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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Hi @mick, hope you are well.
Hey guys.
Hello guy.
@Jasper Yo.
How are you
What brings you to this chat? Have we met before?
No. I am only active in Physics S.E.
Do you like Feynman Lectures?
Just wanted to look into other chats.
Feynman lectures ? Sometimes.
Why ?
The books seem very popular. I don't know if they are really good.
They are.
There should be NO space before the question mark in English.
Sorry, I dont know what that means.
You mean no ..? rather .?
Why ?
The first is correct, and the second is wrong.
So you realized that Im a foreigner.
I have no idea why so many people add a space.
I dunno either.
What textbook do you recommend for first year college physics?
Landau Lifshitz - mechanics
For deeper studies "Differential geometry, topology and Physics" by Nikahara
Ah OK. I don't think the LL books can be read by first year students though.
Of course they can. Its just classical mechanics.
Well, the following books are about QM.
Do you study in Russia?
No. I'm from germany. Why?
Oh. Just because the LL books are by Russians, and they are not really that well known.
Really? Oh.
I used them.
That's it.
I don't like Russian math books. Very often, they are not too rigorous. I prefer German math books.
Germany is my favourite country. I hope to be reborn there next life.
I am using Assimil to study German, so I can say 'Guten Tag'.
Well, good luck. You'll be lucky if you get reborn after Merkel.
Thank you. I need luck, because I am very unlucky.
Oh. How do you mean that ?
I have been mentally ill for almost two decades.
Oh, I'm sorry for you. Do you feel good now ?
Nope. I am trying to get better so that I can further my studies in mathematics.
I have lost everything, but I have hope.
I hope you are gonna be better in the future. Don't give up.
Thank you. You are a nice guy.
My favourite math books are the three manifolds books by John Lee.
John Lee is my favourite math author, I think.
A lot of people don't think much of his books, but they are special to me because the statements of many theorems in them are in better form than in other books.
I think my favourite scientist is Edward Witten. Because he did a lot for physics and for mathematics.
I like to read his papers.
I gave up studying physics because I got more interested in mathematics.
I understand.
But I like a mixture of both: mathematical physics.
Thats my study area.
Aha. Theoretical physics is essentially advanced mathematics.
Yeah ;) The difference is not very big.
Do you have a favourite math book?
Not really. I read everything, if its good.
But I try to get the book "Differential geometry, topology and physics" in the not too-distant future.
I see. I am going to sleep. Good night, and good luck!
Yeah, good night. And good luck for you, too ;)
3 hours later…
o shit waddup
can someone tell me what exactly $\pi_1(M,x_0)$ means?
where $M$ is a manifold and $x_0$ is a point on it
I mean I know it's supposed to mean the fundamental group, but I'd like to know what the definition exactly is
*fundamental group consisting of loops starting and ending at $x_0$
It's the set of homotopy classes of loops starting and ending at $x_0$
Let $\Omega(x_0,x_0)$ be the loop space, i.e. the set of continuous maps of $S^1\to M$ that have $x_0$ in their image and let $\sim$ be an equivalence relation on $\Omega(x_0,x_0)$ where $\gamma_1\sim\gamma_2$ if they are homotopic
Then $\pi_1(M,x_0)=\Omega(x_0,x_0)/\sim$.
I see...
so what would $\pi_1(S^1)$ mean @Ocelo7 ?
Homotopy classes of loops that "go round" the circle
wouldn't that mean each equivalence class contains one element only?
go half-way around, then turn around
you can homotope that to a point, i.e. the trivial loop
oh riight
thanks @Ocelo7
what does $1$ as an element of $\pi_1(M,x_0)$ mean? I'm guessing the equivalence class of trivial loops?
aka the ones homotopic to a point?
No, it's an equivalence class of homotopic loops
it won't be null-homotopic loops in general
I think I read that a homotopy is like a slider control somehow
@arctictern, in programming (modulo as operator),

A mod B = R

B is called "modulus" and R is called "remainder"
what does A called?
Please correct me if I wrong, Thanks
@Unknown123 if you really want it to have a name for some kind of peace of mind, I guess you could call it a dividend
Because I have seen people using term in programming like this
A = dividend, B = divisor, R = remainder

I think, the congruent relation term can be apply like this
A = bla (base maybe?), B = modulus, R = remainder

In the congruent relation context itself people just called it a number
number1 --- number2 (mod B)

Thank you anyway, I think I will choose this term in programming
A = dividend, B = divisor, R = remainder
Um, I got one more question
As operator
3 mod 11 = 3

As relation
3 --- 3 (mod 11)

(3 - 3) / 11 = 0 / 11

does 0 also multiple of 11?

Thank you
yes, you know that 0 is 11 times an integer
and you know which integer
I assume you're on your phone and that's why your messages take up so much vertical space in that chatroom
Alright, I think because i rarely seen that 0 can also be multiple of a number,
so the answer is that 0 can be a multiple of any real number,
i'm so glad, thank you very much for your assistance
2 hours later…
Hi @Adeek.
1 hour later…
Why does surface integral need double integration?
@ItachíUchiha I don't understand the question. Surface integral is defined to be a double integral.
umm..I am new to calculas.I want to ask what is surface integral (to a newbie)?
Do you know what a line integral is?
umm..If I plot y=f(x) and then draw a curve joining all points that fulfilling the criteria (x,f(x)) then the length of that curve is line integral??
That makes no sense, I am sorry.
You should understand what line integrals are before trying to understand surface integrals: the latter is a 2 dimensional generalization of the former.
If you want a one-line introduction to line integrals, then I'd say it's just the total work done by a vector field alone a path. Surface integrals are work done by a vector field along a surface.
But the description you gave tells me you don't really know the correct definition: knowing vague intuition before the definition is dangerous, so I'd recommend you to understand this. Maybe look in whatever textbook you're reading this up from.
Hello @balarka, have a good weekend.
Hi, Have a look at this number theory post - math.stackexchange.com/questions/1887036/… , Please, inform if you find anything inconsistent in the argument.
For a 1-d wave equation problem we have two initial conditions and two boundary conditions. If we transform the wave equation to the frequency domain with the Fourier transform we obtain the Helmholtz equation and we only have to satisfy the two boundary conditions...so what has happened to the two initial conditions? Its seems the constraint they have on the solutions to the problem 'disappears'...where has the constraint gone?
1 hour later…
@Hippalectryon Salut, sais-tu où trouver le livre À la découverte des lois de l'univers de Roger Penrose ? (en pdf j'entends...) merci
@JeSuis Sans payer ? non
@Jasper You too.
2 hours later…
@Hippalectryon hi
Why the sad face ?
what is your profile pic ?
The main character of a Chinese light novel
Let X and Y be uniformly random variables in [0,1)
What is the distribution of XY?
why don't you ask it in the main site ?
is asking here fine ?
of course it is ok to ask here
ok i will also ask one question
> Just ask; don't ask to ask.
i want map [3,5] to [0,3]
@A---B (x-3)*1.5
this was a unanswered question i found on the site some days ago
@LeakyNun wow how did you do it ?
@A---B x-3 is normalize to start at zero
1.5 is scaling factor
@LeakyNun I prefer (sin(x*10000)+1)*1.5
@Hippalectryon i prefer 2, nobody said it has to be surjective xd
i was wandering all over coordinate systems and translation
@Hippalectryon how you got that ?
@A---B range of sin is [-1,1], +1 to normalize, *1.5 to scale
@LeakyNun i feel dumb
My answer is correct but surely not one expected for the question >.> don't mind it
Let X and Y be uniformly random variables in [0,1)
What is the distribution of XY?
Q: product distribution of two uniform distribution, what about 3 or more

luluSay $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ are independent and identically distributed uniform random variables on the interval $(0,1)$. What is the product distribution of two of such random variables, e.g., $Z_2 = X_1 \cdot X_2$? What if there are 3; $Z_3 = X_1 \cdot X_2 \cdot X_3$? What if there are $n$ o...

@Hippalectryon Thanks
i don't like probability, infinite series are better for me
Infinite series ? Don't you simply mean series ?
@Hippalectryon there are finite series
O_o what are those ?
To me a series is an infinite sum
@Hippalectryon I've never heard of a serie
it's always a series
yeah my bad
Interesting, I always thought series can be finite
(I'm French and learn maths in French so I'm not sure about the English translations)
Just checked wiki
@Hippalectryon en francais on dit une serie :o
je ne l'ai jamais su
une série :-)
i thought series, when calculated till some finite number is called finite series
@A---B I call that a sum
odd distinction
'cause every finite series is also an infinite series (just add a bunch of zeroes)
@BalarkaSen To me there's conceptually a difference between summing infinitely many terms, eventually zero after some rank, and summing a finite number of terms
But maybe it's just me being picky
(i also call it sum rather than series, but regardless of finite or infiniteness)
i also
set A - set B, how do you say "-", difference or minus ?
Either "the difference of A and B" or "A minus B"
set A difference set B doesn't sound good
@Hippalectryon le premier c'est misleading
i also say "setminus"
@LeakyNun true
as in "A setminus B"
in programming we called it A with B filtered out
spelling out loud the latex code
to me, spoken maths statement never sound good
it feel so confusing
those symbols were never meant to be spoken out
completely agreed,
Can i find range of function $f(x) = |x-1| - |x-2| + |x-3| - |x-4| +... + |x-100|$ ?
just thought of it
The last one is a minus sign isn't it ?
If so the range is surely [-50,50]
@Hippalectryon oh yes
@Hippalectryon wow are you joking ?
No :-) think about it
For x>100, what's f(x) ?
99 - 98 + 97 - 96 + 95 - ... - 0
Are you sure ?
or 50
Why ?
don't guess
do it
99 - 98 = 1 + 97 = 98 - 96 = 2 + 95 = 97 - 94 = 3 + 93 = 96 ...
handwavey af
did it, ought to be 50
@LeakyNun have a better way ? please tell then ...
how many pairs are there
50 ... :(
oh i thought the same thing but in a different way
like for every 2 number we increment sum by 1
any way that is for x > 100 what about x < 100 ?
what is x
$f(x) = |x-1| - |x-2| + |x-3| - |x-4| +... + |x-100|$
@A---B That's my next question :P
@Hippalectryon ok :) , (49 - 48) + (47 - 46) ... (-49 + 50) = 50 ?
right ?
Why start at 49 ? The first term is 101 for x=-100
i took x = 50
Oooh mb
The question is "what about x<-100" ?
it would be same as x > 100
with a - sign
Why ?
The function isn't symmetrical with respect to the vertical axis x=0
(101 - 102) + (103 - 104) + ... + (199 - 200) = -50 ? :(
Now what happens hen you start at x=-100 and increase x slightly ?
if i increase by 1 every number increase by 1
so we still get -50
right ?
Why does every number increase by 1 ?
For instance |x-1| was 101 and becomes 100
|-101 - 1| = 102 ?
lol i got it
I said increase x. Increasing -100 by 1 gives -99
yes you are right
ok i got how the range is [-50, 50]
Basically what I'm trying to make you show is that the function is increasing on [0,100]
And f(0)=-50,f(100)=50
(for some reason I asked about f(-100) before but f(0) works too)
What's f(1) ?
(0 - 1) + (2 - 3) ... (98 - 99)
so, -50 again.
Now let's increase x=1 by 1. What changes ?
every number increases by 1
still 50 :)
Really ? Every number ?
no wait
|2- 1| = 1 and then |2- 2| = 0, |2-3| = 1 ...
So indeed for |x-3|,|x-4|,...,|x-100| nothing changes
|2-3| = 1, |1-3| = 2
Hey @user1618033 lol.
Well for x between 1 and 2, we have |x-1|-|x-2|=(x-1)-(2-x)=2x-1
Add |x-3|-|x-4|+... and we get f(1<x<2)=2x-50
So it's increasing between 1 and 2
You can do the exact same reasoning for x between 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc
All that's left is looking at the cases for x between 2 and 3, 4 and 5, ...
What happens in those cases ?
for x = 2 ,

1, 0 , 1, 2,3, ... 98

for x = 3,

2,1, 0, 1,2, ... 97
right ?
Look at x between 2 and 3, not x=2 and x=3
@Jasper Hey, laughing is healthy. :-)
for x = 2.5 ,

1.5, 0.5 , 1.5, 2.5,3.5, ... 98.5
@A---B Don't chose one x between 2 and 3. What I'm asking for is the simplified expression of f(x) for 2<x<3. For instance between 1 and 2 we had f(x)=2x-50
(slight mistake actually it should be f(x)=2(x-1)-50). But that's irrelevant.
@user1618033 I now have 10 videos. I think I won't make any more, because nobody watches them except myself, lol.
2(x-1) - 49 blind guess
@Jasper give me more!!! :-) Post them here.
@Jasper dont lose hope somebody will watch them
@A---B Don't use blind guesses >.> think
@user1618033 By the way, now that you have written your book, are you working on any kind of mathematics?
@A---B If you're stuck, look at the function and try to prove the result desmos.com/calculator/v9hacwjdwf
@Jasper I work every day. Well, these days I develop an important tool that is based upon an article that I suppose it is going to be published somewhere around the end of the year.
(if all is fine and I'm lucky enough)
@Hippalectryon it is 48 for 2.5, 2.6,2.7,2.8 ... 3.0 right ?
@Jasper I have many ideas to develop, and as I said before I would need a whole team to do that, for some years.
Well we just want to prove that our function is increasing, so all you have to do is to show that it's constant on [2,3],[4,5],...
ok done that
it is easy
@Jasper could you compose some music with Chris's sis and upload on youtube? :P
(maybe you have some cool ideas with that :D)
@user1618033 Sorry, what do you mean by "with Chris's Sis"? I don't understand. =)
@Jasper LOL
@Jasper :D
@A---B Well then we're finished :-)
finally that was tedious
thanks for bearing me
@Hippalectryon but say i am getting 1 million $ for proving that, how would i do it ?
Exactly the way we've done it. Show that f(x>=100)=50, f(x<=1)=-50, that f(2n<=x<=2n+1) is constant and that f(2n+1<=x<=2n+2) is increasing
@Hippalectryon nice you are genius, :)
Haha not at all :D @user1618033 is
why ?
Because she keeps doing incredible stuff >.>
@Hippalectryon If I were a genius I would have probably had some diploma at Harvard, MIT, UCLA and so on ;)
Well I don't have any of those
@user1618033 You are genius; I am banana.
Now srry but I'll be busy for 30 mins or so
@Jasper doesn't have to be mutually exclusive :-)
@Hippalectryon so did she do ?
@Hippalectryon The nice thing is to be a simple person, with a simple mind, that is able to do fascinating things. Doing fascinating things as a genius is not that fascinating, because after all you're a genius.
@A---B Nah she's a special case. No serious academic maths class whatsoever
@user1618033 Your comments deserve many stars. =)
@Hippalectryon but what she do with any serious academic maths class ?
@A---B She had none.
@Jasper ok lol
@Hippalectryon then how is she genius
@A---B She is like Ramanujan.
@Jasper but ramanujan did many things, what did she do ?
Hi @Pedro
My dear @pedro!
Hi, does anyone know who this user is? It is not me.
just some user
the world is a small palce
A palace is not a small place.
@A---B She also did many things. =)
@arctictern Do you know who the above user I flashed out might be? Is it your other account?
(and since you're interested in English, "is it your other account" would imply I only have one other account)
only person I masqueraded as was robjohn for april fools day
I am not too precise with words outside a mathematical context.
I think the link I asked people to star on the wall needs more stars @arctictern.
They are very good and very big books.
if one google searches e.g. "knapp basic algebra" the page with links comes up in the first page of results
so the people who want/need them will find them
The thing is that people may not even know about the books...
And even if they know, they may not know about the new edition...
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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