1. Proof of Serre finiteness implies $S^n \to K(\Bbb Z, n)$ is an isomorphism on rational homotopy.
2. $(S^n \stackrel{d}{\to} S^n) \to (K(\Bbb Z, n) \stackrel{d}{\to} K(\Bbb Z, n))$ commutes, as you said, by tautology
3. Therefore, we get a map $S^n_{\Bbb Q} \to K(\Bbb Q, n)$, and the codomain is $K(\Bbb Q, n)$ because, as you said, since hocolim commutes with $\pi_*$
4. By (1), $S^n_{\Bbb Q} \to K(\Bbb Q, n)$ is an isomorphism in rational homotopy, because hocolimit and rational homotopy groups commute