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Interesting... I get the same options for "Flag" and "Close" -> Needs Improvement -> A community-specific reason -> then either of "Questions must demonstrate a reasonable amount of research...", "Questions about software development are off-topic...", "Questions asking to recommend...", "This question belongs on another site...", or "Other (add comment)"
... but no "blatant"
@bmike, any thoughts?
@AndyGriffiths I don’t recall that flag and only VLQ.
Also, blatantly off topic question should get a close vote instead of a flag and possibly a down vote if you think it’s a decent question and might get migrated somewhere else. No need to down vote something for it to land in the proper venue
@bmike It's not a question about the usage of options (the thought process leading to a decision), but that the options I have appear to have changed on the site. Just no blatantly off-topic choice (the one stating 'nothing to do with Apple hardware or related software').
I noticed that I couldn't select it when reviewing apple.stackexchange.com/questions/476285/… which you since closed as 'does not appear to be about Apple hardware or software within the scope defined in the help center'. That was the option that was unavailable to me. As I felt I could not use any of the other options to close I ended up skipping it.

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