shin, if you take breaks you can avoid burnout. i usually need one every few hours, even if it's just for 10 or 15 minutes. or if you have multiple tasks, switch between them so you're not spending all day on one thing.
shin, without anything to break it up, i think the longest i've gone is maybe 9 months on one thing. i did get tired of it but did not quite reach the point of burning out.
i can get sort of mini-burned out on things that don't take up all of my time. i was spending about 1/2-2/3 of my time on the same matter in my current job for almost three years, and by the end i was insanely sick of it, even though it wasn't all of my time.
joe, the idealized book you're looking for may not exist. my knowledge is 10 years old i did not sense a lot of crossover between the QC folk notation/terminology and traditional linear algebra notation/terminology.
it does bother me a little, though. $(D-k)e^{\lambda x}=(\lambda-k)e^{\lambda x}\implies (D-k)^{-1}e^{\lambda x}=(\lambda-k)^{-1}e^{\lambda x}$ makes sense regardless of the values of $k,\lambda$
one of the drawbacks of a sufficiently new field where many of the luminaries just know everything and don't write out the translation into earlier language.
@Semiclassical To solve $(D-k)y=f$, it is better to use $y=e^{kx}\int e^{-kx}f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x$. The constant of integration gives the homogeneous solution.
She is eating a bit better. Keeping our fingers crossed. I am doing better. Still not really interested in food. We both are in the same boat as far as that goes.
i guess there's no reason to do expansion here tho. i'm really appealing to $De^{5x}=5e^{5x}\implies f(D)e^{5x}=f(5)e^{5x}$ and hoping that nothing explodes
i think it's because we rely more on takeout food or ingredients prepared by someone else. it is hard to find good produce in stores so we don't even bother a lot of the time. so we are just rolling the dice more with a lot of overworked people's food safety measures.
With pancreatitis, you don't want too much fat, as that stresses the pancreas. But you need to keep them eating and drinking. So if a bit of cheese gets her eating, I give her a bit of cheese.
good luck. we had a cat once with some kind of trouble with similar symptoms of not wanting to eat/drink yet needing to. it may have been the liver or kidneys and not the pancreas. i fed him water with an eyedropper for several weeks and he got better. lots of long nights.
she was throwing her pajamas on the cat today. i asked her to stop. she said "when i turn into a cat, livvy's going to throw my pajamas on ME" and then collapsed laughing. i asked when she was going to turn into a cat. she said "at 6:45." (this is one of the few times she knows, because it's dinner time)
it's a beautiful campus. SC itself used to be OK, a bit like berkeley without some of the harder edges. although i imagine it is gentrified to high heaven now, like everything else along the coast.
To my son :-). My offspring do not like me talking to people. Somehow I ended up chatting at length with the RAs (which I thought meant research assistant).
release from liability this. agree to arbitrate in kangaroo court that. agree to payments on life insurance policy on my entire family with UCSC as the beneficiary. the standard terms and conditions.
california has some law where they can't force you into an agreement to arbitrate as a condition of treatment in a hospital. i didn't know about this, but the intake paperwork for my daughter's leg had it in what i'm sure was the legal minimum size it could be printed.
i wouldn't play games with a hospital contract (all i had to do was tick a box saying i don't agree) but with less important form contracts i sometimes cross out terms i don't like as i initial the various pages. nobody ever looks at that stuff. not sure it would hold up in court but it would be a headache for somebody someday.
a few times i've been exposed to situations where a relatively unsophisticated party, e.g. inventor or entrepreneur, visits a big company, signs some NDA that might be two-way, gives a talk about some technological direction, the big company says we'll think about it, then rips it off, and if the little guy complains they get threatened with violating the NDA by supposedly stealing the idea from the company instead of the other way around.
@copper.hat None of my classmates at college ever needed to own one, there were various stationery shops around to get photocopies/prints etc. Everybody utilized the service.
we may have gotten them. i was not allowed into facility. only one parent could go in although the paperwork said we could both go. i had a fun time reading email on the ground floor.
as a kid i drew pictures exclusively on fanfold paper from some old machine at my dad's office that was on one of the news wires, printed on one side only. we had gobs of the stuff. never bought paper.
suppose we start with the following four unit vectors in the plane: $(1,0,0), (\cos \theta,\sin \theta,0), (\cos 2\theta,\sin 2\theta,0), (\cos 3\theta,\sin 3\theta,0)$
for simplicity, i'll specialize to two cases in particular $\theta=30^\circ, 150^\circ$. Note that we have $3\theta=90^\circ$ (mod 360 degrees) in both cases.
now, I'm reasonable confident of the following: given an arbitrary angle $\theta'$ between $30^\circ$ and $150^\circ$, i can find vectors which are at angle $\theta'$ with eath other and with $(1,0,0),(0,1,0)$
as a function of theta, yes. there's some redundancy to that---if you find one pair, you can rotate the sphere to get another one---but one pair should suffice
If $n = 1$ and $\theta < 90/(n+1)$ then out of luck, so we can assume that you only want a formula for $n \lt 90/\theta - 1$, right? That means there's a finite number of $n$ cases.
so fixing t, one circle is (cos(t), sin(t) cos(s), sin(t) sin(s)) and the other is (sin(t) cos(u), cos(t), sin(t) sin(u)), and you want to see if there are s and u for which the dot product of these is cos(t)
knowing that for some extreme values of t there won't be. do you want to identify the range of t for which there is a solution?
Sweet, thanks to the two starrers and watchers on github!
@copper.hat I will make it an awesome tools. I'm fixing about 3 bugs a day now since some bugs are harder than others. I'm almost into the nitty gritty - the logic / math code which will be done by graph matching using the networkx lib
It will slowly but surely be ported to C++ / Qt for the purpose of going mobile and speed of C++ 2D graphics scenes
It's nice to be able to prototype in Python though since it is releaseable once completed
@copper.hat not sure what you said: is what does well?
These bugs definitely matter: for instance the mouse grabbing and sticking to a control point indefinitely until you place another node, not even hitting escape will save you!
I mean people often focus on bugs as if real software does not have bugs. All software has bugs. So, focus on making it do something really good and don't worry about irrelevant edges.
I shouldn't rewrite the context-menu code feature then before beginning the main logic engine
The code feature would be making it easy to add/remove context menus for any type of object in the scene and it would also work on any selection of objects and display the right subset of the union of all the items' context menus
Quite a complext feature that only the maintainer will appreciate, so I'll skip the selected items context menu for now
i think i get the approach now, though. basically the construction one needs to use for angles 30 < theta <90 is different than the one for 90 < theta < 150
i don't quite get why it doesn't work otherwise but it doesn't work