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8:39 AM
Q: Where exactly was Trystane murdered?

cdeWhere exactly was Trystane Martell, the Dornish prince (son of the Prince of Dorne, Doran Martell) murdered? Where was his boat at the time? Was it in the city of Sunspear, capital of Dorne, or Blackwater Bay, the harbor of King's Landing?

7 hours later…
3:24 PM
Q: Who Is The Three-Eyed Raven?

Deepak KamatThis question would make more sense to the book readers, and for the TV show watchers, this might contain possible spoilers so proceed on your own risk. We have been hearing about the Three-Eyed Raven in Game of Thrones since Bran met Jojen and Meera Reed and they set out to find him and eventu...


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