' Yes. You can define fontsize=11.3pt and KOMA is ok with it, but it will calculate the relative sizes for \large et al. on the fly each time. Generating an own clo and optimizing it is recommended. But nly for experienced users.
@Johannes_B I love your emphasis :)
@yo' I love templates ... !
Actually I am trying to run the thesis file using lyx and while compiling it I get the following error like "xyz.clo file is missing"
@user87834 @Johannes_B One for you :-)
@user87834 That is exactly the keyword
@yo' Pasta with tomato sauce and little Wiener Würstchen cut into it.
@user87834 Are you a member of the university of California?
@user87834 Are you writing in a langauge other than english?
why these questions are being asked?
@user87834 Because you use a template of one specific university to write your thesis (or whatever) at another place --- that does not sound like a good idea.
@user87834 I want you to save time. Using this class you will get into trouble you can't solve yourself. With that class, it will take you much longer to find a solution, even when asking a question on TeX.SX. The class is old and does strange stuff. I recommend to use memoir or a report class. Depending on what you university wants, a book class might be better.
I understand that... thanks
@user87834 I just looked through your last questions. All of them are related to a template not working properly. That is a trap many fall in. :-(
@user87834 clo stands for class option file, but I've used latex for 30 years and never felt the need to write one, are you sure you need to write one?
@Johannes_B sorry don't mind making a couple of comments but I'm not being tricked into maintaining a thesis class. My thesis was done on a typewriter:-)
@DavidCarlisle Just saw the comment. I wanted to write: can you check in \MessageBreak as well? I'm outta here.
Seems i am not.
@Johannes_B :-)
@PauloCereda: I received a fatty owl duck ;-)
@ChristianHupfer yay!
@PauloCereda: Thank you very much -- I wished the other fatty owl would have arrived but I think it's lost :-(
Back to work ...
@ChristianHupfer My pleasure. :) Let us wait, maybe it is stuck somewhere in the customs.
@PauloCereda I just realised you are a duck dressed as a bee.
@Jasper :)
@Johannes_B yes you are right I am stuck with the thesis template very badly. And trying hard to solve the problem.
@user87834 Honestly, there should be any problem. Standard LaTeX can do all you need. Any template makes restrictions and hence it is harder to change to your needs.
I am so nervous with these attacks. :(
@Johannes_B What are you trying to do exactly?
@cfr Clean up the mess.
@Johannes_B far from satisfactory :-(
@yo' Don't know if you have read that, but in my understanding using the original ecsthesis wasn't allowed.
@Johannes_B I don't know
Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 5 February 2015, version: 4.43a.
Latexmk: applying rule 'pdflatex'...
Rule 'pdflatex': File changes, etc:
   Changed files, or newly in use since previous run(s):
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'xelatex  -recorder  "kaiTrennung.tex"'
This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99992 (TeX Live 2015) (preloaded format=xelatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
17 seconds for 1 page?!
@yo' It hanged right after loading the format and before reading the tex, and once more after the aux was written at the very end. Opening a new terminal needs about 5 seconds, the sys-upgrade in april made me loose the ability to mv/cp/rm any files with spaces. I should really make a fresh install.
@yo' faster than 15 minutes per page:-) probably tex was looking at Donauschifffahrtsversicherungspolicenvertrag and trying to work out why there are no spaces in the sentence.
@DavidCarlisle Not a sentence, one word. ;-)
@yo' Sometimes when switching to another window, the screen is grey and gets build to show the actual contents from top to bottom in about three seconds. There is something eating up ressources.
@Johannes_B you're German: I don't expect you to distinguish between "sentence" and "word" :-)
@DavidCarlisle Ooh. Burn.
\fill [color=frenchblue] (0,0)--(1,0)--(1,2)--(0,2)--(0,0);
\fill [color=frenchred]  (2,0)--(3,0)--(3,2)--(2,2)--(2,0);
\fill [color=black]      (0,1.2)--(0,1.3)--(0.6,2)--(0.7,2)--(0,1.2);
@egreg nice, but why not --cycle in the end?
@yo' Just because. :)
If anybody is interested, look at the comments section: sharelatex.com/blog/2013/08/02/thesis-series-pt1.html
@egreg finally I posted an answer that I'm sure you agree with: tex.stackexchange.com/a/278240/1090
@DavidCarlisle Stealer
@egreg sorry I couldn't resist:-) I could make it cw so the powers don't frown on me.
@DavidCarlisle As a punishment, you'll upvote all my answers today and tomorrow. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle looking at the index from source2e.pdf and trying to follow a link ... i land on the title page. Makes it a bit hard to search for some commands.
Hello guys, okay?

I need help, how do I get references to the environment "thebibliography" appear in the summary?

Thank you!
@marcelolpjunior Hi! Can you make a small example?
I study at CTU in Prague and work at UCT in Prague. Oh, goodness.
@Johannes_B Is it bad that I feel proud I've convinced people to downvote? :-)
@yo' Not sure. I did follow your lead, but then i was thinking: If we get the wikibook improved, who upvotes the answer again?
@Johannes_B We edit it (anyway, if we manage to clean the wikibook, it is not a bad idea to edit the answer and mention it), then people can retract their votes. In my opinion, this fits into the downvote -> improve -> upvote policy of SE :)
@yo' Whenever i think now, let's take a look at the thing and improve it i get lost. I don't know where to start, i don't really think the order in which things are present is nice ... and then a template question gets it.
Oh look, a cookie.
@DavidCarlisle [2015/81/33 v1.2 LaTeX Kernel (System Dependent Parts)] Sensational date :-)
@Johannes_B He took the date Windows fetched. Gates' time
@egreg :-)
@yo' I didn't downvote, but I retracted my upvote from long ago.
@TorbjørnT. I thought that there was an upvote less :-)
@Johannes_B I wrote my course conclusion work in \LaTeX, the references used the environment "thebibliography" on page references appears the heading "References", but the summary does not appear the page references.
@marcelolpjunior Sorry, i am a bit confused here. Are you trying to include the bibliography in the table of contents?
try \usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind}. If that doesn't help, please post a short example as @egreg already said above.
@Johannes_B I will try here now, thank you.

Perhaps the confusion is my fault, I do not know English and use a translator.
@marcelolpjunior This happens. That is the good thing, we all use the same command: \tableofcontents which is something we all understand.
@Johannes_B He worked .... Many Thanks !!!I needed a lot of it and had never seen this package before ...
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle @egreg May i change? en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Basics#LaTeX_groups
@Johannes_B Well, the statement “The \begingroup and \endgroup commands are equivalent to opening brace and closing brace.” is quite wrong to begin with.
@egreg Just wanted to make sure. :-)
I'll do some grocery shopping, and then another little editing session :-)
@Johannes_B someone mentioned that the other day, I think it's fixed in the sources (@JosephWright seemed to know about it anyway:-)
@DavidCarlisle Noticed that, but i think it was another document. I can't remember, though.
@Johannes_B vvvv
$ svn blame ltdirchk.dtx | grep '/81/'
   784   carlisle %              [2015/81/33 v1.2 LaTeX Kernel (System Dependent Parts)]
@DavidCarlisle :-)
===LaTeX groups===
Sometimes a certain state shall be kept local, ''i.e.'' limiting its
scope. This can be done by enclosing the part to be changed locally in curly
braces. In certain occasions, using braces won't be possible. LaTeX provides
{{LaTeX/LaTeX|code=\bgroup}} and {{LaTeX/LaTeX|code=\egroup}} to begin and
end a group respectively.

normal text {\itshape walzing \bfseries Wombat} more normal text

normal text \bgroup\itshape walzing \bfseries Wombat\egroup{} more normal text
Not satisfied ^^^^^ :-(
Does anyone have any experience with the following error?
Can't call method "get_field" on an undefined value at /tmp/par-636672656573/cache-c198dfb38941e814f5331b149bc84facd9e9c2e6/inc/lib/Bib‌​er.pm line 2247.
I've tried deleting the cache which is pretty much the only thing I know how to do.
@Johannes_B -- looking through these answers, i see quite a few links that are dead. i've updated a couple of them, and as soon as the in-process issue of tugboat is out the door, i will attempt to find all the remaining dead links and update what i can. (i may choose to leave dead links for items that i think are dreadful, but many of these are actually good.)
@barbarabeeton Thank you. By the way, did you get my mail?
$ svn commit -m "apparently there is no month 81" ltdirchk.dtx
Sending        ltdirchk.dtx
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 911.
@Johannes_B ^^
@Johannes_B -- the last message i received from you was on thursday, and i answered it, with a (partial) draft of what i want to say about the latex wikibook. if you sent something later, either it didn't get to me, or i accidentally failed to accept it from spam bucket. but i've checked that, and don't see anything. so if you did send something later, please send it again.
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@barbarabeeton Indeed, there is a message by you which i haven't seen. It is marked as read, but i can't remember it.
@barbarabeeton The sentences addressing the wikibook are quite good :-)
@Johannes_B -- thanks. i'm not quite finished. i need to write another paragraph or so to fill the page, and i'm having trouble being polite.
@barbarabeeton "I'm having trouble being polite." -- I should remember this; it sounds like a useful sentence.
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@JosephWright apparently it was confusing our public...
@DavidCarlisle trunk?
@DavidCarlisle Nothing to say on all those ideas I've sent to the team list :-(
@JosephWright catching up..
@JosephWright yes?
@DavidCarlisle Ah, good, so no PL3 then ;-)
@JosephWright I think @Johannes_B will survive without an immediate patch release
@DavidCarlisle Of course :-) I just wondered skimming through the dtx files
Some of m friends have no news of some friends that was in the bataclan :-(
@barbarabeeton i know that feeling of trying to keep calm.
@RomainPicot sorry to hear that.
@RomainPicot Smartphone batteries are empty so fast. Let's just hope that is the reason.
@DavidCarlisle hard to hear for me too
@Johannes_B hope so
Or any idea how to troubleshoot such a Biber error? It is not general - I can run Biber on other documents. But it is giving me no indication of what or where something is wrong - except in the perl module, which seems unlikely as it works in other cases.
@cfr Googling for biber get_field error leads to two bug reports at SourceForge mentioning the error, but SF doesn't seem to work at the moment, so I can't read what's in them.
Meanwhile in Math.SE: "I'm confused how you are getting a -16x in there, how is it that after the isolation you can get a -16x? (x-8)^2 could only come out to be x^2+64 with my understanding.” The user's profile says “I'm a college student majoring in C#” :(
@egreg well...
@RomainPicot Of course 1=1²=(2-1)²=4+1=5. Everybody knows it.
@egreg It's obvious !
@egreg stick to teaching tex
@RomainPicot One hand has five fingers, after all!
@DavidCarlisle I see horrors also there. ;-)
@TorbjørnT. Thanks. It doesn't help, of course. But thanks for looking. I searched on the error and got 0 hits. Twice. So you have made significant progress as far as I'm concerned. It is in a document which uses refsection and Biber seems to think it is in section 5, but I'm not sure how it numbers sections. If it numbers them in order, that seems really, really unlikely as that would be early in the document and that's not changed in weeks.
@cfr While waiting for SF to get back online, I can show you the part that Google displays: imgur.com/DFarCr4 And as I'm still clutching at straws, you've tried deleting all temporary files? (Silly question, I know.)
@TorbjørnT. I actually tried switching to a different computer, transferring the source there and compiling but still got the same error when I got to Biber. Thanks for the image. I switched to Google and can get those hits, too. Using my usual search engine I got github.com/plk/biber/commit/… but I've no idea if that has any relevance yet or not. (I think I was searching on too much of the error before to get anything useful.)
@cfr Hm, I see. Do you get the error if you just compile one or two refsections, i.e. by adding \end{document} right after one of them?
@TorbjørnT. Not sure yet. I'm about to start testing. (I've been eating and catching buses for a bit so I had to stop troubleshooting.)
I suspect it is an error in my code or in my database. Question of finding it given that Biber is giving such an unhelpful error.
I take that back. Not clear at all...
This is the perl line giving the error:
my $bee = $be->get_field('entrytype');
@TorbjørnT. If I move \end{document} early enough, Biber works. But it fails when I add back stuff which definitely did work and which I've not changed.
@cfr Perhaps it's connected to a specific citation.
@cfr sounds a bit like a specific item in the database.
@TorbjørnT. It seems to have something to do with Kant.
@cfr If you want to, I can test with the offending bib-entry.
@TorbjørnT. Thanks. That would be great. I'm narrowing it down right now. (I have several Kant-related entries.)
@egreg goodness.
@TorbjørnT. The error appears to result from citing an entry using a key from its ids field. If I switch the key and the alias from the ids field in the bib entry, I avoid the error. But, of course, the whole point of using the ids field in the first place is so that you can use the keys in citations, so this smells like a bug. (Also, it worked fine until sometime very recently.)
@TorbjørnT. I think some recent changed has broken it. I'll see if I can come up with an MWE to post as a question and see if people agree. (Don't want to report a bug if it is my stupidity. Probably can't if sourceforge is down anyway.)
@cfr OK. SF is back up it seems, by the way.
@yo' Do your future chemists think like that? ;-)
@egreg not that bad. A typical thing is $2\cdot 2^n = 4^n$.
@yo' Or \frac{\sin x}{x}=\sin?
@egreg noooo! They are not stupid, just uneducated :-)
@yo' That's possibly a hoax.
btw, I already got one report on the thesis -- very positive! :-)
@yo' :)
@yo' -- that's excellent! keep it up.
@barbarabeeton I will try! :-)
TUG site down. :(
@egreg what's up?
@yo' I don't know.
Well, surely not the TUG website, because it's down :p
@yo' :)
@yo' Maybe maintenance or just a temporary breakdown. I wouldn't worry too much.
@egreg I do not worry too much, I'm just curious :)

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