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Hey Eliah, what's up?
I think this is because people see Dropbox as a "good" site, but sites like the recently shut down Megaupload as "bad" sites, even in terms of security.
There has been a lot of controversy from this, and I don't want to start a firestorm in main chat about it.
I was mistaken on that - I thought the kernel was on dropbox, but apparently it's only a script, but still...
In that case (that the script was all that was on Dropbox), I'm even happier I didn't bring this up in main chat ...but I agree with you still, there's no reason for the script to be hosted in a way so untransparent.
I have a long-sitting draft on that bountied guitarpro-binary-deb question, that I want to change into a "how to explore an arbitrary deb before blindly dpkg -i'ing it"
Agreed, scripts need to be on pastebin/similar, with instructions to download/chmod it.
There's a meta question in which I argued that trusting sites like Dropbox even when there is no good reason to, will happen as a result of the prevailing mentality that "one-click download" type sites are especially dangerous.
I hate in that regard, because it wants you to launchpad register/login just to download the raw/plain text version of a paste
A: Use of Mediafire or Anonymous Hosting links in Answers

Eliah KaganI think we should allow these links, because I don't think links to file-sharing sites that don't require account creation actually pose a risk greater than other kinds of download links. There is no reason to think that links to sites that require creating an account (like Dropbox) are safer. T...

@izx Yeah, I don't think it should be necessary to register to download the raw version.
Perhaps there should also be some command-line utility that does the reverse of pastebinit.
Sorry, I should've linked to the question itself rather than specifically to my answer. Then you can see the huge wall of text for which I'm largely responsible, and understand why there were some negative reactions to the discussion as it developed.
@izx Don't most pastebin sites require that as well? Or is there another pastebin you can recommend over the standard (to us)
Eliah, I remember seeing that meta Q quite a few times a while ago, and thought there was nothing useful I could add :)
Eliah:, for one, doesn't
@izx Oh I did not realize that.
(also included as a "raw" link on their page)
I think I'll make a todo about opening a bug/wishlist about that for paste.ubuntu
FWIW, I re-read your answer to that q and agree 100%
One of my answers, towards the end, included a link to a tarball for a modified kernel module - now I put that on one of my own hosted sites, but 99% don't have that luxury, and don't have the time/patience/skill to attach it to a bug report, put it in a PPA, etc.
I came to realize from Bruno Pereira's comment in reply to rlemon's comment that this is not something we are currently likely to adopt a policy about. So I figured Jorge Castro was right that further discussion of it may not be all that productive.
Hopefully this will always be done case-by-case so that situation-specific judgments can always prevail. But as the site grows further, I fear it may come up again.
Oh you bet it will.
BTW, do you get that nice orange circle alert for "available" suggested edits on top?
No, I just see them in review. Should I see the orange circle? I thought that was just for 10k users, with the idea that if there are suggested edits languishing, 10k users may have the needed experience to figure out whether to approve or reject.
Do you see it?
I think you should, as a 10k user.
Yes, after 10k I do, but your reasoning seems spot-on.
I think it should be extended to other edit-approval-eligible users as well, though.
Part of it might be the idea (and I'm not trying to push this on you, I'm just wondering if this is part of the reasoning that went into the design decision) that users with beyond a certain level of experience have a special obligation to review edits. Having it there might be to coax 10k users into reviewing them, with the idea that when you see an orange circle with a number it, you just want to do something about it. ;-)
But perhaps it would be good for it to be there by default for 10k+ users, not there by default for lower rep users, and to be an option to enable/disable for any users with enough rep to review suggested edits.
Haha, that seems more likely than the "more experience" logic, btw
Is it worth opening up a meta Q about it, IYO?
because the only side effect would be to lighten the load on moderators
@izx Well, the "more experience" logic would suggest that suggested edits that have languished for more than a certain amount of time should appear as some kind of notification for 10k users, rather than all suggested edits.
@izx Yes, I think that's worth posting on meta about (maybe search first).
OK, will do...

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