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04:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

So, a question: what kind of mathematical sttucture would be best to analyze a game where every action changes the actions which are available? Something like chess, for example.
@Rithaniel markov chains?
@LeakyNun Markov chains for a game with no chance? Interesting.
hmm nvm then
@Rithaniel You can traverse a game tree in the case of chess
@Rithaniel a lot of abstract two player strategy games have a fairly straightforward api (more programming, less math, but it can probably be adapted). initial_position, generate_move(position), do_move(pos, mov) and primitive(pos). primitive(pos) should return whether the game is trivially over or not.
you can then do backward induction to solve the game.
Also, this specific game is apparently turing complete. It's a video game called Opus Magnum, and I don't think a game tree would necessarily work, because the option space for any particular step is colossal.
Probably not, but it should in theory work for chess (however, chess is too large to actually be solved)
Yeah, I recall that detail about Chess, but I did know there was effort put into try and mathematically analyze the game.
A game tree might work for Opus Magnum, but I'm still dubious because of the sheer size of the solution space.
Though, what I'm most interested in is proving whether particular scores are impossible. A lot of the community around the game is centered around optimization of different metrics.
game looks complicated and I'm too tired to figure out the rules, it may not fall into the category of a two-player abstract strategy game, in which case the game tree will not necessarily work.
Yeah, more a single player puzzle game. (Also, I'm pretty sleepy, too.)
(btw it should be generate_moves(pos) not generate_move(pos). Rip.)
1 hour later…
I noted something interesting yesterday. Take the field Q(rational numbers), if I take the product of all possible non equivalent norms on Q(norm being a function from Q to the non negative real numbers), then the product is unity.
Is this some general property of a field?
do partial differential equations always have a singular solution ?
2 hours later…
Does $\int_0^{2\pi}\sqrt n\cos^n(x)dx$ approach a limit?
2 hours later…
is there such a function f : E -> R, E subset R such that it is continuous and vanishes on some dense set S of E but is not equal to zero otherwise? (obviously f(x) = 0 forall x in E is not allowed)
@famesyasd no
hint: R is T1
what is T1
In topology and related fields of mathematics, there are several restrictions that one often makes on the kinds of topological spaces that one wishes to consider. Some of these restrictions are given by the separation axioms. These are sometimes called Tychonoff separation axioms, after Andrey Tychonoff. The separation axioms are axioms only in the sense that, when defining the notion of topological space, one could add these conditions as extra axioms to get a more restricted notion of what a topological space is. The modern approach is to fix once and for all the axiomatization of topological...
Don't you need $T_2$ here?
I don't think so
No I agree you don't in this case, I was thinking of a more general result
$I_{n+2} = \int_{0}^{2\pi} \cos^{n+2}(x) \ \mathrm dx = \int_0^{2\pi} \cos^{n+1}(x) \ \mathrm d\sin(x) = -\int_0^{2\pi} \sin(x) \ \mathrm d\cos^{n+1}(x) \\ = (n+1) \int_0^{2\pi} \sin^2(x) \cos^n(x) \ \mathrm dx = (n+1)(I_n - I_{n+2})$, so $I_{n+2} = \frac{n+1}{n+2} I_n$
so we just pick any irrational point x0, pick any rational sequence xn that tends to it and then by continuity |f(xn)-f(x0)| < epsilon => |f(x0)| < epsilon forall epsilon > 0 => f(x0) = 0 but I don't see how T1 applies or whatever
T1 implies {0} is closed and so is its preimage through a continuous function
anyway we know that $I_{2k+1} = 0$ and we might as well treat $I_0$ as a constant and not compute it
But there aren't many dense and closed sets
$I_4 = \frac34\frac12 I_0$
$I_{2n} = \frac{(2n)!}{4^n (n!)^2} I_0$
So we want to know $\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty} n^k \frac1{4^n} \binom{2n}n$, and particularly $k=0.5$ @AkivaWeinberger
And then we can just Stirling it
(And $I_0=2\pi$)
$\dfrac{(2n)!}{(n!)^2} \le \dfrac{e(2n)^{2n+0.5}e^{-2n}}{2\pi n^{2n+1} e^{-2n}} = C\dfrac{4^n}{\sqrt{n}}$
So I think you end up with $2\sqrt\pi$?
$2\pi\sqrt n\cdot\dfrac1{\sqrt{\pi n}}$
oh no
I can't squeeze it to zero
I can only bound it by a constant
your choice of $\sqrt{n}$ was very planned
so you have two subsequences, one converging to 1/sqrt(pi), and one converging to 0
Right and then multiply by $2\pi$
Oh right yeah if it's an odd exponent it's 0
Didn't realize
This is like the odds of flipping $n$ coins and having it be half heads half tails
fun question
Or $\binom n{n/2}/2^n$ actually
for $\frac1{2\pi}I_n$
@LeakyNun It's strange how, if you flip $2n$ coins, the odds of exactly $n$ being heads and $n$ being tails involves $\pi$
$1/\sqrt{\pi n}$
I see
I dunno if $\pi$ shows up unexpectedly elsewhere in probability
Well I guess $\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2}dx=1/\sqrt\pi$ counts as probability
in a sense
The two are related probably
3 hours later…
Last night dream, saw a visual snow with a very complicated cellular structure:
oily water placed on the side for reference of impression
I wonder if there is an algorithm to generate these patterns, especially the way the large and small ovals are herded together
How to find the derivative using the first principle? $$x^2 + y^2 = c^2$$, where c is some constant
Quick poll: how much of mathematics with the term "fuzzy" is actually useful? I've heard of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, and in spirit the idea of de-discretizing boolean values and having a sort of continuum of truth is appealing. But in my experience the adjective "fuzzy" has been used by researchers writing papers of very low quality, often inventing ideas which are clones of existing theory so that they can re-prove all the known results for their new thing.
Overall, from my own experience and a few of my mentors, we have a very dim view of the adjective.
In short, how much of it is just bandwaggon-hopping-on injection of the adjective "fuzzy" and how much of it is serious mathematics?
You're right
@MikeMiller Are you agreeing with the part that "fuzzy set theory and logic are actual things"?
Dear all how are you
I am agreeing with the experience of you and your mentors.
That's the insidious part of this whole sordid business is that the subject matter has hooks that let bogus researchers camouflage their ideas with.
I think mostly it's more irrelevant than sordid.
@MikeMiller OK... but they really did not have opinions about fuzzy logic or set theory. Just the "clone" fuzzy theories of our own fields that seemed to have nothing tangible to add.
I think this sort of semi-fraud does enough harm to be sordid :)
Although... maybe it is good we have this junk around to keep us on our toes.
@MikeMiller THanks for your input, though, really.
Good to have a sanity check when dealing with this sort of thing
who knows the connected compenent in topology ???
@PolineSandra What about connected components?
@PolineSandra YOu really need to add more context to the question, or it's going to be closed. You've got a start, right? you should edit it in. If you've already expressed a space as a disjoint union of nonempty closed connected subsets, isn't it clear that each of those connected subsets is maximal-connected?
no i donàt know from where i must begin
@PolineSandra Well, that would be a good place to begin. Show that each of the $F_j$ is not properly contained in another connected subset.
I guess that's your definition of "connected component"?
Suppose you have $\mathbb{Z}_n$ and you define $U(\mathbb{Z}_n=\{[a]|\text{gcd}(a,n)=1\}$. It's true that if $[a]\in\mathbb{Z}_n$ and $x\in [a]$, then $\text{gcd}(x,n)=\text{gcd}(a,n)$, correct? Also, that if $[a],[b]\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$, then $[ab]\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$, correct?
What do you think?
I'm a little dubious, because the next question is "show that if $[a]\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$, then show that $[a^m]\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$ for some $m\in\mathbb{Z}$," and, by just restating the second statement, that should be true for every $m\in\mathbb{Z}$.
Yet it's weighted as a 5 point question when the previous statement is weighted as a 3 point question, which feels like it should be a more difficult question, and so I'm suspicious that I'm missing something.
(As for what I think, I think that both of those initial statements are true.)
(I'm mostly looking for assurance.)
Ah, well, $m\in\mathbb{Z}$ must be non-negative, but that's actually a side effect of me copying the problem down incorrectly. Should be $\mathbb{N}$, not $\mathbb{Z}$.
@Rithaniel Why would it have to be $\mathbb N$? Where are you getting that idea?
Well, $\mathbb{Z}_n$ is integers mod n. An integer to a negative power is not an integer, so that would violate the structure being a group.
I would say that if $[a]$ is a unit of $\mathbb Z_n$, then $[a]^m$ is a unit for ALL $m\in\mathbb Z$. Even the negative ones. Because $[a]^{-1}$ is a unit as well.
Both of these statements seem true to me. The first is a reformulation of $\gcd(a+kb,b)=\gcd(a,b)$ for integer $k$ and the second is a reformulation of $\gcd(a,n)=\gcd(b.n)=1\Rightarrow\gcd(ab,n)=1$. Both of these statements can be derived from Bezout's Lemma. Though I am also confused by that deceptively easy looking second question.
An integer to a negative power is not an integer true, mostly, but $[a]$ is not an integer.
Ah, it's an equivalence class, good point, but we're talking about $[a^m]$, and not $[a]^m$.
@Rithaniel But $[a^m]=[a]^m$
OK well, i've got off to a bad start explaining this
you're right, of course, that $a^m$ isn't an integer when $m$ is an arbitrary integer.
It does? (I'll be honest, I'm not familiar with power operations on equivalence classes)
But I think the spirit of the problem is to show that the equivalence class's powers are all units
That equality holds only for $m$ non-negative
@Thorgott Yes, i agree, I botched the line of explanation.
I shouldn't have disagreed earlier :)
@Rithaniel I'm not familiar with power operations on equivalence classes . You make it sound so complicated! it's just repeated multiplication...
Alright, so we would define $[a]^m$ as equal to $[a^m]$, then? I got an impression that $[a]^m$ would be some operation on the equivalence class.
If $[a]\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$, then $[a^m]\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$ for all non-negative $m$. If the modular multiplicative inverse $[a]^{-1}$ exists, then you should even have $[a]^m\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$ for all integer $m$, but of course $[a^m]$ doesn't exist for the negative values of $m$:
Which, effectively, $[a^m]$ already is.
$[a^m]=[a\cdot...\cdot a]=[a]\cdot...\cdot[a]=[a]^m$. This can be made rigorous by induction as a consequence of $[ab]=[a][b]$ being well-defined.
Now, this next one seems much more impressive: "Show that if $n=p_1^{a_1}p_2^{a_2}p_3^{a_3}···p_m^{a_m}$ with each $p_i$ prime and each $a_i\in\mathbb{N}$, then then $|U(\mathbb{Z}_n)|=\Pi_{i=1}^m (p_i^{a_i −1}(p_i−1))$"
Also, I went ahead and decided to go with mathematical induction to show that the assertion holds form every $m\in\mathbb{N}$, too. @Thorgott
@Rithaniel . I got an impression that $[a]^m$ would be some operation on the equivalence class. It is exactly that. I'm not sure why you'd think of it any other way.
It happens to have the property that $[a^m]=[a]^m$ whenever $a^m$ is defined
Hint: First consider the case where $n=p^a$ is a single prime power, then generalize.
Hmmm, two passes of induction?
One for adding new primes and one for increasing powers? (Though, increasing powers is just adding new primes, effectively, so maybe just one inductive pass)
I don't think you even need induction. Start with the simplest case; when does $\gcd(a,p)=1$?
When $a<p$, so you have $p-1$ such $a$.
Well, in $\mathbb{Z}_p$, it might be better to say $a\neq 0$, right?
Yes, since $\gcd(0,p)=p$ (generally $\gcd(0,n)=n$), so its exactly the classes $[1],...,[p-1]$. We have $\gcd(a,n)=\gcd(b,n)=1\Rightarrow\gcd(ab,n)=1$, so when does $\gcd(a,p^2)=1$?
When $\text{gcd}(a,p)=1$, so we just multiply the number of instances of elements in $U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$ by $p$?
That's the idea. Each $a\in U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$ gives rise to $p$ elements in $U(\mathbb{Z}_{p^2})$ (namely $a,a+p,...,a+(p-1)p$). You just need to check that there is no other $a$ satisfying $\gcd(a,p^2)=1$. This can be done by noting that all the elements we haven't yet considered are integer multiples of $p$ and thus share the divisor $p$ with $p^2$ (and the case $a=0$).
Is it true that if $f$ is continuous on $[a,b]$ and $f=0$ on $(a,b)$, the $f=0$ on $[a,b]$? It is not trivial just by definition of continuity.
It is, you just haven't applied it to the right open set.
@MikeMiller What is wrong with what I said?
Hey everyone! Is someone familiar with the Stolz-Cesàro theorem? I have the following question, and I've made an attempt, but I would really appreciate some feedback:
Q: Stolz-Cesàro $0/0$ case: is $\limsup \frac{a_n}{b_n}\le \limsup\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}$?

LearnerThe general form of Stolz-Cesaro $\infty/\infty$ case states that any two real two sequences $a_n$ and $b_n$, with the latter being monotone and unbounded, satisfy $$\liminf\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}\le\liminf\frac{a_n}{b_n}\le\limsup \frac{a_n}{b_n}\le \limsup\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n...

Take a sequence $(x_n)_n$ in $(a,b)$, s.t. $x_n\rightarrow a$. You have $f(x_n)=0$ for all $n$ and $f(x_n)\rightarrow f(a)$ by continuity, hence $f(a)=0$. The same works for $b$.
@Thorgott Thank You.
Let K be a subfield of C not contained in R then if Char(K)=0 then K is dense is easy to see as it will have Q as a subfield. Is this true when char(K)=!0?
Okay, I've reached a point where my proof needs one more element and I'm unsure how to prove this part. Given $\text{gcd}(m,n)=1$, then I want to say that $|U(\mathbb{Z}_{mn})|=|U(\mathbb{Z}_{m})||U(\mathbb{Z}_{n})|$
Can you use the CRT?
@Thorgott Sir, may I paste here to you the proof I wrote under that question?
What does CRT stand for?
Ah, chinese remainder theorem?
That's actually the next problem after this one. So I can prove it there and then refer to it in this problem. How do I utilize it, though?
The CRT gives you a bijection (a ring isomorphism even, though that's not the point here) between $\mathbb{Z}_{mn}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_m\times\mathbb{Z}_n$. You can restrict this to a bijection between $U(\mathbb{Z}_{nm})$ and $U(\mathbb{Z}_n)\times U(\mathbb{Z}_m)$ upon noting that $\gcd(a,mn)=1$ is equivalent to $\gcd(a,m)=\gcd(a,n)=1$. Sets in bijective correspondence have equal cardinality and $|A\times B|=|A|\cdot|B|$, so that's what you want.
Would it be correct to just say that because there is a bijection between $\mathbb{Z}_{mn}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_m\times\mathbb{Z}_n$, that there is also a bijection between $U(\mathbb{Z}_{mn})$ and $U(\mathbb{Z}_m)\times U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$? Or would that warrant an argument?
I see how that argument would go, but I wanna make sure that it's worth the time investment.
You need to a) prove that this new mapping is well-defined, i.e. that the image of some $a\in U(\mathbb{Z}_{mn})$ under the bijection is in $U(\mathbb{Z}_m)\times U(\mathbb{Z}_n)$ and b) that the new mapping is a bijection (injectivity is clear since it's a restriction of an injection, so surjectivity remains)
@Learner I'm not too familiar with Stolz-Cesaro and only skimmed over your proof, but from my first impression, I don't see why you can assume that $(b_n)_n$ is monotonic. Also, you start with an $\alpha>\limsup\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}$ and then show $\alpha>\limsup\frac{a_n}{b_n}$, but, unless I'm missing something, this does not generally imply $\limsup\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}>\limsup\frac{a_n}{b_n}$.
@Thorgott The monotonicity of $b_n$ is a hypothesis of Stolz-Cesaro
As for the reasoning about $\alpha$, I think that's normal. It depends on the fact that we we worked with any $alpha$
Ah, I see. I missed that $\alpha$ was arbitrary. I'll give it a closer look now.
youtu.be/vr0sTKbV7lI?t=145 Is the infinitesimal volume in the video an actual cube (so that $dx$, $dy$, and $dz$ are some arbitrarily small but equal $h$), or is it a miniature version of the larger volume (so that, i.e., the ratio of $dx$ and $dz$ equals the ratio of the $x$ and $z$ in the larger volume)?
@user10478 The guy says "cube" but the dimensions should be arbitrary (and "small"). You're never going to fill up the big rectangular solid with cubes if the dimensions are different.
Hi @TedShifrin!
Hi @Learner
@TedShifrin Why not? Is it required to use the same number of small volumes in each dimension?
@TedShifrin Are you familiar with the Stolz-Cesàro theorem?
I don't know what you mean by that. If you use cubes, then no matter how many you use, you're going to end up with the same net change in each dimension.
I don't know the name, @Learner.
@user10478: There's nothing that says you have to divide the region evenly, just as you don't have to in one-dimensional integrals. I don't know if you know the actual definition of the integral. Most books don't do a good job.
Okay, yeah I think I understand the 1-dimensional case pretty well, I just wasn't sure how the differentials of the independent variables were supposed to relate to one another if at all.
No, they're totally independent.
@TedShifrin It's about real sequences, though it comes with different flavours. One version is that any two real two sequences $a_n$ and $b_n$, with the latter being monotone and unbounded, satisfy

$$\liminf\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}\le\liminf\frac{a_n}{b_n}\le\limsup \frac{a_n}{b_n}\le \limsup\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}.$$
Okie, thank you
In the following:
Q: Stolz-Cesàro $0/0$ case: is $\limsup \frac{a_n}{b_n}\le \limsup\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}$?

LearnerThe general form of Stolz-Cesaro $\infty/\infty$ case states that any two real two sequences $a_n$ and $b_n$, with the latter being monotone and unbounded, satisfy $$\liminf\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n}\le\liminf\frac{a_n}{b_n}\le\limsup \frac{a_n}{b_n}\le \limsup\frac{a_{n+1}-a_n}{b_{n+1}-b_n...

@Learner: Nah, I don't know it. I've never come across that.
@TedShifrin Got it, thanks for hearing me out
Too bad I no longer have my Pólya-Szegö.
@Learner I read the proof and I think it's a nice one. I only had some minor (and probably irrelevant) remarks, but they were too long for this chat, so I posted them as answer to your question. Hope you don't mind.
@Thorgott Absolutely not, thank you so much! And I think you make good points, upvoted and accepted!
Thanks and no problem :)
@Ted Induction can only be used within $\Bbb N$?
You should be able to use induction on any set equipped with a well-order
I can't think of any other sets of numbers that have a least member.
@CaptainAmerica16 The natural numbers starting at 2?
Seems like a joke answer, but it is important to note that you can also apply induction to "shifts" of the natural numbers---sometimes a statement is only true for $n \geq 5$.
Well, that is true.
You can easily define a well-order on the integers and use induction on it. It's important to note though that in that case the induction step is not of them form $A(n)\Rightarrow A(n+1)$.
@Thorgott: CaptainAmerica is just starting out in math. No need to go overboard.
Hey @Ted
Heya @Fargle
So, I guess just any specifically defined set that has a least member.
Even if it isn't in the natural numbers.
No. What would you do with all the nonnegative real numbers?
Not necessarily. Good luck inducting on [0,1]
wonders if @Leaky has discovered the meaning of "is" yet
son of a gun
Ah, I wasn't aware. I didn't mean to go overboard.
Well, I get the gist. I'm not going to overthink what I know.
LOL, I didn't mean to sound harsh. But it's hard enough keeping CaptainAmerica on track :P
@TedShifrin I don't understand how you induce an orientation on the boundary of an orientable $n$-manifold in the case of $n=1$
You don't only need a least element, you need every element to have a clearly-defined "next" element too.
You assign a sign to each point, @Leaky.
Yeah, I get that part. @Fargle
in what way?
Gotcha. Just running my mouth :P
It's a $+$ sign if the oriented basis for your $1$-manifold points "out" and a $-$ sign if it points "in."
and more formally?
That's consist with the rule that you look at $n,v_1,\dots,v_{n-1}$.
I'm on part b of question 3 in ch.2
You have a least element. Remove that least element from the set. The least element of this new set is the next element. @Fargle
@Leaky: That is formal. What's the definition of an outward-pointing normal in general?
@Thorgott That's only valid if we already have an inductive set in the first place: I cite again the example of [0,1]
@Thorgott had well-ordering.
You guys aren't on the same page.
Ah, understood
@LeakyNun Let's chase definitions (this is what you're asking in the end). If $M$ is oriented, how do you define the orientation on $\partial M$?
Never write down a fixed dimension.
@TedShifrin I want to define it as a section of the $\{-1,1\}$-bundle
should we go over to the other room?
Huh, @Leaky. We need to do what Mike just said and what I said before him.
You need to define the boundary orientation in general.
So you need to know what an outward-pointing normal vector is at the boundary.
Yeah, I meant on a well-ordered set and then it's valid
He wants to say it in terms of orientation double covers, but if we write $\Lambda(E)$ to mean the orientation double cover corresponding to some vector bundle, you ultimately need an isomorphism $\Lambda(TM\big|_{\partial M}) \cong \Lambda(T \partial M)$. And that, ultimately, amounts to what we're asking.
No way to avoid this in the end.
Yeah, I agree in that case. Sorry for the misunderstanding @Thorgott
All good
Yup, what Mike said. It's a special case of the adjunction formula for the canonical bundle of a divisor in a complex manifold :D Tee hee hee.
fancy words for a man who's just splitting an exact sequence :p
I don't even know what an orientation is; online sources say that I only need to give an oriented chart for the interior
@LeakyNun That seems like a pretty clear obstruction dude
obstruction to what?
Once again, you could look at my lectures for a definition of boundary orientation.
Since you're too lazy to read stuff properly.
understanding anything about orientations
@TedShifrin what stuff?
the stuff about orienting the whole manifold vs just the interior is a pointless red herring, don't worry about it.
Definitions of orientation and boundary orientation.
I've said it several times already above. I'm tired of this.
yes, but where should I read about it? Should I consult spivak?
Spivak Vol. I of the 5-volume diff geo text?
@MikeMiller I've tried giving three charts on $[0,1]$
Two charts is all you need.
I can't think of any smooth manifolds book that doesn't have a clear discussion of orientation :D
Any serious book on differentiable manifolds does this carefully.
Even my "non-serious" book for freshmen and sophomores does it.
"It is also hard not to show that ..."
@MikeMiller Huh?
@TedShifrin $U_1 = [0,0.5) \cup (0.5,1]$ and $U_2=(0,1)$?
why bother when you could just use [0,1) and (0,1]
No, $U_1= [0,3/4)$ and $U_2 = (1/2,1]$.
@TedShifrin hey ted!
heya @Stan!
@TedShifrin see here
Oh :) I think I looked at that entry years ago. Thanks for context.
04:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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