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A new tag with 10 question. It has a tag-excerpt and a tag-wiki: "The question is about an algebraic identity and/or the answer uses algebraic identities."
Q: Functional equations satisfied by both sine and tangent functions.

SomosThe functional equation identity, (assuming also $\,f(-x)=-f(x)\,$ for all $\,x$), $$ f(a)f(b)f(a\!-\!b) + f(b)f(c)f(b\!-\!c) + f(c)f(a)f(c\!-\!a) + f(a\!-\!b)f(b\!-\!c)f(c\!-\!a) = 0 \tag{1}$$ for all $\,a,b,c\,$ has solutions $f(x)=k_1\sin(k_2\,x)$ and $f(x)=k_1\tan(k_2\,x)\,$ with $\,k_1,k_...

Q: If $a+b+c=0$, prove that $(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)^2=2(a^4 + b^4 + c^4)$

GreyCowWhen we break down the identity we have polynomial: $a^4 + b^4 + c^4 -2(a^2b^2 +a^2c^2 + b^2c^2)$ that we have to find zeros for. Obviously factor must be $a+b+c$ for this equation to be provable. But how to find factors,except dividing polynomial with $a+b+c$?

Q: Proving that $u_n(t)^2 - u_k(t)^2 = u_{n-k}(t)u_{n+k}(t)$ given a recurrence relation

Arthur_Kitsuragi$$u_0(t)=0, \ u_1(t) = 1, \ u_n(t) = tu_{n-1}(t) - u_{n-2}(t)$$ I need to prove that $u_n(t)^2 - u_k(t)^2 = u_{n-k}(t)u_{n+k}(t), \ k =0,1,\dots,n$. I tried to prove statement by induction: Let $u_{k'}(t)^2 - u_k(t)^2 = u_{k'-k}(t)u_{k'+k}(t)$. Then: $$\begin{split}u_{k' + 1}(t)^2 - u_k(t)^2 &= (...

Q: If $a^2,b^2,c^2$ are in Arithmetic Progression, prove that $b+c,c+a,a+b$ are in Harmonic Progression.

ronald christenkksonIf $a^2,b^2,c^2$ are in Arithmetic Progression, prove that $b+c,c+a,a+b$ are in Harmonic Progression. Arithmetic mean: $b^2=\dfrac{a^2+c^2}{2}$ Harmonic mean: $c+a=\dfrac{2(b+c)(a+b)}{(b+c)+(a+b)}$ $\Rightarrow c+a=\dfrac{2ab+2b^2+2ac+2bc}{a+2b+c}$ Plug in $b^2=\dfrac{a^2+c^2}{2}$ $\Rightarrow c+...

Q: If $a,b,c$ are in an A.P., and $b,c,d$ are in an H.P., show that $a,\dfrac{c^2}{d},c$ is in H.P. and $b,\dfrac{ad}{b},d$ is also in H.P.

ronald christenkksonIf $a,b,c$ are in an Arithmetical Progression, and $b,c,d$ are in an Harmonical Progression, show that $a,\dfrac{c^2}{d},c$ are in H.P. and $b,\dfrac{ad}{b},d$ are also in H.P. Arithmetical mean: $a+c=2b$ $c=2b-a \tag{1}$ Harmonical mean: $\dfrac{2bd}{b+d}=c$ Thus $\dfrac{2bd}{b+d}=c \Rightarrow...

Q: Algebraic relations between lemniscatic elliptic function addition formulae

Simplex_The question is in regards to the two lemniscatic elliptic functions, often called the 'sine lemniscate' and 'cosine lemniscate' functions. I have been trying to prove the following identity: \begin{align} \frac{sl(x) sl'(y) + sl'(x) sl(y)}{1 + sl(x)^2 sl(y)^2} \end{align} as equal to: \begin{ali...

Q: Prove: if $ax^2-bx+c$ and $dx^3-bx+c$ have a common factor, then $a^3-abd+cd^2=0$.

ronald christenkksonProve: if $ax^2-bx+c$ and $dx^3-bx+c$ have a common factor, then $a^3-abd+cd^2=0$. Not really sure how to proceed. I know that first I have to find the common factor. I guess it is $x-c$ because both expressions end with the constant $c$. Then plug in $x=c$ to get $ac^2-bc+c=0, c^3d-bc+c=0$. Henc...

Q: Proof of $a^3 - b^3 = c^3 + d^3$, where $a,b,c,d$ all rational?

Les McPheeReading Wikipedia article on Diophantus, it says in a book that survived that he makes reference to a lost book called Porisms and the theorem stated in the title: the difference between the cubes of any 2 rationals can be expressed as the sum of the cubes of 2 rationals. Anyone point me to this ...

Q: Find the value of ${a_n^2}+{b_n^2}+{c_n^2}-a_nb_n-b_nc_n-c_na_n$

user1131589 Let $$a_n=\binom{n}{0}+\binom{n}{3}+\binom{n}{6}+\cdots$$ $$b_n=\binom{n}{1}+\binom{n}{4}+\binom{n}{7}+\cdots$$ $$c_n=\binom{n}{2}+\binom{n}{5}+\binom{n}{8}+\cdots$$ Then find the value of $${a_n^2}+{b_n^2}+{c_n^2}-a_nb_n-b_nc_n-c_na_n$$ I wrote all expressions in a summation form but couldn't ...

Q: Symmetric polynomials and the Newton identities

AbelshI want to write $P(x,y,z)=yx^{3}+zx^{3}+xy^{3}+zy^{3}+xz^{3}+yz^{3}$ in terms of elementary symmetric polynomials, but I'm getting stuck at the first step. I know I should follow the proof of the fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials using the Newton identities. First I pick out the 'bi...

Q: Seeking elegant proof of $\sum_{cyc}\cot(x-y)\cot(y-z)=1$

anecdoteProblem The following identity is obvious: $$ \frac{1}{(x-y)(y-z)} + \frac{1}{(y-z)(z-x)} + \frac{1}{(z-x)(x-y)} = 0 $$ This post is for a trigonometric version in terms of cotangent: $$ \cot (x- y) \cot( y- z) + \cot( y-z) \cot( z - x) + \cot ( z- x) \cot ( x-y) = 1 $$ The following Mathematica ...

Q: Prove $\sin(\alpha -\beta)+\sin(\alpha-\gamma)+\sin(\beta-\gamma)=4\cos\frac{\alpha-\beta}{2}\sin\frac{\alpha-\gamma}{2}\cos\frac{\beta-\gamma}{2}$

James WarthingtonHere is a problem from Gelfand's Trigonometry: Let $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$ be any angle, show that $$\sin(\alpha -\beta)+\sin(\alpha-\gamma)+\sin(\beta-\gamma)=4\cos\left(\frac{\alpha-\beta}{2}\right)\sin\left(\frac{\alpha-\gamma}{2}\right)\cos\left(\frac{\beta-\gamma}{2}\right).$$ I have t...

Q: Prove that there are infinitely many triples $(𝑎,𝑏,𝑐)$ of integers such that $a^2+b^2+c^2=a^3+b^3+c^3$

Tom XiaI have already made the observation that since the domain is real numbers, $a^2+b^2+c^2$ the three terms is always positive but $a^3+b^3+c^3$ since its to an odd power can have negative terms implying that at least one of $a$, $b$ or $c$ must be negative.

A: Tag management 2016

Najib Idrissi Resolved: The tag has been removed from all questions. What on Earth is the tag algebraic-identities for? It seems to me that questions containing at least one equal sign get randomly tagged with it, including questions that have nothing to do with algebra. The tag excerpt (there's no tag wi...

3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak IMO, this tag is likely to be categorized as some prolific user attempting to add noises to the tag system for their own benefit, and there are already some precedents for inequality-related posts.
Plus, a considerable proportion of the now-so-tagged posts are of low quality. I'm clearing the tag from these posts now.
Cc @XanderHenderson
3 hours later…
A: Tag management 2023-present

SomosProposal: add tag algebraic-identities I know that there is already a tag algebraic-equations which is used for solving polynomial equations. That is, finding values of the variables which make the equations true. However, an algebraic identity is true for all values of the variables, and so ther...

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