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I was just reviewing a series on inner products, and it declared that Legendre Polynomials correspond to different pitches of musical notes. youtu.be/pYoGYQOXqTk?t=446 I can't find anything about this on the Wikipedia page, and everything I've learned about, i.e., sound synthesis, uses sines or cosines as a basis for sound. Is there an alternative framework where Legendre Polynomials can be used as a basis for sound, or is the idea just that you can theoretically approximate the sines
or cosines using Legendre Polynomials in a Maclaruin-Series-ish way?
i haven't clicked in but he might just be analogizing orthogonal polynomials to notes. it is a common analogy.
well, i did click in to see if the person was like, some guy in his garage surrounded by guitars, or a math instructor.
but i'm listening to music and the music can't stop
when i say 'common analogy,' haha. as common as the good old discussions of legendre polynomials. but, once i've heard before. and maybe used.
for purposes of the analogy i've heard, which might not be his, they don't really have to be polynomials, i think you want them to be orthogonal, and also complete in the norm induced by the inner product, so you can decompose all of your 'sounds' or signals or whatever you want to call them into your 'notes' for the analogy.
I guess a decomposition into Legendre Polynomials would be more like a Maclaurin/Taylor series in that sounds would converge at a point rather than a region like in the Fourier case, which might be bad.
When you're free @TedShifrin , give me a ping. I wanted to tie up some loose ends on two problems of yours that I was working on and I feel I'm almost done. But I'm stuck at the last steps
actually I'm sure you could help me @leslietownes with one of them since it is specific to section of the book....actually you might be able to help with both....
when i was in college i knew a guy who tweaked around with stereo equipment and guitar amps and things. someone had told him somewhere that things would sound better if his speaker box was dimensioned like the 'golden ratio.' so he made one. i remember googling it and there was TONS of this stuff out there from people in acoustics and sound design about it. including lines of amps you can buy that do this.
they tend to cite the ancient greeks or just random stuff about intervals of sound so i assume it is all BS, or a classic case of, sometimes we don't want things too narrow or square either.
but i dunno.
dc3rd i'm certainly here, may be kind of mentally in and out but here.
that actually sound interesting whetehr the golden ratio would actually make a difference in terms of sound
Sounds like good fun at the least.
I'll ask you the topological one first then. Specifically I'm showing $X \times Y = \{(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) \in \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^p: \mathbf{x} \in X \ \text{and}\ \mathbf{y} \in Y\}$ is a $(k + l)$ dimensional manifold. Given the assumption that $X$ and $Y$ individually are $k$ and $l$ dimensional manifolds respectively.
there's a lot of stuff in sound where if you go too far in any one direction it sounds bad, but somewhere in the middle is just right. a lot of the golden ratio in visual art is basically (1) it being shoehorned into works that weren't based on it if you actually measure them, or (2) a trend beginning i think in the 1700s or 1800s (when it really took off) where artists thought it was what they were supposed to use.
so an excuse to use "math" and seem "superior" just for the sake of it
Shoot, now I want to patch together a Legendre Polynomial software synth, and also visualize what happens when you take a Taylor approximation of a Fourier approximation of a Taylor approximation of a Fourier approximation, etc., of some function. The useless programming projects proliferate :/
i mean hey if it looks or sounds fine, just do it i guess.
with regards to my question:

by assumption $(x_{n-(k+1)}, \dots x_n) = \phi_X(x_1, \dots, x_k)$ and $(y_{p-(l+1)}, \dots y_p) = \phi_Y(y_1, \dots, y_l)$ are $\mathcal{C}^1$ graphs.

I defined $\phi_{X \times Y}(\phi_X, \phi_Y) = (x_{n-(k+1)}, \dots x_n, y_{p-(l+1)}, \dots y_p)$. This is a composition of $\mathcal{C}^1$ functions so it is itself $\mathcal{C}^1$
But is this enough to claim that $X \times Y$ is a $(k+l)$ manifold? since I have said graph of it?
are they graphs? do you mean charts? are charts graphs?
no using of charts around here at the moment....trying to keep it simple.
how is manifold defined? this is frightening me.
so I kinda "know" what charts are, but for the moment assume I'm completely naieve to the idea of charts
is the unit circle in R^2 a graph?
is there a textbook i can look at? i do know books treat and annotate this stuff slightly differently but i'm a little at sea here.
if you have Ted's book on Multivariable mathematics it is defined on pg 192
if ted were here i think he'd be yelling at one of us by now.
oh crap, it's ted's book.
but if not I'm writing the definition for you now
@leslietownes he would......lol....that's why I'm here cowering....🤣
manifold is defined as the set $M = f^{-1}({c})$, where at each point $a \in M$ we can locally represent $M$ as a graph over one of the $n$ coordinate hyperplanes.
ok. locally. this is starting to make more sense. and f is a real valued function on something?
and more thoroughly: a subset $M$ is an $(n-m)$ manifold if each point has a nbhd that is a $\mathcal{C}^1$ graph over the $(n-m)$ dimensional coordinate plane.
I'm waiting for Ted to come in hot and just shoot down my idea with a quick witted remark......I've become Pavlonian to his reactions....
well whatever f is a function on and hypotheses are on f the key here is locally. like our friend the unit circle is a 1 manifold but isn't a graph of any function of one variable. you can do the stuff like sqrt(1-x^2) and -sqrt(1-x^2) or even the graphs of sqrt(1-y^2) and -sqrt(1 - y^2) but we maybe needed both coordinate axes to graph with because sqrt(1-x^2) for example isn't C^1 at -1 or 1 and nor is its flipped cousin.
but around any point on the circle there's one of these graphs, where it's on it and the function is C^1 around it.
i'm not so much formlaly trying to engage with ted's definition which i still haven't seen all of, just trying to use graph the way normal people use it in calc 1.
if you go back to that locally business, proofs for basic stuff stay local. so here for example, to show X x Y is a manifold by whatever definition, might pick a point (p,q) in XxY and try to show that, at least somewhere near there we've got what we need.
where we might use different things at different points.
so your idea is kind of sound as a vibe but all of this definitional stuff really matters.
So it seems it would require me to be more detailed in what I defined. Specifically near whichever of the trouble points I may encounter we would use one of the given two graphs to deal with the point
it'll be something like, we need to show X x Y is locally whatever. pick any (p,q) in X x Y. because p is in X and X is assumed to be a manifold, we have some cool googles we can put on so X looks like a graph around p.
and same with Y. and then (this was your vibe) somehow just show you can stitch that data together because all we're doing is cartesian producting here.
to get whatever we'd better have at (p,q) if X x Y is going to be a manifold.
i think i could get a C in ted's class just with what i wrote above. he would have to acknowledge my attempts.
C on this problem. partial credit. not a C in his class, that's out of reach.
it would be like 'please try harder, come to office hours, 5/10'
Ok. I'll rewrite what I did and fiddle with details. I had another question, but it just messy algebra.
let's someone scroll that away so it's not on his screen when he gets back.
more of the lines?
mah...I put that one to bed for now...This was the onew where I had to plug and chug:

have this level curve $f(x,y) = 4y^3 - 3y - x = 0 $

given this as one of the local graphs $\phi_2(x) = \cos(\frac{1}{3}\arccos(x)),\ x \in (-1,1)$, and verifying it satisfies $f$

So after a bunch of algebra and using trig identities I've arrived here (may need to start chatjax for this) : $\cos(\frac{1}{3}\arccos(x))[2 \cos(2(\frac{1}{3}\arccos(x))) - 1] - x $
I need to figure out some sort of way to be able to get my $\cos$ and $\arccos$ to come together so I can do some cancelling....that's what I posit...
someone else was fiddling with cos(1/3 arccos(x)) the other day. people love solving cubis that way.
cubics too.
has DTs
Suggestion: Let $x=\cos(3\theta)$.
So the crucial conceptual point in the other remarks in the implicit function theorem. As long as $\nabla f(a)\ne 0$, you can locally near $a$ write the level hypersurface as a graph over one or more of the coordinate hyperplanes. Hence that notion.
triple angle formula?.......I've never encountered this......in spanish there is a saying "no apto para cardiacos"....."this isn't apt for those who have cardiac problems"......this particular algebraic manipulation is that...
Yup, triple angle formula. Best way to get it is to use deMoivre's formula, but if you don't know $e^{i\theta}$ stuff, just work it out from $\cos(2\theta+\theta)$.
@leslie Update: The maintenance guy did snake my drain and got new parts to put it back together with no leaks. The bad news is that the snaking has flooded the people down below me — I'm sure to win a popularity contest for that.
I'm just thinking off the top of my head, is it possible that even though I may have the two individual manifolds could there be a point that once we cartesian product them that could mess things up....
How is that possible? If each is a graph (locally), then the product is a graph (locally).
ted: hah. at least you have someone to blame?
locally.....the key word.....like I said just off the top of my head...that is where I should particularly be applying what I've learned...
I "remember" deMoivre's formula, but I haven't used it in ages....that would require a complex variable review....I'll
use the sum formula here
how you dropping complex variable stuff in like that man?.....lol
one time i was living under a person who decided to garbage dispose like a pound of raw carrots for some brain-charred reason. about half of them made it about halfway down the pipe, right below us, then clogged. she kept disposing the carrots and carroty water was backing up into our kitchen, out of our sink and all over the floor.
no plumber to blame for that.
Yup, a different maintenance person just came to tell me I was flooding my downstairs neighbor. I had to fill him in on the history and the snaking. And I did apologize.
@dc3rd No, I'm assuming everyone can do the addition formula.
Yea the addition formula is fair game......so you just mentioned deMoivre cause you see me as special student then.......😎😎😎
DeMoivre would be a much more useful element of standard precalculus courses than many things that are taught.
as long as there's a week memorizing the domain and range of the arcsecant, i'm OK with precalculus.
and i do mean memorizing, no 'figuring out what it would be.'
We finally disagree strongly.
i mentioned one time i ta'ed for a 16a instructor who spent far too much time and grader energy on making people write the domains of trig substitutions. you know, because those folks are gonna need that again.
i mean, i abstractly understand why he might want people to do that, but those folks are gonna make algebra errors and such anyway and really? every time?
I always retaught this in integral calculus. Every time.
Ok...solutions written out...I'll write out a good copy of them after....Now time to read about Extremum Problems
Thank you guys for the help
don’t skip the query in the intro to chap 5 :)
Always read the intros...they lay a good picture that I refer back too...
i guess maybe my beef was more with teaching trig substitutions at all in a business calculus class
No argument from me, leslie, although it was also bio sci and they all need periodic functions.
Yea that audience wouldn't really appreciate trig for the most part
Modeling uses basic trig, but not the subtleties.
unless you could highlight to them the ideas of periodicity and such....but coming from that sort of class originally before the math bug took over my soul. The majority aren't even looking at things with that sort of perspectve
@TedShifrin this is where I come in......in my future self...in some way
How to prove: total pre-order on X is isomorphic to a total order of sets of X
feels like there would be some sort of indexing needed on both sides of the isomorphism but that's me just thinking aloud with little experience
I have no idea what a total pre-order is. Shrug.
i've forgotten what those terms mean but i did know at one point. it's always something like, get the idea by drawing a big dumb lattice, or prelattice, or whatever, and then turn it upside down or put it in the mirror or something.
@TedShifrin reflexive + transitive + total
It's just a total equivalence relation which lacks symmetry.
No clue how that orders all subsets.
Might be a good idea to try it on a few small X's.
do you mean of just some set of subsets of X, maybe not all of them?
Oh, sloppily stated question. Imagine that!
maybe consider equivalence classes under the preorder, under some kind of notion of equivalence that you bake out of your preorder.
i assume the order on 'subsets of X' is supposed to be the usual containment but if it isn't or doesn't have to be that would be worth mentioning too.
quantum mixing
@Node.JS I upvoted
1 hour later…
You upvoted that? It’s unintelligible.
i think my idea for that actually works but maybe not with 'subsets of S' ordered by inclusion.
just howling more context into the wind.
time to hop in and get some sweet, sweet upvotes.
@Koro what did you put :D
never mind, some nonsense.
Something nice I hope, I'ma flag you lol
j/k I'm anti-flag
I only upvote on the site, unless it's really bad
Having some bugs with arrow-to-arrow connections, they're "zooping" to the end points
We need arrow-to-arrow for natural transformation diagrams
i once flagged my old answer as I thought there was a mistake in it but since it was accepted, it could not be deleted so I flagged it but the flag was denied.
Let math live on I say. Any bugs will be worked out in time
I bet you there's some accepted theorem out there that has an error in the proof lol
Why not comment to the OP indicating your error, @Koro?
I did but it seems they are not active anymore professor Ted. It's an old story though.
Ah. Not to me.
We need an MSE but with formalized proofs only admitted
perhaps Lean 4
So that there can't be any human error except in encoding the problem
professor Ted.
"declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer"
You've been blocked by a system rule, you need an overlord to change it for you :>
I think it suffices to alert the public to the error.
hidden comment from koro. what a sneaky thing to tag me with while i'm doing laundry.
What is the difference between a sufficient condition and a necessary condition
if $A$ is sufficient for $B$, then $A\to B$
if $A$ is necessary for $B$, then $B\to A$
basically, "A is sufficient for B" means "if we have A, then that is enough (sufficient) to know that B"
the desire is to show that if g and h satisfy the condition g^2 > 4h then the next inequality hold, but that there are also values of g and h that do not satisfy this condition that will also make that next inequality hold.
whereas the other is "A is required (necessary) if we want B to be able to be true"
How does Pivot of a rref marix is linked with its rank?
it contributes 1 to the value of the rank. just count 'em up and get the rank.
Leslie: haha,i deleted the comment as it was not relevant at all. Sorry to disturb your laundry. :(
save some of the lesser questions for us budding mathematicians leslie....
number of pivots in rref of matrix A equals its rank
koro weirdly enough it showed up in my notifications box on main, 30 minutes later. you can't hide.
[at] first name also notifies hmm
@leslietownes @hyper-neutrino Thank you. I get it now
@Koro @leslietownes but why is it so?
@kor does this ping you?
might depend on how you define 'rank.' sadly there are multiple definitions, all equivalent. what's your favorite?
I think you only need three characters if it's unambiguous
yes @hyper
definition based on minors
oh rats. that's the worst one.
that means could you explain it with some other definition
i'm sorta kidding. if r is the number of pivots, you can find some r-rowed minors that have nonzero determinant.
the rref helps you find them and also to evaluate the determinant to see it's nonzero.
if a minor has more than r rows, it's gonna have determinant 0. too many zeros.
i can't really 'see' determinants but that ought to be how it works.
but what you said is some thing like substituting the meaning of rank
In linear algebra, the rank of a matrix A is the dimension of the vector space generated (or spanned) by its columns
is above def is good from wiki
well, it's connecting the rref form to the determinantal definition of rank. the structure helps you evaluate the minors.
for the column space definition it helps to know that row operations don't change its dimension. this is doable in a couple of different ways. then when you're in rref, it should be visually clear that the r columns with pivots in them will be linearly independent and any remaining nonzero columns are in the span of the ones containing ones.
can also be proved algebriacally although i've never found an algebraic formulation of what rref "is" very comfy to work with.
might help to do an example. i'm looking for a non-crappy picture of a matrix in rref. math.se is letting me down.
the pivot columns are linearly independent because if a combination of them is the zero vector, just look at the pivot entries in the columns and read off that the coefficients of the linear combination has to be zero. all of those zeros in the rref help you see that algebraically.
and the non-pivot column is in the span of the first two pivot columns and you can even just read off what coefficients to take to write it as such.
Ok, It provides some ideas related to that
the missing ingredient here is that if the original matrix looked very different, it might not be initially clear that learning the column space of the RREF should have anything to do with the column space of the original matrix. and they can be different spaces, in fact. but they have the same dimension. proving that depends on how you like to think.
fans of minors will spot the column you can remove to get a 3x3 determinant that is easy to evaluate. and there are no 4x4 minors to check.
in the example from that q.
Yes, it do works, What I thought was The Pivot Columns forms the basis of vectorspace having each of the PCs as a part of basis( like ijk) and also the rank as its dimension
if the rref of M is denoted rref(M), the PCs form a basis for CS(rref(M)), which can be a different vector space from CS(M). but the two column spaces are guaranteed to have the same definition (if nothing went wrong in the row operations :)
consider e.g. M the nxn matrix of all 1s. column space is the set of multiples of the column (1,1,1,...,1). RREF zeros out all but the top row of M (which it leaves unchanged) and the column space of that is the set of all multiples of the column (1,0,0,...,0). different spaces but helpfully same "size".
yeah ok
one of my favourite texts is, surprisingly, Rockafellar's "Convex Analysis". however, he does something i find distasteful which is he sometimes takes the union of objects from different spaces. Not an issue from a set perspective, but somehow ugly to me.
For example, the union of a subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ and a set of equivalence classes of subsets of $\mathbb{R}^n$.
My delicate mind shudders at the thought.
huh. any idea why he does that?
Thanks @leslietownes
you're welcome.
i suppose notational convenience (for him).
i find it disturbing, i generally assume that sets are subsets of some base set that has some uniformity.
he takes the convex hull of a the union of a set of points and a set of directions. a direction is an equivalence class (by translation) of half lines.
it adds an extra step when untangling results and making sure i really am understanding correctly.
i guess he just works with fancier shapes than you do.
without a shred of doubt
i think i've seen that a few times before but not in my own work. like if you mod out by a really ugly equivalence relation where the classes have little to do with one another, or maybe the relation's not even defined at some 'edge' of your space where you'd like it to be. i could see doing things like that. same way you might not want to distinguish between points and equivalence classes that consist of single points.
but yeah, not for me, thanks.
he does have a way of viewing the sets in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ that unifies in some sense, but the convenience of his expression is not compensated by the increased vigilance needed while reading.
after than whine i am going to sleep :-)
have a good one.
1 hour later…
@TedShifrin the two points solving the infimum between two 2D line segments in the 2D plane, or if there are many, the "midpoints" preferably
How would you solve this?
The two line segments are given by 4 points
Would you use complex numbers perhaps?
A: Finding a distance between two line segments?

Mauricio Cele Lopez BelonThis can be solved using elementary algebra just solving a quadratic polynomial. Look at the following derivation: Given line segment P defined by points P1 and P2 and line segment Q defined by points Q1 and Q2 we can define the ray P(t) as: P(t) = P1 + t V Where t is a positive scalar and V i...

I am wondering can someone please help with this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/4308298/…
I added my attempt
3 hours later…
This 2018 SoraNews24 article came back into my memory while posting my most recent question soranews24.com/2018/09/25/…
Quadratic Chabauty. One of those ideas which has not made its way to the textbooks yet
(and yes, I've come to pronounce that name like "sha-BOAT-y"
5 hours later…
maybe not a highlight of news coverage of math there
I added my attempt and more details to my question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/4308298/…
I would still prefer it if you described (mathematically) the subsets that you’re saying can be ordered. Or did you do that with your final edit?
If $f$ is a smooth function and $\partial_{\gamma}$ is the partial derivative, how in the world do we interpret $\partial_{\gamma}f$ as a one form?
@TedShifrin I added as much detail as I could. Please check out my final edit. The actual problem is related to attribute grammar and CFGs so I am trying to avoid talking about that.
Just multiply the tangent vectors by $\partial_{\gamma}f$?
is this common?
i'm kinda wondering if "isomorphic to" in that q means something weaker (i.e. not order isomorphism but order monomorphism). and if there are other conditions, probably implicit in this attribute grammar cfg world about what would be relevant to it, but maybe not baked into just the math there.
@monoidal Oy. Physicists.
What is $\gamma$? It's an index?
derivative in the $x^{\gamma}$ direction @TedShifrin
Assuming so, the associated $1$-form is $\sum_\gamma \partial_\gamma f\,dx^\gamma$.
This is $df$, of course.
Without summing, the prof means NO SUM $\partial_\gamma f\,dx^\gamma$.
Either way, he continues to disappoint me with nonsense.
idk how in the world he thinks about those things
very very weird way
No, it's standard physicist sloppiness.
so when sais $\partial_{\gamma}f$ he means $df$?
No, I don't think so. He means the second thing I wrote (no summation).
But if he writes what I wrote, then he's forced by Einstein summation convention to sum over $\gamma$. Ugh.
the world is ripe for a new, even more confusing sum convention
There's actually nothing wrong with Einstein, and it makes a good check that things are in fact well-defined. But I always put in the summation symbols, regardless.
it's in the context of showing that $[\nabla_{i},\nabla_{j}]f=0$ for a torsion free connection
With complex geometry, there's the additional twist of barred (conjugate) indices, so that we get either ${}_\gamma {}^\gamma$ or ${}_\gamma {}_{\bar\gamma}$, etc.
@monoidal I don't know why that makes him talk about a $1$-form.
i guess the confusing thing is physics folks who know what they mean for some external reason sort of forget that there are notation conventions.
me too. He sais $\nabla_{i}\nabla_{j}f=\nabla_{i}(\nabla_{j}f)$ and $\nabla_{j}f$ is a one form and we have $\nabla_{\mu}\omega_{\nu}-\Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu , \nu}\omega_p$ for a one form $\omega$
i had difficulty of making sense of many QM-flavored treatments of operator theory for this reason. ok, bra and ket, weird looking but fine. even a lot of the impressionistic scary looking use is sensible once you have the right definitions, which often are provided. but then you turn the page and run into what is basically a homework problem called 'figure out what i mean by this.'
sorry, I meant $\nabla_{\mu}\omega_{\nu}=\partial_{\mu}\omega_{\nu}-\Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu , \nu}\omega_p$ for a one form $\omega$
and not because there's no way of formalizing it within mathematics, or the author's own notation. the notation specifics just don't matter to them.
yeah, my prof is making DG very unappealing to the students that have no background in DG, he's expecting us to guess by what he means in more than one instance
So the point is that we're really applying the connection to the actual $1$-form (not its components) $\omega_\nu\,dx^\nu$. The second term in that formula comes from $\nabla_\mu dx^\nu$.
it's tough. particularly in DG when in so many places a few assumptions or extra structure will allow correspondences between formally different things.
@TedShifrin i'm still confused. So what does he mean by $\partial_{\gamma}f$?
Ask him.
To me it's a directional derivative. If he is calling it a $1$-form, it's because it's the coefficient function of a $1$-form, as I said, namely (unsummed) $\partial_\gamma f\,dx^\gamma$. I cannot continue to be in the middle on this. Go bother him.
3 hours later…
the geodesic equation automatically implies that the velocity of a geodesic is constant?
Well, I guess I muzzled the room. 🤷‍♂️
Not velocity. But speed. If the speed varies, the covariant derivative of velocity is nonzero.
@monoidaltransform whats $\frac d{dt} \langle \dot\gamma(t), \dot\gamma(t)\rangle$ ?
I guess this shows me what gratitude is. Stays locked into his way of thinking (which I truly do not understand), and makes no effort to understand what I think is the right way to approach the problem.
if you notice that they dont understand the content of your comments i think its best to wait for a day or two before replying again
that way they not only have time to incorporate what you said but I htink they also are more appreciative of your help
Thanks, @s.harp. I'm done with it.
Is calculating singular homology of $\mathbb{S}^p\times \mathbb{S}^q$ straightforward? Do we have a formula relating homology of $X\times Y$ with homology of $X$ and homology of $Y$?
You will eventually, but it's far in the future.
Use Mayer Vietoris, of course.
right. One of the exercise problems is to calculate the homology of $\mathbb{S}^p\times \mathbb{S}^q$
but on paper its really messy
I was wondering if there was a nice way of obtaining it once we calculate homology of torus
using only singular homology
It's not messy.
It's a very nice M-V argument. Mostly zeroes everywhere.
mayer and vietoris would be spinning in their graves.
Given $u,v \in \mathbb R^2$ and it is also given that $u$ is a scalar multiple of $(1,3)$, $v$ is orthogonal to (1,3) and (1,2)=u+v. Then, I want to find u and v. My question is: we must assume inner product on R^2 as "dot product" here or not?
reference: an exercise problem from Axler's.
i would, unless there was some context to indicate otherwise. not being told what 'orthogonal' means is an implicit hint.
ok. thanks :)
Yes, working with the standard basis in $\Bbb R^2$, unless he otherwise specifies clearly, of course you assume standard dot product.
how does one decompose all of $\mathbb{S}^p\times \mathbb{S}^q$
Think about it.
for when $p=q=1$, just two cylinders
Hint. Fix $S^p$.
might be worth thinking whether the given data is compatible with an arbitrary inner product (or at least some other ones), and if so, working out a more general solution. but that is a sideshow and not the exercise.
@Koro He's trying to lead you to understand projection, of course.
we're given a decomposition, but the notation isn't familiar, and i'm not sure why he used it since he hasn';t explained it
@leslietownes vietoris was 110 years old or seomthing when he died, with a giantic number of direct descendents
I have no idea what you're talking about @monoidal.
How did you compute homology of spheres?
"Vietoris was survived by his six daughters, 17 grandchildren, and 30 great-grandchildren."
$\mathbb{S}^p\times D^q \cup_{\mathbb{S}^q\times \mathbb{S}^{q-1}} \mathbb{S}^q\times D^q$
is what we're given
yeah, that was insane. i remember someone saying he had been really long lived and looking him up while in grad school. had he lasted just a few more years, i could have bothered him with my homework.
but what does $\cup_{\mathbb{S}^q\times \mathbb{S}^{q-1}}}$ mean
Forget that and use your brain instead. What you have typed makes no sense and probably has typos in it.
What page in Hatcher is this?
it's not in hatcher, it's one of the exercises for practice, additional homework
It's garbage, I think. Did you answer the question I asked?
The question itself is an excellent one.
@TedShifrin to compute homology of sphere one used induction
And M-V.
So do that again. As I said, fix $S^p$. Now what?
without dot product and considering general inner product, we can say that $||(1,2)||^2= ||u||^2+||v||^2$ and $\langle(1,2),(1,3)\rangle=\langleu,(1,3)\rangle$ and this actually determines $u$ as u is scalar multiple of (1,3).
I thought about projection so here $(1,2)=u+v$ is like projecting $(1,2)$ onto span$(1,3)$ @professor Ted.
Please don't use <> for \langle,\rangle.
my eyes!
It actually is unreadable to have inequalities with vectors.
i'm not sure @TedShifrin still thinking about it
some sort of higher dimensional cylinder
i like to think that if the tex gods could go back in time they would have chosen shorter default names for those things.
hmm, i agree.
given how it's maybe the #1 math typesetting annoyance. someone shared a paper from the early 90s the other day, and it had it.
they could have allowed < for \langle
as for inequality we have \le
i'm selling NFTs of \newcommand{\<}{\langle} amd \renewcommand{\>}{\rangle}, if anyone wants them. very limited supply.
likely to go thorugh the roof.
In this case, perhaps you're being too geometric, @monoidal, for starters. If I fix one of the spheres, what should I do with the other one? (Yes, suitably interpreted, these things will be "cylinder-like.")
Does anyone have a list of latin phrases that are used in maths?
\emptyset, please
I came across recently "mutatis mutandis".
no mutatis mutandis. no.
kill it with fire.
and quod erat faciendo
The problem is that to write macros for in here we have to introduce them each conversation. In my own books, I had something like \id#1 (for ideal) and \ip#1 (for inner product) which put the langle #1 rangle. :)
so just wanted to know if you knew more words/phrases like this
koro i do but i do not want to list them.
the legal world is slowly scrubbing them out, but still has some.
That doesn't sound right. There's of course quod erat demonstrandum.
No idea, and yeah, I'm thinking about them very geometrically. No idea how else to think about them
but I guess in the case of the $\mathbb{S}^1$
What did you tell me to do with $S^q$ earlier?
qed (this is what was to be proven) and qef (this is what was to be shown).
Yeah, but the ending on facere doesn't seem right.
the social sciences even have a few latin phrases that some people lean on. it seems to be a very much, either you never use that stuff, or it's in everything.
shown? I don't know.
ah, right. Quod erat faciendum. I misspelled earlier.
ted i recommend the polipetti affogati at faciendo. great stuff.
although the main dining room is too loud.
I think you're misspelling Eyetalian, too.
Hi, Semiclassic.
hmmm looking back I don't think I said anything about $\mathbb{S}^q$
If you want to see a bunch of obscure random Latin, read anything written by a sovereign citizen loon
Grrr @monoidal. I asked how you did homology of spheres in the first place. Think now.
i mean that's good reading advice even if you don't want to see that.
Law is just a matter of invoking the right magic words after all
lots of law french in there too.
is Latin still spoken somewhere?
Leonard French on YT has some good videos where he reads through and breaks down sov-cit briefs
Okay, for $\mathbb{S}^q$ we decomposed it into $\mathbb{S}^q\backslash \{N\}$ and $\mathbb{S}^q\backslash \{S\}$
Though he’s got a bunch of videos on interesting briefs in general
where $N$ and $S$ denote the north and south poles
@Koro as a living language, no
Living languages evolve, dead ones don’t
OK, or union of two disks, @monoidal, overlapping on $S^{q-1}\times (-\epsilon,\epsilon)$.
@Semiclassical :( this fact surprised me considering that many languages were born from Latin.
Meh. Culture doesn’t last forever
That a part of culture had a large and lasting impact, doesn’t mean it survives
Indoeuropean languages.
you can hear it recited in certain churches, koro. the pope still publishes in it.
@Semiclassical Isn't Latin considered an official language of the Vatican?
i think all of the official stuff coming out of the vatican on religious matters is still published in latin, although not maybe not exclusively.
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