@Joe No idea who freakonomics is, but having a seatbelt crossing you from the left and another crossing from the right, as car seats do, is safer than having only 1 in either direction.
@Ida Cops have a tendency to charge you depending on their mood. Had you gotten bitchy and went off on them, they might have gotten a little more ticket-happy, lol.
That said, I just find some of the laws to not stand the test of reason -- a creative reader of those laws could apply them to a petite individual regardless of whether they are 3 or 33... and there is precedence for unreasonable agents of law enforcement.
11 hours later…
@JeremyMiller Freakonomics was originally a book by Steve Leavitt and Stephen Dubner way back in like 2002, which spawned a podcast which is one of the 5 or so most popular podcasts out there. They use economics and statistics methodologies to analyze social issues and other things, including things like whether laws make sense.
6 hours later…
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