@David Yes, that happens a lot with old answers :-)
In your note you say X+ has been removed. You could perhaps mention that Y+ can be used instead. Otherwise it appears I've removed the very important convolution operation. What would @flawr think? :-)
@Suever I had that in mind. If we see it pop often I'll include it. Anyway, for that challenge there's an answer taking the input in decimal; maybe that's allowed
@Suever Nice catch, thank you. Do I simply press "merge pull request"? I don't know much GitHub, I think I read there are two ways to incorporate pull requests
@Suever Today I was working on incorporating the contents of predefined-literal functions in the command-line help. (We talked about that some weeks ago). Turns out, it was already done! I didn't remember I had already done it. It wasn't working because instead of passing the structure that contains those literals to function genHelp.m I was passing the name of the file containing that structure.
So I fixed that and now it's working. For example:
>> matl -h gamma
Yg gamma, incomplete gamma or incomplete beta function
1--3 (1); 1
gamma / gammainc / betainc, depending on number of inpu
Zg logarithm of gamma or beta function
1--2 (1 / 2); 1
gammaln / betaln, depending on number of inpu
Oh. There's a but that removes the last two characters
@LuisMendo Oh that's beautiful! Thanks for doing that. Will be extremely helpful. The other benefit is that it allows you to search for predefined literals
Hmmmm how come matl -h 3600 doesn't find the pre-defined literal?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ A lot of times functions will automatically convert to ASCII as needed. If you want to be expilcit, you can use o to cast as a double
Things like 'abc'l+ will automatically convert to a number.
@Suever That's a predefined content of clipboard L, not of a predefined-literal function. I'll have to include those too
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ To add to what Suevver said: Uinterprets the string as a number. So '12'U will give number 12 (whereas '12'o will give [49 50], i.e. ASCII codes)
@quartata Do you think Pi (gamma offset by 1) would be more useful than gamma? Pi(x) is gamma(x+1), so it directly corresponds to factorial. I wasn't sure which one to include
@LuisMendo Well the main point for using Pi function instead would be to "overload" the function so it can do both factorial and gamma. But since factorial is two bytes anyways I don't think it would be as useful
I think sticking with Yg as gamma and :p for factorial is fine.
Jelly does have Pi but it's one byte there so it's more useful