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10:20 AM
@Scott Welcome to my world
Anyway i have a question
If i need a poster with that picture
1) Are my margins too small (might make arrows on rigt side shorter)
2) Aside from logo and some title does it need more stuff?
Size a2 or a1 if I need more text
10:42 AM
@Vincent Thaw?
11:30 AM
@joojaa I'm no Scott but here's my €0,02: Yes, the right margin is too tight. Especially so since the left margin (between (9) and paper edge) is visibly wider.
There is another thing that really bothers me: everything is parallel and aligning, except the arrows for (4) and (5). I'd make sure that all arrows on the right are exactly parallel and position the number labels as needed.
11:48 AM
ooof, the arrow on (5) is painful to watch 😀
@Vincent its just a layout mockup. But yeah im aware. The line snaps to the object apparent normal and cylindircal surfaces and slantend surfaces get a different normal. IM looking into how to disable the snapping so that i can align them.
Does it not feel too naked for you?
ITs tsill missing the wire harness
12:30 PM
@joojaa If it gets a title and a logo, I don't think it's naked. It's clean which is nice.
Consider making the strokes a little bolder than you want them on print. Hard to tell on the png, but some of the strokes looks a little thin. Might disappear a bit as they are negative.
@Wolff No they seem to print well 1:1 they are still 0.5 pt wide
@Vincent fixed the margins and line directions
12:49 PM
@Wolff I second this!
less is more
Looks very good now @joojaa
1:16 PM
@joojaa Nice! When the title is added it might be necessary to finetune the position of the legend.
1:33 PM
@Wolff Yeah, i noticed still need to do the wire harness image though
2 hours later…
3:17 PM
@Wolff would it be better if i would write the legen items on arrows instead of having it separate?
1 hour later…
4:35 PM
@joojaa Hmm ... it would make the drawing quicker to read. But I think it would make it too crowded. Especially at 10-13 where you would have to either move the circles so they didn't follow the axis anymore or write the text vertical. The latter would make the text and the lines sort of melt together and ruin the clearness of how the thingamajig is constructed.
You could try omitting the strokes in the table and instead put each number in a circle. That way there would be a clear connection between the encircled number in the drawing and in the legend. I would have to try it to make sure if it works.
5 hours later…
9:15 PM
@joojaa - I agree 110% with @Vincent on the first draft. For the second.. eh.. I might still make 9,8,7 arrows a tad more vertical and move everything left a bit more. I'm not a fan of the typeface for the legend, but that's just shear preference. I kind of also think a bit of line weight variation may help overall... i.e. make the arrows, circles and legend paths 2x the line weight of the drawing (again, just my preference)
I'd actually prefer the schematic to be thicker, but given its detail I suspect that's problematic. Having a bit of line variation would help separate the schematic from the legend visually.
I would also align the left edge of the legend with the right edge of that big quote mark. And make the 8 centered on the legends left edge (so it's a visual vertical between all 3)
I think if you make the 7,8,9 slightly more vertical you can center align the 9 on the left edge of the quote, then the 8 centered on the left edge of the legend. ...just oh so subtle alignments that add cohesiveness overall.
really just nitpicking though. Nice work!

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