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8:56 AM
I am going on a vacation so I bet there will be a lot of questions while I am away
There's a drought at the mo
No funny memes either
Have a good holiday though, where you off?
Nope haha
Almost the whole office is on leave today
Except us few hardworkers . (Pronounced dumbasses)
8:59 AM
@TheLethalCarrot Might go somewhere north or might just become lazy and spend the entire time playing vidya
Given how I haven't planned it all out, the latter seems to be more likely
Hahhaa not always bad though
You seen any funny meme today?
I needs them
That's what I'm gonan be doing at the weekend seeing as my GF is on a double shift
Haven't looked, stopped looking on freefolk for a bit, they were all a bit crap
Yeah same ol' crap
9:18 AM
9:46 AM
Lol, Jorah Mormont is Willas', Garlan's, Loras' and Margaery's uncle by marriage
Just saw that on r/asoiaf and confirmed it with wiki
Jorah's going to take over the Iron Throne you say?
"I am Jorah Mormont. You killed my niece and nephew. Prepare to die"

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