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What would be the best way of trimming trailing lines that only contain whitespace?
@KritixiLithos What exactly do you mean? You can always do ÇÓ/d but I'm not sure that's exactly what you want
@DJMcMayhem Ah thanks, that's what I needed :)
Oh, great. :)
That solution is really nice because doubly negating it is much shorter then the obvious approach ç^ó*$/d
How does \z work?
Oh, it's extremely useful.
\ze and \zs include/exclude parts of the matched pattern from the substitution
So :s/\d\zs\d will remove every second number
And :s/\d\ze\d will remove every first number
And :s/\d\zs\d\ze\d will remove every middle number of three (so "123456" --> "1346")
Then how did you get the input e into the regex?
Ah, the argument is stored inside the a register
Ugh, It's getting really late, and I'm running on 3 hours of sleep. :/
Now that I'm looking closer at your submission, you didn't have a newline after the replacement. How does that work?
8 hours later…
@KritixiLithos One of the features in proudest of :) The macro implicitly ends any command
Amazing! I think I can use this to golf my submission down further :)
The cool thing about it is that it even applies several layers deep. For example, òçfoo/dd<CR>ò the carriage return and second d would both be filled in. And if it's at the end of the program, the ò would be too
Or another cool example is the 6th line of my keyboard answer: ç^/Ùòf T|v,r_
The ò is filled in by the end of the ç command
I have to say, pretty neat
@DJMcMayhem opinion on vim w/ gui?
@Riker I use Windows, so IMO absolutely essential.
Cmd sucks and I'm too lazy to install conemu or something like that
that makes sense lol
It sucks slightly less on 10, but I frequently use 10 and 7
Although even though I use gvim, I always do :set guioptions=
wat that do
Did you intentionally leave out what comes after the =, or is it supposed to look like that?
I think it's intentional
Yeah, that was on purpose. In English "set guioptions = nothing"
but why?
Just a sec, it's easier to show than tell
@Riker Default gvim:
With :set guioptions= :
s/defualt/default but with most of my settings and colorschemes
so you use gvim so you don't have to use vim in a terminal
and you turn off the rest of the GUI options
Yeah, but I still use it like vim, so no mouse, no GUI options, lots of :! command line stuff, etc.
Actually, not no mouse, but I generally avoid it
I still have :set mouse=all
Then what is the difference when using normal vim and gvim without the GUI options?
Normal vim is crippled by whatever terminal you happen to be using. If you have a sucky terminal, vim has to suck because it has no other option.
If you have a good terminal, then it's fine, but cmd is definitely not a good terminal
and because windows is shit, it forces its shitness onto vim
@DJMcMayhem what's that do?
Well, not just windows. Using vim in xterm is also a little weird
@Riker Enables mouse interaction in all the modes afaik
For example, even if you have :nnoremap <C-s> :w!<cr>, pressing <C-s> still hangs the process because xterm intercepts it before vim has a chance to process it
^^ yeah, ninja'd
wtf does nnoremap do
I keep seeing it
It's like map but doesn't suck
@DJMcMayhem I face similar problems with xquartz, a terminal emulator for macs.
Q: What are the differences between the map, noremap, abbrev and noreabbrev commands?

muruThese commands transform one set of keystrokes to another in some way, but I am somewhat fuzzy on which one is most appropriate for some situation. In addition, there are the ! variants of them as well. At the moment, my usage of them is pretty haphazard, so could I know what are the pitfalls ass...

If you're ever curious, I have all of my vim settings on github
I copied the inoremap kj <ESC> from your dotfiles
It's really useful
I definitely agree. :)
I didn't come up with it though
This is one of my favorite settings: nnoremap <C-z> :call ToggleFullscreen()<cr>
function! ToggleFullscreen()
  if &lines < 26 || &columns < 80
    "TODO: Check for linux version
    simalt ~x
    set lines=25 columns=80
What's the & do?
I wrote that a long time ago >_<
@DJMcMayhem what's the diff between normal mode, visual, select, and operator modes?
Oh wait, I remember! It means "The value of this setting"
normal is commands like :quit right
just normal :commands
Nope, normal is like hjkl dw jj Y p
@Riker That's command mode
what's visual and select then?
Do you know what visual mode is?
Visual gets triggered when you select something using V or v or something similar
And select is almost the same thing except pointless. I just pretend select mode doesn't exist
> I am a little confused because I don't understand why this mode was created: all I can see is that it is less convenient than visual mode and doesn't provide more features.
Hahaha, exactly
Wait, select is different from visual o_O
> select mode doesn't exist
@KritixiLithos what's select? :P
@Riker On the other hand, operator mode really useful/interesting. It's not generally something you'd learn about until you get to more advanced vim
oh cool
@Riker @DJMcMayhem pin pls
But anyway, it means the mode that you enter when you call an operator and a motion is pending. So if you press d, vim sits and waits for a motion in o mode
oh, cool
@DJMcMayhem can I have RO status
I need to be able to selfstar abuse
So try nnoremap w 2w and do dw
Aren't operator pending mode and motion similar?
It still just deletes a word but if you do onoremap w 2w then dw will delete two words
@KritixiLithos Yeah, somewhat
also, I keep thinking of nnoremap as somebody saying "no remap pls" with a stutter
@Riker btw do you use airline.vim? It shows when you are in normal/insert/visual mode
@KritixiLithos nope
I gtg
Cyall later
onoremap sounds like "o no remap pls nno remap no"
@DJMcMayhem cya

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