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@JoonasIlmavirta @Cerberus Its mention of circadian rhythms, periods, and night owls makes it irresistible to share. nytimes.com/2017/10/04/opinion/…
I wonder if the author read our conversation and was inspired to write his own?
It's like everything we were talking about ended up on the Times.
2 hours later…
@ktm5124 I'm sure the Times follows our chat to get quick access to the most interesting stories and arbots.
Vero! Necesse est mihi dormire. Vale!
@Jasper I think that'd make a good question for the site if you can define what you mean by closeness of languages. Perhaps: "Which modern language has best mutual intelligibility with classical Latin?"
Or did you have some other kind of closeness in mind?
I second Joonas. Jasper, that would make a good question.
@ktm5124 Vale! Cur nuper experrectus te dormitum euntem video? Non memini an semper ita sit.
17 hours later…
@ktm5124 Were you planning to ask that menstrual question?
@JoonasIlmavirta Ah, I'm not sure, hehe.
It would be a tad embarrassing.
Perhaps, but it's not unreasonable.
After all, it is an everyday phenomenon.

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