@ParanoidPanda signing the CoC is Ask Ubuntu specific requirement. You don't have such requirements elsewhere in the Stack Exchange network.
@jokerdino: So why isn't it enough to just give the moderator team a link to your LP account so that they can verify but nobody else gets to see your details?
I would expect it to be more flexible if it's AskUbuntu specific...
Because everyone gets to vote and not just the mod team.
I know, but couldn't the mod team just tell everybody that it was the case? Why does everybody have to see it? Wouldn't they believe the mods if they said it were done?
I can also withdraw, if there are many good candidates. I have 20k rep and can do something without being a mod. At the moment Videonauth is perfect for me. If there is someone else of this quality, I can withdraw.
A lot of good moderators don't think they're up to it. There's a tipping point where "I can contribute more as a mod" than as a 20-30K user.
a good chunk of mod tools are just leveled up versions of the tools you would use as a 20-30K user
I'd you're pondering about pulling out though, you ought not to have signed up to start with. Now that you have, its worth considering once whether you want to go with it, or let the community decide
A lot of 'new' mod candidates also try to fill in the badges after the election starts, and go nuts on meta moderation activities. Don't - your overall contrbution's whats important
i know i have not much meta activity but i try to be more active there from now on, no reason to dig out old posts and answer them just for the sake of activity
Say, I know this is on a slightly different tack, but is there a way that the community can impeach a moderator for poor service or inadequate attention to the site?
Moderator Action Review Process
After much discussion, debate, reflection, consultation, frustration, revelation, constipation and inspiration, we've settled on the following process for allowing a team of moderators to remove one of their own. It is, by necessity, somewhat formal: this process...
@anonymous2 I can't actually remember any of such incidents. But there are nearly a hundred sites in the network and it should have happened in one of them at some point of time.
@anonymous2 let me put it this way - its uncommon as heck, and typically there would be a ton of stuff you're not privy to. Mods resigning/retiring is more common.
and it would be kiiiinda obvious when a mod's crossed the line
As we all know by now, Richard is stepping down as a moderator for this Stack.
As Richard notes both in his announcement and in chat, he was asked to step down by a community manager.
After speaking with the powers-that-be, I have been offered a stark choice; jump ship or get pushed.
@anonymous2 Videonauth looks solid so far, based on his recent activity. Problem is, he's not been around long enough for me to know he'll be around long enough after the election. :P
I know we're still a bit away from casting votes, but just out of curiosity, is it possible to cast only 1 vote for the 2 positions? For instance, if I only have enough knowledge of one of the candidates to cast a vote for.
Say, @Videonauth, it looks as though your rep has levelled off recently. Is that because you've been devoting more energy to the election, or is that just perceived, or is that because of the lost rep a couple days ago?