Consider a relation $R \subseteq A \times B$, then:
$$R = G(f) \Leftrightarrow \forall x \in A, \exists !y \in B : xRy$$$$PROOF$$
with $f : A \to B$ application and $G(f)$ graph of $f$.
$\Rightarrow$) The application $f : A \to B$, by definition, associates with each element $x \in A$ and only one element $y \in B : f(x) = y$. Then it follows that:
$$(x,y) \in G(f) \Rightarrow (x,y) \in R \Rightarrow xRy.$$
$\Leftarrow$) We define a map $f : A \to B$ which makes every $x \in A$ correspond to the unique element $y \in B$ such that $xRy$. Therefore $y = f(x)$ is equivalent to $xRy$ and theref…