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@leslietownes Yeah, the flu vaccine definitely causes problems with 5G networks. You are going to have fallback to 4G, or wear a tin foil hat.
i'm told that copper is a better conductor.
@leslietownes It is, but copper in the United States has been irradiated in order to prevent folk from counterfitting pennies.
i'll stick with good ol' tin foil then. thanks for the intel on that.
Maybe @copper.hat will suffice?
I had the flu vaccine many weeks ago. Nothing untoward except soreness.
of course, you're being paid to say that. i've rarely had anything more than a bit of soreness too. where's my money?
The check must have bounced?
copper is much better :-)
And silver is better again...
@TedShifrin I got a flu vaccine and a tetanus shot two weeks ago. I was slightly out of sorts for a day.
Well, you’re often out of sorts :)
@leslietownes I'm sure she'll recover fully, but her condition reminded me of this old joke:
Q: What do you call an Irish girl with one leg longer than the other?
A: Eileen.
Q: What do you call a Chinese girl with one leg longer than the other?
A: Irene.

Q: What's the Irish girl's surname?
A: O'Bleakley.
wow. should've gone for the trifecta with rabies too.
@TedShifrin Point.
And COVID too
@TedShifrin I got one of those last January, and a second in February. CDC is currently not recommending a booster, but we'll see if that changes.
I don’t get PMR’s joke.
@TedShifrin It is a possibly offensive joke making fun of accents. :\
I lean obliquely?
Of course it’s offensive.
Here's a girl drummer to inspire your daughter. German prodigy Sina, covering Rosanna. Sina was born in 1999. She was already great a few years ago, she's even better now.
Eileen = "I lean"
Irene, when pronounced in a number of Asian languages will sound like "I lean" (as a lot of Asian languages don't distinguish between "r" and "l"---they are produced very similarly in the mouth)
And "I lean obliquely" is the last punchline.
oK. I got what there was to get. Blah.
yes, she needs guidance in making even more noise.
drum kit needs to be the next purchase.
Is that the grandparents’ contribution?
pretty good drumming here. is it following the original? i am not a toto fan. sounds a bit like the purdie shuffle.
@PM2Ring I give your joke a D. You are going to have to retake the class, unless it is outside of your major and you only the the hours.
oh, the original is jeff porcaro. that makes sense.
@TedShifrin My institution does not make it possible to give plusses and minuses. :\
i can come up with a better joke.
@leslietownes Yes, it's following the original pretty closely. She also did a tutorial video for that song.
shuffles like that sound simple but are really hard to do. one of my friends is a great drummer and cannot do them.
at least he says they're hard to do.
xander is that a little bit of a weight off the mind? i never had much trouble with it but i remember a lot of fellow instructors dealing with drama around plusses and minuses. particularly B plusses and A minuses.
UGA started long before I retired. News bulletin … After blowing covid almost maximally, the GA regents want to improve faculty morale by abolishing tenure. Because, you know, Rethugnicans despise education.
well, if you can't pay them well, you gotta give them something. no tenure makes sense. if they have a health plan they should cut that too and hand out lotto tickets.
@leslietownes I would prefer to be able to assign A-, B+, and B- grades. The rest are not really very helpful to me.
C- was gentler than D for counting toward graduation but not the major. I used it a few times.
But others at the institution would like a finer grained scale, and I am on the committee which it trying to get it for them.
retirement plans (do those still exist) should also be lotto tickets. or lesliecoin. lesliecoin is currently seeking institutional investors.
Of course, it resulted in begging. My response was: Fine, would you prefer the D, then?
i could see a policy like that putting some students at a disadvantage because it's so uncommon. even if you're sent a thing with a transcript that tells you a school's grading policy you probably aren't reading it.
@leslietownes Yep. And that shuffle is one of the hardest to get right. There's a reaction video by a professional drum teacher analysing Sina's version. He's most impressed, and recommends watching that video to any drummer who wants to learn Rosanna. He also says that even if you don't want to play that song, learning it will teach you a bunch of useful stuff.
Students hated minus grades, didn’t object to plus grades.
Funny, that.
all of the drama i heard about seemed to be focused on A- vs. A.
Here's Sina & her little sister Milena on cowbell, doing You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet. Who said Germans have no sense of humour? :)
it was never anything that mattered. nobody was losing financial aid or being kept from credit in a major. just that awful minus.
In my career, I had very few complaints about grades. Most of my students thought me hard but very fair.
i never had much drama either. i do remember other TAs getting swamped with requests though. particularly in classes required for pre-meds. often these wounds were self inflicted. e.g. describing the policy on regrading or re-evaluation during class time while passing out exams. just wave that red flag in front of the bull.
PM, i'm guessing there is some rush on this youtube channel. has to be.
Sina is pretty popular. And she seems to have a nice personality.
@TedShifrin I generally have no difficulty with students vis-a-vis grades. Though I did have one student once who made my life quite difficult. After I turned in grades, I was in the office, on my out the door (looking forward to a 90 minutes commute), and she buttonholed me.
And then a French consul entered the office, and she proceeded to ignore me and speak in French for 10 minutes, while I patiently waited to hear her out.
This did not end well for her.
Anywho, time to teach.
i had a bit of grading issues but nothing at the level of an international incident.
funniest one was a parent of a student leaving a bunch of pissy voicemails on my office phone about their son's grade. i didn't know because i wasn't in my office during winter break. never had more fun deleting my messages.
@leslietownes Here's some more sedate music, with an avian theme: Blue Heron, by Sarah Jarosz. And here's the playlist of the full Blue Heron Suite
cool. my daughter loves blue herons. we see them around here on the weekends. she has yet to develop musical tastes but i'm sure i'll end up hating whatever she likes.
@leslietownes I remember you mentioning the blue herons a while ago. You can read the story behind the suite on Sarah's site
@leslietownes Try Joan Baez.
my mom has all of her records. no longer has a record player, i don't think, but does have the records.
LOL … Judy Collins is a second. Surely these are on iTunes.
I got rid of my turntable, but still have CDs.
gosh, those records too.
and northern california's own kate wolf.
you name it.
Joan's cousin John Baez posts occasionally on MathOverflow. Her dad Albert co-invented the X-ray microscope, and inspired John to become a mathematical physicist.
I might be able to burn you a CD. Lots of folk.
i didn't realize joan and john were related. what a small world.
Right. Impressive family!
And then there are criminal families who get away with … Oh, “never mind.”
I can't find any music about strawberries with paws. But here's The Strawberry Alarm Clock, with the psychedelic hit Incense and Peppermints
Lol. Hi, fin.
Pictures of strawberries with paws?
John Baez is also into making music, but doesn't quite have the talent of Joan. But apparently their family gatherings are quite musical.
I’m the least musical in my family.
The munchkin wants to be a strawberry with paws for Halloween.
Yes, I know.
I named her munchkin :)
I used to play guitar, but my joints get too painful after about 5 minutes these days.
i write music haha
i got rly into music theory
I did only piano.
My dad was a composer and music prof. My sister majored in music and then did a PhD in art history.
I know a bit of music theory. I rarely wrote actual songs, but I was ok at improvising (acoustic) lead guitar.
i play the radio
and of course my rapping
We defer to munchkin.
@PM2Ring I took classes from John! Yay!
Also, back to teaching (we are on break for five).
@XanderHenderson Cool!
He was on my phd committee, too.
I think John would be a great teacher. I've read lots of his old This Week's Finds articles... except I skipped the category theory stuff. ;)
at leslietownes: snap back to the spaghetti, ohp, there goes spaghetti
@shintuku Those reciprocal identities are very handy when working with Egyptian fractions.
Mar 8 at 17:39, by PM 2Ring
@TedShifrin Sure, it's easy to to implement the obvious "greedy" algorithm, but the denominators tend to blow up badly. David Epstein has a lot of info about Egyptian fractions, and various strategies for finding them. https://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/numth/egypt/
very cool i'll read that, thanks! i used the mentioned identity to solve a series i forgot which, but i guessed that similar identities likely could have some applications in that sense
There are also some nice reciprocal identities that come up in creating Machin-like formulae. Traditionally, it was easier to do computations with reciprocals of integers. That's not such an issue in the computer age... unless you want to calculate stuff with thousands or millions of digits.
munchkin-like formulas, eh? interesting
That's German for "making like formulae" - what happens when a valley girl Einstein emerges.
Ah. I mentioned that stuff here a month ago.
Aug 21 at 14:49, by PM 2Ring
With a bit of algebra, we can find various interesting relations. A very useful one is
$$a(u) = 2a(2u) - a(4u^3+3u)$$
$$a(5) = 2a(10) - a(515)$$
In 1706, John Machin found
$$a(1) = 4a(5) - a(239)$$
This historically important formula has its own [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machin-like_formula). And there's a huge collection of Machin-like relations at the old http://www.machination.eclipse.co.uk/ site
That's music by one of our own
Bet you can't guess who, because they almost never mention their music.
If twin primes is false, then for some $x_0 \in \Bbb{N}$, and for all $x \geq x_0, k=0,...,2x$, we have $(x^2 + k)(x^2 + k - 2)$ is not a unit modulo $x!$.
does anyone else have some of the letters in the "arctan" images generated from tex markup in that wikipedia page render funny? i'm seeing weird behavior in both chrome and edge.
It’s doubtless munchkin’s fault.
i'm not seeing it in firefox. weird.
weird stuff like that on the second arctan. lots of flipped a's. the underlying markup is fine.
@leslietownes what page?
@PM2Ring I like Dr Baez, and think that his is an incredibly engaging lecturer. I enjoy his talks immensely. However, I do think that he tended to hand-hold his students a lot in courses, and lead folk through arguments by the nose a little. It wasn't my style---you feel like you are really groking the material, and then you leave the lecture hall and try to do the work and realize that you didn't really follow anything after all.
So I kind of enjoyed his network theory seminar (which I didn't need to get anything out of), but was a little frustrated with his real analysis course (which seemed to move very slowly).
that's what I see
In any event, I'm done teaching, so I am going to go home.
yes, that's also what i see in firefox. or (interestingly) in chrome, but only sometimes, and only if i right click on the image, copy url of image, and just load the image in chrome.
some of the other a's don't render either. in the "area" markup. goofy.
Oh, I am using Firefox
i think it's possible to be too good an expositor. i know that effect of sitting through a talk where everything feels perfect and well motivated and then it falls to pieces when you think it through later. there should always be a few hiccups or genuinely difficult points.
@XanderHenderson Yes, his writing style is a bit hypnotic, too. He makes stuff sound easy, then you suddenly realise that you didn't actually understand the last 3 paragraphs. :)
i also don't like the 'gee whiz' tone where literally EVERYTHING is given the treatment of, isn't this amazing, and isn't this amazing, and wait until you see what's next. although most people like that. every ted talk is like that.
I quite like the style of Australian sci-fi author Greg Egan (who happens to be friends with Baez). He's a very good expositor, but he mostly lets you decide for yourself whether stuff is "gee whiz" or not. He has some excellent introductory articles on relativity & quantum mechanics on his site.
More advanced science & maths from Greg Egan: gregegan.net/SCIENCE/Science.html
i love the web design. reminds me of a happier era.
I thought you might. ;) Greg appears to believe in the principle of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
all of my course webpages were designed like that, until i was forced to switch to a campus-wide platform and could not do my own html anymore.
He used to have a bunch of Java applets on the site, but he's replaced them with JavaScript. gregegan.net/APPLETS/Applets.html
Phones are powerful enough to compute in CA, lol
There are other applets, in various nooks & crannies of the site, which illustrate stuff from his stories, eg there's a quantum soccer game.
there was a kind of golden era, after google began including the text within PDFs in its search results, and before many instructors were pushed onto course management software, where there were a lot of searchable solutions to homework and exams grouped conveniently by topic on the web. now it seems that math.SE and similar are more likely homes for that material.
of course he had java applets. i love that guy.
He continued working as a programmer for a few years after his first books were published. His coding style is impeccable.
@leslietownes And now Google makes it really tricky to copy & paste a URL for a PDF. So people post those ridiculous Google search result URL monstrosities.
i remember when they started doing that. where you could no longer just copy the url. so annoying.
not hard to get the url, but yeah, people don't bother, do they.
Probably get a plugin that automatically follows links on click
for chrome
I post lots of links to Wikipedia articles, so a huge proportion of my Wiki visits are just so I can grab the URL from the address bar.
It's a waste of bandwidth, and it artificially inflates the Wiki page hit count. But it's less fiddly than extracting the URL from the search URL, especially when I'm using my phone.
I would like to demo for you guys a website I am building for mathematicians. It's mainly just the UI, but as you can see, you can also now edit the diagram somewhat. I'm modding q.uiver.app.
But I have a video to demo
It's uploading (2 min video of UI)
I've used mostly good coding practices but today I applied a hack fix to block a button event
I wish you well in this endeavour, but I have no use for commutative diagrams.
How do you handle the lemmas of HA?
Is there a closed form for $$\sum_{i = 0}^n (a^i)(b^{n - i})$$ for $a, b > 0$?
It is very similar to the expansion for a binomial to the $n$th power.
I am trying to solve for the probability that AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJJ crossed to AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJJ will have an offspring with a genotype AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJJ, and the sum I asked shows up.
geometric series
I think leslie is right
Multiply by $ab$ and see what happens
or $a /b$
yeah, just take $b^n$ outside sigma.
Oh, I got it. Thank you very much
The sum is equal to $$\frac{a(b^{n + 1}) - b(a^{n + 1})}{1 - ab}$$
How can that be if it's symmetric in $a,b$
The original expression $f$ is such that $f(a,b) = f(b,a)$ I think
But your formula doesn't have that property in general
Hint: Multiply by $a-b$.
Spacecraft was a bit spacey.
brief rainshower just now.
We are perhaps due.
I only work on math from an abstract level. All this formula stuff is not mah forte
I reject such excuses.
I'm in code mode right now. My brain can't do math in code mode
Then don’t pretend to.
Wait, it's wrong if $a = b$.
Throw that out and start with my hint.
i'll try it right now
Well, at least if you multiply by $a/b$ you'll get that all terms in the result except possibly the start and end term $i=0, n$ are also terms in your original sum.
I think I got it this time. It is $$\frac{a^n - b^n}{a - b}$$ Hopefully.
Almost perfect. Check exponents.
Right. It should be $n + 1$ instead of $n$. Thank you.
@soupless Note that you have to handle the $a=b$ case separately. But that's pretty easy.
There you go, @soupless. Good!
Yes, of course PM is absolutely correct.
The expression is ${a^{n+1}-b^{n+1} \over a-b}$ for $a \neq b$ and for $a=b$ you can either evaluate directly or let $b \to a$ and note that it is a derivative to get $(n+1) a^n$.
It helps to have a few glasses of a nice red Bordeaux before solving such problems.
Not a burgundy?
My reward for helping a friend lug a set of cabinets down a flight of stairs :-).
I love Burgundy, but that was not on the menu tonight, beggars can't be choosers...
Oh, well, in that case ...
Its funny, not many people go for Burgundy around here.
My days of schlepping are done.
I'm not a cabernet fan unless I'm eating rich red meat courses.
Which I hardly ever do.
Well, if you are in Albany you can come by our dilapidated house and enjoy a nice glass.
I am a Cabernet fan.
LOL ... I sure hope I make it back to the Bay Area one of these days.
I will find a Burgundy for you :-).
My drive from SD to Costa Mesa worried me because my neck was sore after half the drive. So I dunno.
These days I drink mostly California wines (I had a subscription to Francis Ford Coppola for years, but now I have it on hold — they are truly excellent).
I understand. My car was rear ended in 2016 and my body has been out of kilter since. More than 1.5 hours of driving is uncomfortable for me.
I am far from an oenophile, but if it was my last bottle on earth, it would be a Bordeaux.
I would assume your body is in excellent shape because of all the cycling you do.
I had some nice Coppola wine many decades ago in a place he had in Belize near Guatemala. The wine was lovely but the pizza catastrophic. Not sure how a pizza can be screwed up so badly.
Belize??!!! ...
The food at the winery in Sonoma is not bad :)
They've even produced a damn good gin.
I like the wines there, but it has all become a little pretentious for me.
I can understand that.
I have many friends in the hospitality industry. Gives one a unique perspective on many realities of food & beverage consumption :-).
I loved Belize. Not Belize City which was a bit spooky, but eastern Belize, Belmopan even and the Cayes,
I have been nowhere remotely near there. No Caribbean, no Central/South America. Sigh.
Too many places, too little time. I always wanted to go to Madagascar, but probably will never go.
And the Congo. May still do that.
Congo is a bit challenging because of security issues.
We'll see if once COVID is "over" my body allows me to travel at all.
I understand more what you mean by that now.
I assume your son is having fun at college and doing well.
I don't really know. My daughter is back in the UK and I know is having fun. My son is not terribly communicative. I miss them both awfully, my daughter less so because we are in constant communication.
He is a bright & capable fellow, but I do not think he has 'found his groove' yet.
I have negotiated a dinner with him on my birthday in the coming weeks. He likes the burritos from the Taco truck next to the Hotsy-Totsy in Albany on San Pablo Avenue :-).
if he's staying out of the hotsy totsy, he's learned at least one useful life lesson.
lots of birthdays coming up.
They got rid of the pool table. I played pool there with the interim vice provost for ug education at berkeley some time ago.
We had a bit to drink too.
I liked the Hotsy-Totsy. Albeit people find my accent a little tough to follow in the noise.
is the ivy room still there?
Yep, was there recently. Supporting our kids by drinking.
your son should stay away from all of those places. taco trucks for life.
And the Mallard.
It took me one night to find all the spots in Albany in 1985.
They are mostly still there.
helpful for them to be within staggering distance of one another.
I was more capable then.
Oh, he's coming back from SC to Albany just for you? That's pretty good!
Well, I will have to drive to SC to pick him up & return him, but that is a positive for me :-).
Leslie is now a Los Angelino. He can no longer stagger from place to place.
Not for him :-).
It took me a long time to realize how dependent I am on random people.
Yeah, I would die in SoCal.
My favourite place in the US in that regard (so far) would be New Orleans.
this is true. a friend came to long beach to visit and i was not within an easy walk of anything open after 6. we drove somewhere.
i've since moved within walking distance of a target. the loading dock area behind the store is always open, so there's that.
Uber/Lyft make things a little more palatable.
fresh air, open seating.
I took Uber to a friend's house (Irish friend in the Montclair area) and afterwards intended returning home by same means.
But he insisted that his two teenage daughters drive me home.
Who was I to argue with to delightful people for company home.
mmm, relatively new drivers up in those hills, no thanks. i'll take uber driver who has been up for 48 hours.
I left them a Benjamin as compensation for my company, but it was returned a few days later!
Oh, I would take their company in a heartbeat.
i won't inquire into the morals of a person who carries $100 bills around. wise not to ask.
My daughter met one of them in UCLA a few weeks ago and bought them lunch, so I don't feel too bad.
They are not suffering, their mom is a senior partner in a peninsula firm.
Their dad, however, had me for a boarding school bunk bed buddy in high school.
the barbarian invasion.
Generally I have some supply of value nearby. Reminds me of some older Jewish friends who travel with a supply of jewelry.
Technically the Irish are not Barbarians.
Ireland never suffered a Barbarian invasion.
We had our own native supply.
i realized just now that i have a similar stash of quick cash. i have no idea where i got it.
I life a much different life than I did say a decade ago. Many of the procedures I followed are not longer relevant. But some habits die hard. I always have a passport and a little stash within reach.
Of cash, that is. Never touched anything except alcohol. But I have immersed myself in the latter.
I got a little peeved at someone on MSE today who dinged me for saying that the Hessian of $\log \sum_{k=1}^p e^{x_k}$ was straightforward to compute.
Or rather, straightforward to show positive semi definite.
I did manage to restrain myself, so I don't think another suspension is imminent.
I am definitely mellowing.
i have lost a bit of my 'edge'. having a toddler takes a lot out of you.
she's turning 3 soon, which means a lot of stuff she does will no longer be precocious. it will just be normal "threenager" stuff.
while hobbling around the house today she started giggling and said "you're the kid who doesn't walk." with reference to herself. must have heard that at school.
Yes. Kids take part of you and it is never returned.
hey guys
how do i call the category with only one object and one morphism (the identity)?
I think it's usually written as $\mathbf{1}$
works for me.
anyone have a hint for this? Let $E \subset \mathbb{C}$ be compact, and define $p(z) = \int_{E} \log(|\frac{1}{z - \zeta}|) d \mu(\zeta)$ for $z \in \mathbb{C} \setminus E$, where $\mu$ is a borel measure supported on $E$. Show that $p$ is harmonic
I want to say that if $z_0 \in \mathbb{C} \setminus E$, then for any $\zeta \in E$, in a small ball around $z_0$, there is a holomorphic single valued branch of $\log(\frac{1}{z- \zeta})$ and then use that my integral is the real part of the integral of this single valued branch over $E$, but my issue is that I may need to define different branches for different $\zeta$'s
so ultimately im not sure if my $H(z,\zeta) : B_{\epsilon}(z_0) \times E \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ will be integrable, where for any $\zeta$, $H(z,\zeta)$ is the single valued branch of $\log(\frac{1}{z - \zeta})$ I am defining in the ball $B_{\epsilon}(z_0)$
of course the real part of my $H(z,\zeta)$ is bounded, but I worry the imaginary part may explode for some $\zeta$.. maybe this worry is unfounded though
oh I forgot to mention that $\mu$ is finite
Have you used the fact that $\log(|z-\zeta|)$ is harmonic (away from $\zeta$)?
or is it that you are trying to justify the exchange of $\Delta$ and integral?
hmm... the singularity might be in $E$?
well, that is another approach, I am indirectly using that $log(|z-\zeta|)$ is harmonic away from $\zeta$ by encapsulating it into saying that it is the real part of a single valued branch of $log(z - \zeta)$ (away from $\zeta$), another approach as you say would be to justify exchanging $\Delta$ and the integral , maybe the latter is easier
I think ultimately because we are away from $E$, we could use something like DCT to justify swapping $\Delta$ and $\int$.. but i have not made this precise
yeah, I think the DCT approach works fine actually, its not very elegant, but one can show that $\partial_{x} (\log(|z - \zeta|)$, $\partial_{y} ( \log(|z - \zeta|)$ are dominated by constants on $E$ (given $z$ is in some small ball away from $E$), and show the same thing for higher derivatives, which will then justify the swap (just apply DCT)
i.e. we have justified swapping $\partial_{z}$ and then swapping $\partial_{\overline{z}}$ when the integrand is $\partial_{z}(\log(|z - \zeta|))$, so we can swap in a $\Delta$
is this what you were alluding to @robjohn ?
@leslietownes oh, sorry. i meant, the full name
trivial category?
@porridgemathematics however you can justify the swapping of $\Delta$ and $\int$ should work.
fair enough, do you think the justification ought to basically boil down to being away from $E$ meaning that $|z - \zeta|$ is bounded away from zero and above?
i wouldn't presume to be an expert on what you'd call it. trivial category is fine with me. i don't know of a standard name. maybe you could use more specific terminology depending on your application.
@porridgemathematics or you could use the mean value property... Easier to exchange integrals.
e.g. if you think of monoids as categories with one object, as some are wont to do, the thing is also the trivial monoid, and the trivial group.
maybe it's more specific trivial something in whatever else you are doing.
oh yeah, I guess I could use fubini to establish the mean value property
okay these are plenty of ways forward, thanks for the input @robjohn !
2 hours later…
Am I the only one who think computing the cup product structure on cohomology is too complicated?
4 hours later…
@LucasHenrique yeah, that makes perfect sense
one usually uses 1 to denote terminal objects, bold font to denote categories, and the category with one object and one morphism is the terminal object in the category of (small) categories
oh, you wanted a name, "terminal category" works
2 hours later…
@TedShifrin one think i do find myself thinking about with the gaussian trick. suppose i have homogeneous polynomials $f_1(x),f_2(x)$ such that $\int_{\mathbb{R}^n} e^{-\|x\|^2} f_1(x)f_2(x)\,dx=0$. then homogeneity converts this into $\int_{S^{n-1}} f_1(\sigma)f_2(\sigma)\,d\sigma=0$
so the gaussian trick would seem to allow one to get orthogonal functions on the unit sphere by looking for orthogonal polynomials w/r/t the multivariate Gaussian
subject to the requirement that the polynomials be homogeneous
i would have thought this is the same notion as harmonic polynomials but my computations thus far haven't quite agreed with that
A: Prove (by definition) that $\lim _{z\to 1+i}\left(\frac{1}{z^2+1}\right)=\frac{1}{2i+1}$

user21820It is unfortunate that most textbooks and teachers do not teach how to use asymptotic analysis. This is an intuitive and powerful technique that can be used even if you want to obtain an ε-δ proof. $ \def\lfrac#1#2{{\large\frac{#1}{#2}}} \def\abs#1{\left|#1\right|} $ First let's use the technique...

^ I do not understand why this got downvoted almost immediately after I posted it, and I don't see an error. This is despite being a clean and simple solution, in contrast to the other answer (which is so long and ugly that I don't even want to check).
Does anyone see an error?
i think i may see how what i'm saying above explicitly relates to spherical harmonics
something like: (complex) harmonic polynomials of degree $m$ are of the form $(x\pm i y)^k P_m^k(z)$
where the $P_m^k(z)$ are even or odd polynomials
i haven't really seen orthogonality of homogeneous polynomials w/r/t multivariate Gaussian though
(if one drops homogeneity, then we can use products of hermite polynomials as a basis. but losing homogeneity loses the point of all this)
@TedShifrin alas, i don't think this will actually help me directly with the higher cases i mentioned. the integration was 'really' a group integral over $SU(2)$
which you could convert to an integral over SO(3) b/c double cover etc
for higher cases i think i can't get away from $SU(n)$
@Semiclassic I've never done an explicit integral over $SU(n)$ in general, although I have used my favorite differential forms integrating over Stiefel manifolds and Grassmannians.
ultimately the source i'm looking at does simplify the integral down considerably
@TedShifrin If I want to hone in a little more on your really great answer you gave me last night, should I add a new comment or try here?
and in fact is able to compute it all the way
(which really goes to how simple the integrand ultimately is)
i don't know a good way to describe how the integrand looks in the SU(n) case though
i'll try tho
you have to pick two different orthogonal bases $\{u_k\},\{v_k\}$ for $\mathbb{C}^n$
for the first factor, the function $f_1:\mathbb{C}^n\to [0,1]$ is $f_1(\omega,u_k) = |\omega\cdot u_k^*|^2$
(if you convert this back to SO(3) in the n=2 case, this becomes $\frac12(1+n\cdot a)$. took me a while to realize taht)
for the second, it's $f_2(\omega,v_k)=1$ if $|\omega\cdot v_k^*|^2<|\omega\cdot v_j^*|$ for all $j\neq k$
so it's looking for whether $\omega$ is 'farthest' from $v_k$ than any other $v_j$
anyways, what's required then is to compute $\int M(d\omega) f_1(\omega,u_j)f_2(\omega,v_k)$
where $\int M(d\omega)=1$, i.e., $M(d\omega)$ is the probability measure on $SU(n)$. (or is it $U(n)$? probably $U(n)$.)
@user1115542 If I'm here, go ahead :)
@TedShifrin OK...let me formulate it properly...in a few minutes
Firstly, can I just talk to you about the notion of $|x|$. Now I understand the definitions and the idea that is represents a 'distance' from $0$. But.... and here ..forgive me if this sounds clunky... I want to know what you understand, for example when you see $|x|$ versus $|-x|$
They're the same.
OK...so both would simplify to $x$
Um, no.
Or..should I say then .... $|x| = |-x| = x$
$x$ when $x\ge 0$ and $-x$ when $x<0$. Versus $-x$ when $-x\ge 0$ and $-(-x)$ when $-x<0$.
No, you're making a critical mistake that trips up calculus students all the time. You cannot say $|-2| = -2$. Nor can you say $\sqrt{x^2} = x$.
Unwind the top line I just typed there. Work it out step by step.
OK... let me do it for you :-) So, given something like $-x$, as you say applying strictly the definition, as you point out, it will remain $-x$ for $\geq 0$ and then as you say $-(-x)$ for $\leq 0$.
But you must be careful to say for $-x\ge 0$ in that sentence. You can't leave that out.
The next step is $-x\ge 0$ is equivalent to what about $x$?
I sorry, I implied that which is not good enough.
No, it leads to sloppy mistakes :P
Yep... and it leads to that "fuzzy" thinking I am trying to avoid
OK... let me try and answer your last question
If $-x \geq 0$ then $x \leq 0$?
Right. So $|-x| = -x$ when $x<0$ (which checks with the definition of $|x|$ when $x<0$).
OK... that helps a lot. Nailing down those concepts early on is really helpful and easy to gloss over :-) Which leads me to the second ( hopefully easier) notion.
Okay. So, I was able to construct a bounded linear functional on $L^{\infty}[0,1]$ that is not of the form $h \mapsto \int_{[0,1]} gh$ for any $g \in L^1[0,1]$. How does one derive from this that $L^1[0,1]$ is not reflexive as a Banach space, that $L^1[0,1]$ is not isomorphic to its double dual?
Before we go on, I said that one of the common mistakes students make is writing $\sqrt{x^2} = x$. What is the correct statement?
OK... give me a second :-)
Just unwind the definition of double dual, @user193319.
I think I know the answer, but that does not mean I fully understand it... here goes...
$\sqrt{a^{2}} = |a|$
@TedShifrin That's what I was doing on my blackboard just a moment ago, but I couldn't see the connection. I thought I need the Riesz representation theorem, but that didn't seem helpful.
If $g<h$ then there is not $M_g\to M_h$ with degree $1$ map where $M_g$ denotes the closed orientable surface of genus $g$. This is one of the exercise problem in Hatcher 3.3.11 and I can prove this using 3.3.10 actually. But it seems there is way to prove this using cup product. How does the proof go basically?
That's correct, @user1115542.
What is $(L^1)^*$, @user193319?
It is $L^{\infty}[0,1]$
OK, now reread the paragraph you typed above for us.
Well, I should say, it is isomorphic to $L^{\infty}[0,1]$.
@love_sodam Try doing this with $g=0$ and $h=1$.
What is the interpretation of degree in terms of cohomology, first?
@TedShifrin I guess I also know that $L^1[0,1]''$ is isomorphic to $L^{\infty}[0,1]'$, but now I have a lot of isomorphisms lying around it's getting a bit complicated.
But your sentence said explicitly that the dual of $L^\infty$ is NOT $L^1$.
@TedShifrin hmm... I think in my case, UCT say that $H^*(M_g)\simeq Hom(H_*(M_g),\Bbb Z)$ so using naturality of UCT, I can somehow relate $f^*$ and $f_*$.
Basically the degree is defined in terms of homology
Yes, you have to start there, @love_sodam. What does the pullback of the generator of $H^2$ have to do with degree?
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