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@Catija I have been doing a bunch but we need more obviously
Q: Is removing the paper tag off the papercutting questions really necessary?

MattSo there were pending edits, which I rejected, to remove paper from the following questions: What medium should be kept beneath the paper for papercutting? and What is a proper tool for papercutting? The first is asking what they should be cutting paper on where the second is asking about wh...

Q: Should there be a generic `papercrafts` tag to cover all paper crafts like origami, kirigami, papercutting?

TheIndependentAquariusMy Reason: people interested in paper crafts should find these questions under 1 umbrella. The tag word is papercrafts. Someone suggested removing paper tag from my question. I thought papercraft might be a better tag and non ambiguous also. Should there be a generic papercrafts tag to cover ...

The color tag question has been edited into a completely different question now.
@Catija I hope you do not think I am being deliberately confrontational with you. I really just want to stimulate discussion to be sure we are doing the right thing. In some cases I just want to really understand peoples motivation. You are just one of the more active meta folks out there.
Nope. It's ok.
:D I like Meta.
@Catija I have a question then. Assuming it is a good idea how to we go about things liek PSA's? I know there has been a buzz about the use of downvotes. I would love to get a meta post favored so it is always there for people to see. Not the best at writing those things and covering all the bases.
@Matt that tool id has me so intrigued. I must know!
@CreationEdge I shall assume it is going to keep you up at night? So I could tell you if it would help
I was curious to see if anyone in the community recognized it. It is a trade that has not been discussed yet.
It makes me think of leatherworking or upholstery tools
Leatherworking yes.
It rhymes with Ace Utter
It's so obvious now. It looks so much like twine cutters I found
But the blade is facing up instead of down.
@CreationEdge Feel free to snag it. I recommend identifying it and a brief explanation on how it is used.
I just may. I've got some stuff on it already.
By the way, @Matt You might be interested in this meta.se question:
A: Can we group, constrain and add heirarchy to tags?

CatijaIf I'm understanding your question correctly, this would be very useful on sites like Movies & TV (and probably Sci-Fi & Fantasy). Right now M&TV has very strict rules against using director, actor, and genre tags unless the question is actually about that director, actor or genre. With only fiv...

I feel like what the op is asking for in that question is a little overboard and impossible to maintain without being nuts and confusing the end users. I suppose the simple question is are there things inherent to all paper craft where we could use a papercraft tag? This reminds me of using the powershell tag on SO. All the powershell questions need the tag but the version tag powershellv3.0 lets users know about the specific version.
If you are looking for powershell or powershellv3.0 you would find the question either way. Just another signpost. Tagging seems like such a more complex beast at every turn.
We don't get YT embedding?
that is somethign that has to be requested. It is not a huge performance hit but it is one nonetheless. Hold on I have a compensating control for this.
@CreationEdge Only sites with need for it. I think SFF and M&TV are two of only... five or so.
We wanted it on WW. I think you guys can see this.
Q: Enable YouTube embeds for Woodworking

Jason CEmbedded YouTube videos are possible on a per-site basis. I think Woodworking is a good site to enable them on, for various how-to videos and such, which are plentiful on YouTube. It'll also make it easier for answerers to shoot their own videos and include them in posts. I believe woodworking ...

A: Is it possible to embed videos in questions?

ᔕᖺᘎᕊCurrently, you can only embed YouTube videos on the sites Jeff mentioned here. You can put them on answers and questions. Here's an example question with a Youtube embed. (The sites currently are:) http://gaming.stackexchange.com http://music.stackexchange.com http://scifi.stackexchange.com h...

Read my answer which links to a Meta. It's really easy to work around this and unless we start to get nuts I don't think we need it.
Four sites. Gaming, music, SFF and M&TV.
A: Provide a way to embed videos in answers

Simon EastWhile you can't embed YouTube videos on SO or SF, you can embed a link and thumbnail, using code like this... [![Video thumbnail](https://img.youtube.com/vi/gUmMcecHN9s/mqdefault.jpg) **SAML101** on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUmMcecHN9s) Simply replace gUmMcecHN9s (in both p...

I just assumed it was because of the beta! Huh, never thought about it.
    [![Video thumbnail](img.youtube.com/vi/gUmMcecHN9s/mqdefault.jpg)
    **SAML101** on YouTube](youtube.com/watch?v=gUmMcecHN9s)

Simply replace gUmMcecHN9s (in both places) with the video ID of your choice and alter the caption.
It's wonky to get working sometimes, anyway. Has to be the full url, not the share url.
I forget the markdown in chat....
@CreationEdge They've been making more of the links work properly, including the timecode links. If you recommend them in Meta.SE, they sometimes activate them.
@Matt There's not any... just post the link.
@Catija I posted the WW meta, the Meta.Se that it links to and ultimately the code I used in my youtube answers.
@Catija I rarely use them, anyway. They take up a lot of space.
Its likely to come up a bunch here I think with people referencing videos on how to do a stitch or brush stroke or something. We are going to be a very visual SE
Everyone enjoying their Friday night on A&C Chat!
Okay, I think we've hit some confusion with the difference between paper cutting and cutting paper
One is a craft type, and one is an act used across many craft types.
How do we make clear?
is the craft. If you are just cutting paper then I would do and . @CreationEdge I think that would be a good idea.
@CreationEdge With a tag wiki.
Perhaps a meta would be in order so we have consensus and something to reference for something that will likely be a source of confusion later. Might be a good idea to edit the tag wiki for that as well. But no one will read it so I think the meta might be a good idea.
If we get it approved! lol
@Catija People barely read those as it is. We should still put it there though.
We can't prevent every confusing tag... that's what editing is for.
Oh I know. It can just feel futile at times. This is one of the more confusing ones. Especially where English is not a first language.
Or we looking using combo/meta tags like paper + cutting
Or ink + preservation
Sorry. I'm lost on your concept of meta tags again. You can have paper and not cut just in the same way you have cut something that is not paper.
A meta tag is a tag used to describe another tag or only be used in conjunction with another tag, and doesn't make sense on its own.
Like, you wouldn't have a question with only
You'd add or something.
@CreationEdge Ok. It was the idea of our meta A&C that was confusing me. I called them context tags.
Ah. On the SO Blog Atwood called them Meta tags.
Ok. Cool. There is so much to the SE Network. Havent been around all of it yet.
We have a lot of meta tags on SFF so it's brought up a lot.
We have a bunch on WW.SE
cutting is one of them.
*thumbs up*
So unless I am missing something I am pro meta tags
I feel like they're more necessary on these 2.0 sites
I would like to ensure we are using tags in the best way possible. I want to see several tags on questions but only where it is appropriate and justifiable.
This paper-crafting one really has be thinking.
Painting, woodworking, drawing, all have a "parent" name for every subtype.
But papercraft is a term for a certain type of craft, in my experience, and not just crafting with paper as the primary material.
For instance, kid's crafts with construction paper aren't what come to mind when I think of papercraft.
No I would think not.
paper-craft reminds me of this nintendo-papercraft.com
And now I want to do this: otakucrafts.blogspot.ca/2013/10/…
5 hours later…
@CreationEdge Finally got around to testing some markers on felt ;)

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