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@XanderHenderson sorry to make you work and both tags, both were made before receiving your inmail. For the [finite-duration] tag, I hope you can read the paper ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4048613 before taking a decision. I believe that at least every classical mechanics model that includes friction should have a solution of this kind, however, so far, I have not found any example of solutions with its diff. eq. matching what is said on the paper. Hope you find it as interesting as I.
3 hours later…
@Joako The point is that it isn't my decision to make. It is a decision which should be made by the community, which is why we have a tag management thread.
Personally, I think that the tag is completely redundant, as you can already search for the phrase "bump function", so if it were up to me, I wouldn't have such a tag. But the community may feel differently, which is why you should put your proposal forward.
Regarding your other tag proposal, I don't see that it is likely to be useful, but it isn't my area of expertise, so I don't have an opinion to offer---make your case.
@XanderHenderson I cannot made any comment or against or in favor, since I found the topic actually searching for something I don´t fully understand and reaching the bump functions by exhaustion after seeing a lot of Wiki pages... If they are widely known things, surely some with a high background on math will find them easily.
I made it because I think their a quite specific but interesting, since it challenge the intuition of being smooth and analytical, which with my limited background I believe before where equivalent, but there is no way I can have an idea if they deserve to be a tag or not on the website I have just recently being involved.
I just made it because I believe it was something everyone with the enough reputation could do, and I feel there was a lot of specific related questions drifting in tags that does not fully group them.
From the Finite-Duration Tag, I understand it is not now in one person to decide, but I invite you all to read the paper "Finite Time Differential Equations" by V. T. Haimo (1985), first of all, since in my opinion is interesting, but also, because being a widely applicable theory, is quite unknown, and even challenges some ideas of Uniqueness I think are widely shared as true, so to few people is involved on it...
and my humble opinion, is that they could have the potential lift important discussions, at least in physics and engineering.
I also found it by accident, but this time I get impressed of how I never heard of them before in engineering, since they should be the most common kind of solutions, since effects in human scale commonly last a finite extension in time.
9 hours later…
@Joako I think that this is a rather unconvincing argument---if the tag is based on a term which occurs in one paper, then it is unlikely to be broad enough to be useful. And the community shouldn't have to read that paper in order to be convinced of the relevance of the tag.
The fact that people have not heard the term "finite duration" also augers against it as a tag, as tags should be the kind of large taxonomic categories which people have heard of.
@XanderHenderson It is my humble opinion, not meaning it is right. I don't have any relation with the paper, neither relation with any study group, research institition neither university or reputation interest. I just believe after reading it, that somehow the wide known matheamics areas has missing it, and it is an important topic since its applications in engineering so it is disserving a tag by its own. But because the same ignorance about it, I can't made the point if it isn't read before.
@XanderHenderson Think of it in this way... It is a topic about widespread known topic of ODEs, that someone highly involved as you in math it is not aware about it means a lot!... I am a nobody from nowhere, I know beforehand my opinion weight less than a fly. But think about it. How many solutions to diff. eq. have you seen that after a finite time they kept stuck at 0 forever after?... at least I have never see a pendulum that didn't stop moving after a few minutes.
You really aren't making your case. How does this tag help to organize and categorize the site?
"This is an interesting topic" doesn't address that issue at all.
I believe it deserve being spread. But is my opinion. I don't know what should be an argument to fulfill the sites standards at more than being used to look for them... my experience was looking for things like "time limited" and "finite time" though Google and MSE only finding piecewise cuts of functions, then I found things about "compact-support" and "bump functions", then someone in the answers use the term "finite duration" and through Google I found the paper...
...but different from bump functions which could have a lots of synonyms, there is none to finite duration solutions (which are very different from a piecewise section of a duncrion as multiplying them by a rectangular function) . I was using the tags for searching purpouse. Maybe if they are just for packing things, I am just wrong.
"This is an idea which needs to be more widely seen" is not a good reason to create a tag.
Tags are not billboards for advertising particular topics. That are organizational tools, which are meant to ease interaction with the site.
But, honestly, this is likely not the right venue for this discussion, because you don't need to convince me. You need to convince the community.
Which is what the tag management thread is for.
Should't be incorporated in a synonym neither?.. maybe I am mistaken, if someone could propose one I will use it without hesitate.
I don't understand your question.
If its not deserving to be a tag, I have see in other tags that shows synonyms on their descriptions for search purposes... they help to focus your searchs through the site... or they have to be a tag first?
That isn't how tag synonyms work.
If is made a synonym of , then essentially ceases to exist. If someone tries to tag a post with , it is replaced by when the post is submitted.
Tag synonyms don't really enable searching.
1 hour later…

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