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@Seth Where is that setting?
@Tim in change details
9 hours later…
@Seth: The link to your GPG key contains the name and email address you provided for that.
@ParanoidPanda signing the CoC is Ask Ubuntu specific requirement. You don't have such requirements elsewhere in the Stack Exchange network.
@jokerdino: So why isn't it enough to just give the moderator team a link to your LP account so that they can verify but nobody else gets to see your details?
I would expect it to be more flexible if it's AskUbuntu specific...
Because everyone gets to vote and not just the mod team.
I know, but couldn't the mod team just tell everybody that it was the case? Why does everybody have to see it? Wouldn't they believe the mods if they said it were done?
If you really want to protect your name and email, create a separate account for the case.
Yeah, I think I'm going to have to do that.
hi @Pilot6
@jokerdino hi
so late I forgot why I pinged you.
I got notified a second ago
That was some glitch
I pinged you like 25 minutes ago.
May be at that time I nominated myself or something and you saw it
hi guys..
@Pilot6 no, you nominated quite a bit earlier.
I pinged you to welcome you to chat, ha.
Never saw you in chat before.
hi @OluDouglas
I visit chats, but not too often
That's gonna change, right? :)
Atleast for you its not too often.. me its almost as if i do it once in 6months
If I am here I am always available to chat
mods do a lot of chatting
with other people, with each other, that sorta thing.
I know. I read it sometimes. But I do not chat just for chat. If there is something to discuss, I take part.
I need some advise guys
Why :-( ;-)
@Pilot6 maybe you should do what I do and lurk all day every day.
@OluDouglas what's up?
I'm a contestant and I'm thinking of pulling out.. I don't think I deserve to go thru but as per the current stats.. i can still make it (i think)
what do you think
should i stay or?
If I were you, I would want to showcase my consistent contributions to the site and try again next time we have an election.
@OluDouglas You can stay. Why not? If you are not elected this time, you can try again later. This is a good experience anyway.
@Pilot6 agreed
@jokerdino I agree
Experience is a good teacher
I can also withdraw, if there are many good candidates. I have 20k rep and can do something without being a mod. At the moment Videonauth is perfect for me. If there is someone else of this quality, I can withdraw.
@Pilot6 Wow this coming from you means a lot
I agree.. feller is shining...
Videonauth your performance is impressive
Mind if I weigh in? As someone who stood/lost in a AU election and won another election? ;p
I not mind :) you're welcome to shed enlightment
A lot of good moderators don't think they're up to it. There's a tipping point where "I can contribute more as a mod" than as a 20-30K user.
a good chunk of mod tools are just leveled up versions of the tools you would use as a 20-30K user
I'd you're pondering about pulling out though, you ought not to have signed up to start with. Now that you have, its worth considering once whether you want to go with it, or let the community decide
A lot of 'new' mod candidates also try to fill in the badges after the election starts, and go nuts on meta moderation activities. Don't - your overall contrbution's whats important
well filling in the badges would be a hard part within those few days
@Videonauth people try
its... ugly
@JourneymanGeek That is a good point. Let the community decide. My point was not to push out better candidates, if I see them.
well I don't, i go on with the stuff as usual, commenting editing, reviewing
At this point, you should be at the point where people look at you, and go "hey. this is one of my three'
@Pilot6 the primaries, if any, should weed that out
@Videonauth I've lost.. 3? 4? elections on SE
i know i have not much meta activity but i try to be more active there from now on, no reason to dig out old posts and answer them just for the sake of activity
usually cause someone asked me to stand ;p
@Videonauth Meta is useful - it gives you longer term visibility, and an insight into how the site works
it is but i doscovered it late and well now i always have a window open there too
I'd consider reading meta to be a essential thing for a mod
or if you're a high rep user, and want to influence the path the site takes
I too have been taken up with work.. sometimes its just hard to be around..
esp in countries down here
@OluDouglas the 'official' suggestion is half an hour a day.
Sounded easier said than done back those days
If you can't pop in for a little bit every day, well, not really worth standing for mod-ship
especially since new mods tend to have a short period of hyperactivity, exactly like puppies ;p
That i can... trouble comes in when there isn't an internet connection
@OluDouglas that's an important thing to consider - you're essentially managing a site - you're mostly the hands, and sometimes the eyes and ears
but as a high rep user, you can do many of those things or get it to a mod.
agreed.. @JourneymanGeek
@JourneymanGeek hehehe well that isnt the problem on my side :) i have more than plenty of time, and i spend it here
irregular internet access may make it difficult to be a mod
At my last job, I used to clear mod queues over lunch
so not a huge amount of time - I donno how big mod queues are, but rarely are you going to walk in and see a few hundred flags
if you do... well, panic.
but you're going to need to be consistant and insanely patient
and I consider someone complaining about you, and getting massively downvoted on MSE a rite of passage for a new mod ;)
double digits? yes. Triple? no.
I'd say under 20 is normal on SU
and a good chunk of those are obvious
20 is too little.
@jokerdino you guys clearly need more mods ;)
Unless one of these guys go crazy.
We maintain it in the mid double digit range.
that's plausible
it happens every day
Say, I know this is on a slightly different tack, but is there a way that the community can impeach a moderator for poor service or inadequate attention to the site?
A: Handling Calls to Remove a Moderator

Shog9Moderator Action Review Process After much discussion, debate, reflection, consultation, frustration, revelation, constipation and inspiration, we've settled on the following process for allowing a team of moderators to remove one of their own. It is, by necessity, somewhat formal: this process...

Has it ever happened?
VERY rare tho
@anonymous2 your one question quota has been used up.
It would be nice to know what that is. I won't ask, though, in case it means I'm not allowed to.
@anonymous2 I can't actually remember any of such incidents. But there are nearly a hundred sites in the network and it should have happened in one of them at some point of time.
@anonymous2 let me put it this way - its uncommon as heck, and typically there would be a ton of stuff you're not privy to. Mods resigning/retiring is more common.
and it would be kiiiinda obvious when a mod's crossed the line
Seriously, @jokerdino, you've really got me curious on that "one question quota" thing.
@anonymous2 that was just me goofing around. Ask away.
I wondered... :)
I thought of replying, "What's that?"
You wouldn't have been here to read the reply then. ;)
You would have kicked me out??
Oops, that was a question!
I am watching e-sports. Will be distracted.
@anonymous2 the closest to this I have seen was Richard's stepping down on Science Fiction & Fantasy.
Q: Why was a moderator on our Stack asked to step down?

SQBAs we all know by now, Richard is stepping down as a moderator for this Stack. As Richard notes both in his announcement and in chat, he was asked to step down by a community manager. After speaking with the powers-that-be, I have been offered a stark choice; jump ship or get pushed. and ...

Science Fiction & Fantasy has seen some terrible times.
It sounds like a hard site not to get opinion based questions and answers on.
But that's just my opinion. :)
@anonymous2 Science Fiction & Fantasy? Nah, they're actually pretty strong on references
Aside from click-baity titles, it's a pretty good stack
Okay, right. Science is observable, repeatable, able to be subject to experimentation...
I still haven't figured out how evolution fits in there, lol.
So @muru, have you seen your 2 good candidates?
@anonymous2 3
You'll want to pick 3, roughly ordered by preference
@JourneymanGeek I had said I wouldn't join the fray if I liked two candidates
@JourneymanGeek, refering to previous conversation.
@anonymous2 one, so far. Still observing the comments.
I wonder who that is...
I thought you had dropped a clue earlier about it, but I can't find it anymore.
Say, @muru, what do you think of Videonauth's nomination? He seems to have a lot of support in spite of low nomination score.
@JourneymanGeek Why am I not blocked out of nominating myself?
@jokerdino beats me.
I guess its an edge case?
Why should you be?
@anonymous2 he has a pretty good record for a newish user
@anonymous2 Videonauth looks solid so far, based on his recent activity. Problem is, he's not been around long enough for me to know he'll be around long enough after the election. :P
I see.
no one has a great candidate score
not that that reflects anything.
Tim isn't bad.
I've not interacted much with him
@JourneymanGeek maybe they trust the mods
Pilot6 has 38/40
@anonymous2 same problem with Tim. I'm not convinced he can spend enough time here too.
@jokerdino or they know better than to stand again?
I agree on Tim.
His record, though much longer on this site isn't as good as Videonauth's.
@JourneymanGeek yeah that's what I am talking about.
they trust us to know better.
@jokerdino just for kicks, do it. :P
I mean literally, would you stand for mod again, seeing the horrors you have faced? (jk)
let me see.
@JourneymanGeek definitely not
Oh, I see, you're already a mod?
@anonymous2 er... yeah?
Is there a way of telling apart from going to his main profile?
@anonymous2 not really
blue names
All mods are blue on chat no matter what the site.
Why is @muru blue?
(I for example am a mod on superuser here, and any views on this site should be taken with a appropriate quantity of NaCl)
he is mod on vim
Oh, I see... It's transferred.
@anonymous2 basically mods/10K+ users have powers across chat
there's some site specific stuff, and some room specific stuff
@anonymous2 you didn't know I was mod?
I guess I should really ask this in main chat, but what kinds of powers?
@jokerdino Well, I'm kind of new...
so I can, in theory do moddy things on AU's room, but I wouldn't unless I knew they were cool with it
@anonymous2 dealing with flagged posts, kicks, suspensions, and so on.
99% of chat modding is 'soft' stuff
@anonymous2 I feel bad.
I'm so sorry!
like letting people know when they're going out of line
Right. Like not knowing who their mods are? :)
Come to think of it, I do remember seeing your profile photo on the mods page, @jokerdino.
basically dealing with overheated arguements, inappropriate language and so on
@anonymous2 only on chat.se. chat.meta.se and chat.so are independent
6 hours later…
Did someone drop out already?
It seems to me there were 11 nominees, but now there are only 10.
@anonymous2 TheChosen...something
I think
Oh, TheChosenOne?
I know we're still a bit away from casting votes, but just out of curiosity, is it possible to cast only 1 vote for the 2 positions? For instance, if I only have enough knowledge of one of the candidates to cast a vote for.
Yes it is.
well one candidate pulled out but two new are coming
I've heard Panda's joining (I forget what the adjective is - I'm pretty sure it's not Pathetic.)
Who's the other?
@ByteCommander and @ParanoidPanda
Byte commander should be formidable competition.
Panda looks pretty good too.
Say, @Videonauth, it looks as though your rep has levelled off recently. Is that because you've been devoting more energy to the election, or is that just perceived, or is that because of the lost rep a couple days ago?
Or none of the above?
well i lost around 215 reputation from thar reputation recalculation and i spend today 100 points on two bounties
Ah, I see.
2 hours later…
Going to nominate myself and join the discussion here soon, probably right tomorrow.
1 hour later…
That's one clever user!

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