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12:06 AM
Something many don't know about persons who live on the street:
Physiological health is critical.
I've shared food and drink on pavement for five years, practically on a daily basis, and never got sick from that.
Mental health is a whole different matter.
Truly, persons who survive on street have bodily health.
Those without die quickly on street.
Something else about persons everywhere: We need porn.
When i rented a motel room for friends to take showers and sit on something soft for a change, all most really wanted was to use my computer to view nude bodies.
Of course i pretended to protest. "You can't use my computer to leave traces that i'll have to erase!"
One friend said "All part of a day's work."
I replied "Most days' work already."
Friend came back with "Guessed as much."
[And now i'll be banned, again.]
Before that, friends on pavement are as clever and devious as challenged. I rub shoulders with the brightest stars in academia and none surpasses my favorites on street.
Level of formal education is a matter of circumstance. I learned from the best by pure luck. Still am learning. But the ability to think carries over the spectrum.
My favo/urites on the street are true thinkers. Like i, brain damage and all.
And @Graylocke , you are welcome to my mind whenever you emerge. When my mind takes a break, though, i'm curious to know what you sense. (Also, you are not responsible for my mind but it has been eerie.)
^ wrong song, but good!
^another good miss. My hair was that long before i took sports by the horns.
I never took sports seriously in the grim sense. I just gave it my all, and long hair got in the way of vision.
When someone goes to the trouble of passing to me (talking multiple sports) i want to make it worth their while.
(Talking more than sports, to think of it, but long hair doesn't impede vision in other pursuits.)
(still looking for song)
(Ooh doesn't usually take this long.)
(Don't matter. It will take a lyrics search. Any music is better than none.)
I so enjoy Allman Bros even when i miss target.
And i'm the furthest thing from a good old southerner.
I come from the north pole. Born in a snow bank on hard granite.
But music comes from everywhere!
^ Another lucky strike. Not quite as good as Lesley Garrett doubling herself. But very good.
^ So beautiful. Inspired me to arrange this for instruments two octaves lower. Close harmonies aren't super easy at the low reaches.
Players need coaching and experimentation to make it work.
When it works, though, close harmonies at the bottom of the bass clef are etherial. They create overtones throughout the range.

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