[Deus Ex Machina Lemma] Let $K$ be a local field ($\mathcal O$, $\mathfrak p$, $\Bbb F_q$) and $L$ be a complete unramified extension of $K$. Let $\varphi \in \operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$ such that $\varphi$ restricts to the arithmetic Frobenius $\pmod {\mathfrak p}$.
Suppose $\pi$ is a uniformiser of $L$, and $f \in \mathcal O_L[[X]]$ satisfies $f \equiv \pi X \pmod {X^2}$ and $f \equiv X^q \pmod {\mathfrak p}$. Let $(\pi', f')$ be another such pair.
Then, for any $\theta_1 \cdots \theta_t \in \mathcal O_L$ such that $\varphi(\theta_i)/\theta_i = \pi'/\pi$, there is a unique $F \in \mathcal O…