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Do you have a cluster?
that you can run the jobs on independently?
you are probably right ... :)
yes, I can work on a cluster
Because I find it interesting that you can specify the grid points manually for cubegen...
no, that is my own idea that I want to work on
"The value -5 says to read in an arbitrary list of points from standard input. If you enter this input by hand, terminate the input with an end-of-file (i.e., Ctrl-D under Unix). Alternatively, you can redirect standard input to a file containing the list of points (do not place a blank line or Ctrl-D at the end of the file).
so you could split up the 10-million grid points into, say, 100 chunks
and in the end have 100 cube files
that you combine in MMA
that would be ...
I've never used that functionality
but I would test it on a smaller molecule, like furan,
and then once you've gotten the syntax right, scale it up to the big molecule
I would not start with the big one, yes.
Ja, sorry to state the obvious
but in this way you could parallelize cubegen over multiple jobs on the cluster
indeed, that is probably the best solution so far
I found a way to speed it up in MMA, using the fact that you shouldn't have to recalculate the distances each time, there is a finite number of distances (it's a grid....)
so you calculate the distances once, store it as an array
I thought of this, too, but could not come up with a solution.
I also found some errors with my EucDist function. I replaced it with EuclideanDistance
then for each grid point to get the potential you multiply the density array by a portion of the distance array (really 1 divided by it), and use Total to take the sum
Shall I post my current version?
here in chat
I have something working, but still multiplying these huge arrays and taking the Total is more than .01 seconds, so slower than cubegen
let me see how fast I can get my version going, but in the end you are probably better off using cubegen on chunks.
Yeah post here so I can verify that my function gives the same as yours and see if it does end up being faster
vnuc[charges_, molecule_, xyz_] :=
  With[{distances =
     Map[EuclideanDistance[xyz, #] + 10^-7 &, molecule]},
ESP3[cub_] := Block[
  (* Definition der Variablen *)
  {nAtoms, xStart, yStart, zStart,
   xStep, dx, yStep, dy, zStep, dz, molecule, values, data, f, xVals,
   yVals, zVals, xyzVals},
  (* Einlesen der Parameter des Cube-
  Files *)
  {nAtoms, xStart, yStart, zStart} = cub[[3]];
  {xStep, dx} = cub[[4, 1 ;; 2]];
  {yStep, dy} = {cub[[5, 1]], cub[[5, 3]]};
sry ... text is german :)
living here 2 years and still I don't speak the language
but in Hamburg, almost everyone speaks english anyway
also - do you have a better solution than my 1xN-vector?
Okay, will try it and post an answer after I eat, but it probably won't be faster than cubegen
that was the easiest version that I came up with, instead of using the "real" grid
the version above takes 0.0039918 seconds per point
1 hour later…
Why do you add 10^-7 to all of the distances? the distances from the cube file are in atomic units..
Velec will else have to divide through zero
and MMA is not happy with that
right now, I'm at ~0.001 s/point ... wondering what the distances-matrix might bring ... and whatever you also might have been able to improve
at least for my silly test cube
I don't get nearly as fast as you are
I don't want to do all the grid points, so I took everything out of the function,
and I do ParallelMap[f, xyzVals[[;; 10]]]; // AbsoluteTiming
just on the first 10 data points,
it takes ~20 seconds
@JasonB maybe you are ... I was running my function on a smaller cube
how many cores do you have for parallisation?
@JasonB you can again change vnuc ... I think the EuclideanDistance is a little bit too slow
EucDist =
  Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}, {y, _Real, 1}}, Sqrt[Total[(x - y)^2]]];
vnuc[charges_, molecule_, xyz_] :=
  With[{distances = Map[EucDist[xyz, #] + 10^-7 &, molecule]},
I'm curious about the formula for the grid-based version
Did you write it or find it somewhere?
it seems that that trick with the small distance, can't be right
if you make that addition smaller, then the potential at any grid point will essentially be due only to the denisty at that point
if you made it 10^-15, then the contribution to the potential at that point would be huge
but the 10^-7 was arbitrary
you could have just as well chosen 10^-15
I thought that 10⁻7 was small enough
small ... little ... ?
right, but the smaller you make it, the closer you are to the divergence you were calculating......
Do you have a source for that formula, or a description anywhere of how to calculate this? I'm having trouble finding a formula online to look at
I wrote it myself
but I had someone confirming it ...
when I first saw it I was assuming that you just skipped over the atom in question, that is, that the summand j was over all grid points except i
@JasonB are you comparing your results with the esp file?
@JasonB I think, when you write ParallelMap[f, xyzVals[[;; 10]]] the results will not be the same as the first ten values from the given esp file, because you were neglecting much of the grid during the calculation as you only enter the first ten values of the grid.
if you want, I can give you a smaller cubefile, then you can use the whole grid for the calculation
It is same though, because what it is doing is determining the potential at those first ten grid points due to all the other grid points. Notice that in vnuc you still give it all the other grid points in the first two arguments. Essentially f[xyz] will always just give the potential at a single point.
I was thinking about it, and I really feel like you need to skip that particular point when calculating the potential, as that's the only way to avoid the infinities. The potential is defined as the force that a positive test charge would feel at that point, so if the positive test charge is at that point then there shouldn't be elctron density at that same point.
but that's just a handwaving argument, so it doesn't seem right
but what I can say is that if you make that arbitrary small value small enough, say 10^-15, then the potential at any point would depend **only ** on the density at that point
The CCL may be a decent place to ask this question
regarding the calculation of the esp only from the nuclear charges with another program
> Notice that at nuclear positions, this function will be infinite and may cause some numerical
problems in program, hence at these cases this function always returns 1000 instead of infinity.
wasn't it with ">" ... oô ... who cares ...

but then maybe I should do the same if dist=0, then 1000 ...
but those are nuclei, they don't spread out to take up the entire space....
You could calculate them separately, the "self potential" and the potential due to other grid points, they would be additive
Currently I try to think about a clever way to use the -5 option for cubegen
@JasonB GaussView does not seem to able to work with the meshes that cubgen produces with "-5" :/

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