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@flawr I think I found a simple way to do it. When generating Table 6 I add a unique \hypertarget automatically for each row, look for the appropriate cell in Table 4, and add the corresponding hyperlink there. To have the links without colour (that is, black) I use the option linkcolor=black in the hypertarget package. However, that makes all links black. I want links to sections etc dark green as they are now. Is there a way to have links with two different colours?
Actually, I'd rather have all links in the same colour, including those in Table 4. But then I need a link colour that looks nice in nornal links in the text and for links in Table 4, which has all sorts of background colours
Or use underline instead of colour for links. But that looks a bit ugly
6 hours later…
I'm not familiar with styling links, but I found this - it seems you can disable the styling by hyperref and just use the normal styling as before
ಠ_ಠ what are you doing at 4am
14 hours later…
@flawr Yes, that \hypersetup command can be used in the body of the document (not just in the preamble) and changes the stylng from that point on. The option colorlinks = true seems to be required at the preamble, but the color setting in the body works
Thanks! I have all the ingredients. Now I only need to find time :-)
@flawr ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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