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12:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

What happens if I cancel the deletion of my account? Will it still be deleted later on because you notified the moderators?
No, I didn't ask anyone to delete your account.
Why was my post on @LOTGP 's question undeleted? Why did nobody bother to delete it again?
Also, can I prevent someone from answering my question? I only want users with less than 50,000 reputation to be answer my question.
@Lypyrhythm Because you undeleted it, and because non-moderators can't delete upvoted answers.
If someone deletes my answer by tomorrow, I might reconsider leaving this website.
The only thing I enjoyed was designing puzzles.
@Lypyrhythm Not at a system level, but you can certainly ask for high-rep users not to answer, and we'll probably respect that. (I say "probably" because I can't speak for all of us.) It's been done before:
Q: A cipher for beginners

BarkerI have been lurking on puzzling.se for quite a while, but I never joined the community before because by the time I figured out any puzzles, someone else had already answered them. For that reason, I decided to put up this puzzle. It is pretty straight forward, so it won't be much challenge for...

I no longer want @MOehm to answer my questions.
Why not?
It's unfair.
@Lypyrhythm Why did you undelete it? It was already deleted: you always have the power to delete your own answers if you feel they're not good enough, and you did that but then undeleted it.
It was because of my frustration.
@MOehm Please don't answer my questions anymore, will you?
I voted to delete it in the review queue, respecting your wish to have it deleted, but that vote won't do anything now that the answer has a positive score.
@MOehm Why are you answering my questions in the first place? Out of all the questions on StackExchange, why did you have to choose mine?
Can I report a high-rep user to a moderator if he still answers my questions?
Has M Oehm actually answered any questions you've asked? Why him specifically?
What about my “Christmas Shopping” puzzle? He helped the others solve it. It's extremely unfair.
The puzzle isn't solved yet, is it?
@Lypyrhythm He answers a lot of questions, not only yours.
I don't think so.
People just answer the puzzles they are interested in and can manage to solve. I don't see how a community effort to solve a puzzle is toxic
I know, but why can't be avoid answering mine?
@Lypyrhythm Why do you feel it's unfair that this particular user should answer your questions?
Do you know him in real life or something?
Or did I miss a nasty exchange between you and him here on SE?
Is this about them answering my puzzle?
I heard people complaining about Deusovi a few years ago.
It's the same with @MOehm .
No, read my comments carefully and you will know what I mean.
11 mins ago, by Lypyrhythm
Also, can I prevent someone from answering my question? I only want users with less than 50,000 reputation to be answer my question.
By the way, this wouldn't exclude MOehm (yet).
I thought he had more than 50,000 reputation. I will say 5,000 instead.
He has around 48,000, so almost there.
It's unfair to let a person like him answer my puzzle. I am not going to waste my time creating puzzles again that @MOehm wants to answer.
I would like to suggest a tool that allows you to chose who is not allowed to answer your question.
You can stop @-ing him. I doubt he'll continue trying your day 5 puzzle.
It would be called “blacklisting.”
You can private message him if you want.
@MOehm You can stop answering my puzzle now.
Poor MOehm is going to log back in to a lot of notifications.
People like @LOTGP ought to answer my questions, but not @MOehm .
@Lypyrhythm And no, we can't. SE doesn't have a private message system (except for moderators to message users in very exceptional situations).
No offence to @MOehm . It's just unfair sometimes.
@Lypyrhythm That's never going to be implemented at a system level, but as I said, you're free to add that as a specification to particular puzzles.
Anyone from any other site on the SE network would probably find it completely unreasonable, but here on PSE we're a bit more understanding of odd requests.
So I should say: “@MOehm , please refrain from answering my question.”
PSE ought to become independent from the rest of the SE network.
We have too many special requests here.
A lot of our traffic comes from other SE sites.
Then sell PSE to another big company.
@Lypyrhythm At least the company has generally been amenable to them and understands that we're different/special.
@LukasRotter You didn't expect all this to happen, didn't you?
No one did
You might have known. My previous account (I forgot the name) was deleted because I could no longer bear StackOverflow.
Who is going to accept the correct answer when my account is gone?
@Randal'Thor Please do it for me, then. There is only one answer.
@Lypyrhythm No one. I'll just the award the 50-point bounty
Nobody can accept an answer when the OP's account is gone.
Is it common for people here to suddenly leave and delete their account?
It's not unknown, that's for sure.
One of the original PSE mods did it.
One of the original highest-rep PSE users (was even #1 in rep for some brief periods) also did.
@LukasRotter did too.
You could preemptively make an answer as correct, then the solution can be edited in later. But that may be confusing.
Are SE avatars generated randomly or do they belong to a set of default avatars?
@LOTGP Very.
@Lypyrhythm Generated
Can staff accept the answer for me?
@Lypyrhythm It's a hash of your email I believe.
or IP
@Lypyrhythm The automatically generated gravatars are a hash of some account info. Other avatars like mine or LOTGP's are user chosen.
@LukasRotter Is there an FAQ page on how SE avatars are generated? I would like to learn more about the algorithm.
@Lypyrhythm No.
Q: How is the default user avatar generated?

alextanscIs there a name for the default avatars that are generated for users who do not assign one themselves? Not the avatar of the blank user, but the one made up of shards, shapes, and colours: Is there an online generator for something like that? See also: How do I change my profile picture, or...

Not sure if it's outdated
its from 08 :o
I was about to link the same article lol
and it doesn't have an accepted answer, as the specific value used to generate the hash can vary
So hackers can use brute-force to find out my email address?
If it's still generated from a hash of your IP / email, I'm sure it's uncrackable in any realistic sense.
Hash algorithms are generally uncrackable by design, especially if the inputs vary as much as emails tend to.
They're "one-way", meaning you can't get the input from a given output
But if the input string is correct, the hash will be the same, unless you feed in a timestamp or something.
I know it's one-way only, that's why I'm asking.
Ultimately, it depends on how SE specifically implemented it.
They're probably salted (or something similar). I'd assume it would take an unfathomable amount of years to crack it by brute-force. It's not like they're using md5
Most users on PSE have programming experience, don't they?
But not google servers.
A good part likely do, but you'd need a lot more to be able to reverse a hash.
They discovered this website through StackOverflow, as you said earlier.
If people were spending the time and computing power to reverse hashes, they would not be using it to figure out the email addresses of SE users.
I'm not tech-savvy, but I'm pretty sure that's not feasible.
Otherwise all the very tech-savvy SE users would have raised a huge stink about it and got it changed.
@Randal'Thor Can you change my account name? I no longer want my name to be “Lypyrhythm.”
No I can't, but you can.
It can be changed in your profile section
Even while you're suspended on PSE, you can change your username on another site (like SO) and make sure that the change propagates network-wide.
The only thing I enjoyed doing on PSE is creating and sharing puzzles with others (expect @MOehm , of course), but I never enjoyed answering one.
I tried answering a question because I feared my account would be suspended if I posted too many questions, without contributing at all.
@Lypyrhythm No need to fear such a thing, there's absolutely nothing wrong with asking without answering. Especially here on PSE where asking often requires more skill than answering, and good puzzle creators are highly prized!
If PSE isn't about sharing knowledge, then why was PSE created in the first place?
It's more like a social media platform for puzzlers.
It's about providing an opportunity for people to create and solve puzzles.
@Lypyrhythm I guess that's one way to think about it.
PSE was originally intended to be a strict Q&A site for questions about puzzles. Over time, and with a lot of growing pains and battles within the community, it became largely a site for creating and solving puzzles interactively.
But the focus is on the puzzles, rather than on the individuals, so it avoids many of the trappings common in "true" social media.
All thanks to the brave soldiers of the Great Puzzling War™
It's more reminiscent of reddit than facebook or Instagram.
@LukasRotter salutes, stands to attention
Interesting, I wasn't aware of the history of the site.
Are most puzzles shared here user-created?
I believe so, but I haven't checked the numbers.
puzzles can also come from external sources
@Randal'Thor I heard users with a lot of reputation have access to the statistics of PSE. Do you know what percentage of puzzles here are user-created?
Not that kind of statistics.
Just things like number of questions/answers/votes per day or week.
Figuring out how many puzzles are user-created would require somebody to actually go and read all the questions to gather statistics.
Do I really have to cancel the deletion of my account in order to accept the answer?
Just looking through the most recent questions, it does seem that most, ~80%, are user generated.
Yes, there's no way an answer can be accepted after the OP has deleted their account.
This means I have to keep my account. If I do, I wouldn't want to change my name.
I am unwilling to change my decision, however. I want my account to be deleted.
Can I create a new account using the same email address?
Yes, but it wouldn't be re-associated with the posts made from your old deleted account.
Is there a way to get rid of the reputation? I wouldn't like anyone to follow me around.
I decided to keep my account for now. I would like to accept the answer later on.
I might want to leave this website afterwards.
I won't post anything there in the meantime.
I've had enough.
I wish him the best.
Should we delete the whole conversation?
That might not be a bad idea.
It is quite off topic
I tentatively took the Sunday slot this week, but if anyone else wants it I can move to a later date.
I may also move myself back if I can't come up with a good idea tonight or tomorrow.
478 messages moved from PSE Advent Calendar
2 hours later…
Someone should just buy me a rifle.
1 message moved from Mathematics
12:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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