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A new tag was created. This does not seem like a good tag name - I have removed it: math.stackexchange.com/posts/3695883/revisions
Two new tags and were created by kaka.
Q: Majorization of $(5,5,0) $ by $(10,0,0)$

kakaMajorization definition: $x $ is majorized by $y$ iff $x$ is in the convex hull of all the points formed by permuting the components of $y$. Question: $(5,5,0) $ is majorized by $(10,0,0)$ according to the alternate definition of majorization given at wikipedia. My confusion is: the convex hul...

4 hours later…
For the record, the tag has been manually removed as per what is suggested in this answer (since the community seems to have reached an unanimous agreement).
A: Tag management 2020

URLProposal: Remove gre-exam, gmat-exam. These are meta tags with very bare-bones tag wikis. Furthermore, there aren’t any other tags for important math exams, i.e. the IMO or USAMO, so why should we make an exception for these two?

I have missed that.
The tag is gone. The same post on meta mentioned also - that one is rather big.
Thanks for your effort to help with various aspects of the tag system on Mathematics, YuiTo Cheng!
Q: Using differentiation under integral sign, prove that $\int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-(x^2+\frac {a^2}{x^2})b^2} dx=\frac {\sqrt {\pi}}{2b} \cdot e^{-2ab^2}$

pi-πUsing differentiation under integral sign, prove that $\int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-(x^2+\frac {a^2}{x^2})b^2} dx=\frac {\sqrt {\pi}}{2b} \cdot e^{-2ab^2}$. My Attempt: Let, $$F(a)= \int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-(x^2+\frac {a^2}{x^2})b^2} dx$$ Differentiating both sides with respect to $a$ $$\frac {dF(a)}{da}=...

4 hours later…
Is there a tag for the Newton-Leibnitz rule?
1 hour later…
@sai-kartik I don't think there is. However, it seems to me that this would be too specific tag.
I'd guess that in such questions, and will probably be applicable.
@MartinSleziak Cool ! (I was just wondering..) Also should make a snug fit with such questions

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