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4:41 PM
grg has added an event to this room's schedule.
grg has removed an event from this room's schedule.
grg has added an event to this room's schedule.
5:09 PM
Pro Tip - back up all your devices while you learn about new features and hardware. Bonus - no betas on your only work / primary device.
5:56 PM
M twooooo
6:13 PM
hmmm… is this what Spaces had been waiting for ever since they ruined it with fullscreen…?
maybe not:\
I don’t understand Stage Manager at all, it’s just spaces but on the left and always visible?
seems to just waste desktop space. I don't get it either
Everybody has teeny screens, which is why they all use fullscreen. This doesn't help, imo.
I suppose it's better than split screen, which I've never used.
I use all of multiple desktops, full screen spaces and split screen. Can’t see where this new thing fits into that, which makes me think this is for people coming from iOS or something.
Yeah. I've always had dual 27", in pairs for Spaces. Never use fullscreen because it breaks key commands.
6:43 PM
& yes - added to iPadOS. Good call.
Just typing the same thing!
I didn't see any dates for all of this. Uk Apple STore not updated yet.
Anyway, my dinner time. Must be away, :)

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