I am currently reading about C* from the following notes
In the proof of GNS construction theorem 1.12.4 page 50 there is something I don't understand in particular 3 that it defines a bounded linear operator on $H_{\phi}$ if we have the followin...
If there is anyone that can help me, the problem that I'm doing is that I need to figure if it is possible to find a path from X1 that traverses the whole graph. There are four vertices(X1, X2, X3, X4) and this is how they are connected. X1: X3 X4 X2, X2: X1 X3 X4 , X3: X1 X2 X4, X4: X1 X2 X3
Hmm... well, I'd say check your notes to see if you have an "if and only if" theorem about Euler paths/circuits that involves the degrees of the vertices.
I know, but think about it: suppose we have a triangle and attach an extra edge. Then entering/leaving the triangle, we have to visit that vertex twice. I should say "any graph that contains a cycle as a proper subgraph can't be "traversed" by a path"
It's the complete graph $K_4$
So, that's my intuition: The kind of "traversal" you're talking about is incredibly restrictive; almost no graphs could be "traversed"; we can't visit all edges and vertices exactly once, except in very rare situations
There are two main kinds of "traversals" in graph theory: The Euler ones, that visit each edge (and are allowed to repeat vertices) and the Hamilton ones, that visit each vertex exactly once (and don't necessarily, and probably in general can't, cross each edge). I just suspect the kind of traversal you're thinking of is way too restrictive for that to be the actual intended meaning
So if we're sure of the definitions involved, I'm alright at graph theory :) But I don't want to mislead you, if we're not thinking of the same things
ff topic - Rational Canonical Forms. Given an n×n matrix A, are there situations in which one would find the rational canonical form of $A$ by finding a matrix $P$ such that $P^{-1}AP$ is the rational canonical form of $A$? If so, when should this technique be applied?
that's essentially equivalent to what lhf says, except it checked the system for consistency and reduced the congruence. lhf's still probably more straightforward for a noob. (dunno what OP was wanting for in the earlier thread - commented as such). but checking for consistency is important, reducing numbers when possible is important, and being able to potentially generalize to multiple equations and variables is also good.
@anon Fix $r\in\mathbb R$. Let $\zeta$ be the order type of $\mathbb Z$, and let $(a_n)$ be the binary expansion of $r$. We have $a_n\in\{0,1\}$ for all $n$. The order type corresponding to $r$ is $a_0+\zeta+a_1+\zeta+a_2+\zeta+\dotsb$. This is much easier than what I originally had in mind.
@anon Or at least $0\le r$, though that's not too hard to fix. And let's say that we'll go with the one ending in all $0$s... it's an arbitrary choice, after all.
(Let $s(r)=\begin{cases}0&r\le0\\1&r>0\end{cases}$, and put $s(r)+\zeta+$ in front of what I had before.
can you prove all reals have 1 or 2 binary expansions, and the only reals with 2 binary expansions are ones that have a finite binary expansion in which one can then replace the last 1 with 0111... ?
btw, what is $a_0$ if not the first digit after the decimal binary point?
Is there a detailed and easy to understand guide anywhere that explains the application of the extended gcd algorithm for solving systems of congruences?
@user2597879 to solve 15a-21b=3 you should be able to plug those numbers into the extended euclidean algorithm and get (a,b)=(3,2). and lcm of the modulis is 105.
first of all, (-3,-2) is not a solution to 5a+(-7)b=1. it's a solution to 5a+(-7)b=-1.
second of all, why is it saying g=-1? shouldn't standard choice of gcd be positive?
notice how your issues seem to have nothing to do with solving congruences, and everything to do with correctly implementing the extended euclidean algorithm, and putting in the correct input
well, get a better implementation that isn't funky with negative signs, chooses a positive gcd, and gets an actual solution to the linear diophantine equation ax+by=c. or get a programmer to help you understand what's going on with the code.
off topic algebra. Can one always find the rational canonical form by using the minimal and characteristic polynomials, or is there ever a case in which one needs to find a matrix $P$ so that the canonical form is $P^{-1}AP$?
@TheSubstitute one doesn't need to find the matrix P to know the canonical form. one finds the char poly, factors into irreducible factors over your field, then finds the companion matrices to the powers of irreducible factors appearing in this factorization. one uses these companion matrices as diagonal blocks in the canonical form.
all of this is essentially applying the fundamental theorem of finitely-generated modules over Euclidean domains (one can do PIDs too but EDs are easier IIRC). one lets V be a space over F, and A a linear map, and considers V as a F[A]-module.
so, to summarize. given x=u (N) and x=v (M), check for consistency by checking that u=v mod gcd(N,M). saying x=u+Na=v+Mb yields Na-Mb=v-u. divide this equation by gcd(N,M,v-u) to get Ta-Rb=w. input (T,-R) into the EEA and make sure the g it returns has the same sign as w (if not, negate the output to ensure it does). this yields a and b, which you can plug back into x=u+Na or v+Mb. this solution for x is correct mod lcm(N,M).
as far as I understand it, the general idea is to construct a Tarski schema assuming $\mathsf{PA}$ is $\omega$-consistent, and then apply Tarski's theorem than $\mathsf{PA}$ extended with a schema is always inconsistent.
he constructs the Tarski schema by defining the formula $F(\bar n, \lceil \varphi \rceil)$ for a statement $\varphi$ and a numeral $n$, which satisfies $\vdash F(\bar n, \lceil \varphi \rceil)$ iff $n$ is the Godel code for some proof of $\varphi$.
then it's easy to check that $T(\lceil - \rceil) := \exists x F(x, \lceil \varphi \rceil)$ is a schema.
@KarlKronenfeld a tarski schema $T$ is just a predicate $T$ such that for all scentences $\varphi$, $T(\lceil \varphi \rceil) \leftrightarrow \varphi$.
god, the hardest thing about logic is that you don't know what the latex symbols for these are.
you can think of a schema as a scentence of self-reference, which says, say, "$\varphi$ is true". of course, if $\varphi$ is true, this scentence must also be true and vice versa.
tarski's theorem is an easy corollary of diagonal lemma
diagonal lemma says that in $\mathsf{PA}$, for every formula $\psi(x)$, there is a statement $\varphi$ such that $\psi(\lceil \varphi \rceil) \leftrightarrow \varphi$.
a lot of godel's time is spent on ensuring the definition of (the negation of) F is recursive, so that its truth corresponds with its provability within the system. then some constructions are made that I don't fully understand. then you get the unprovability of one of them
now consider a schema $T$. in $\mathsf{PA} + T$, you can apply diagonal lemma to obtain a statement $\varphi$ such that $\varphi \leftrightarrow (\lnot T)(\lceil \varphi \rceil) \leftrightarrow \varphi$. however, $T(\lceil \varphi \rceil) \leftrightarrow \varphi$ by definition of $T$. then that's a contradiction to consistency.
@KarlKronenfeld hm, why do you need the recursive thing anyway?
the proof of surjectivity reminded me of barycentric subdivision
i know the proof of $H_i(X\times S^n) \approx H_i(X) \oplus H_{i-n}(X)$ by heart now, so i hope i'm asked to compute the homology of a space $X\times S^n$ lol
instead of sets, there are things called "types". elements of sets, $a \in A$ are replaced by "terms in types" $a : A$. there are things called function types $A \to B$ defined between any two type $A, B$. but the most interesting thing of all is the identity type $\mathsf{Id}_A(a, b)$, terms of which you can think of as "proofs" that $a = b$. these are equivalently like paths, and indeed you can give them an $\infty$-groupoid structure to incorporate homotopy theory in it.
this thing is called "homotopy type theory", and Voevodsky claims that it may be a unifying theory of foundations of mathematics. it can interpret a lot of topological/homotopy theoretic notions formally, for one.
i don't mean "unifying all of mathematics". i mean people thinks it can be used to formally interpret all of mathematics. like, ZFC can be used to formally interpret set theory, and category theory can be used to formally intepret algebra/topology/whatever.
in a vague sort of way, there have been two schools trying to formalize mathematics : category theorists and logists. type theory lies somewhat in the middle of category theory and logic. a further amalgation with the notion of homotopy should give rise to something very powerful which will formalize a lot of math. at least, that's the logic of HoTT-ists.
@BalarkaSen how would you compute the fundamental group of $S^1\times [0,1]/\sim$ where we make the identifications $(z,1)\sim (z e^{2\pi i/n},1)$ and $(z,0)\sim (z e^{2\pi i/m},0)$ ?
@iwriteonbananas So essentially, you're taking a cylinder, identifying points on the top which are obtained from rotating by angle a multiple of $2\pi i/n$ and the same thing done with the bottom with $2\pi i/m$ instead.
why don't you do van kampen? cut out the cylinder from the middle, $\epsilon$-thicken both pieces to get an open cover $\{U, V\}$ where $U$ and $V$ are both homotopy equivalent to $S^1$.
the maps $\pi_1(U \cap V) \to \pi_1(U)$ and $\pi_1(U \cap V) \to \pi_1(V)$ are just multiplication by $m$ and $n$ respectively, right? so there you go.
It says that any mathematical theory (something with a few axioms, and with an ambient logical system) extending Peano arithmetic (i.e., where you can do arithmetic) can't be both consistent (both $A$ and $\lnot A$ can't be true) and complete (there is no statement which can neither be proved nor disproved).
Most of the people who tries to criticize mathematics using G\"odel doesn't understand G\"odel. The incompleteness theorem just says that Hilbert's program can't be finished. Of course, that's a very interesting fact, but it by no means implies that mathematics (even axiomatization of mathematics) is pointless.
I think you are also thinking something along the lines. If you're not, give me an example.
@Balarka Sorry I don't understand about Godel .. I did not want to criticize any statement with Godel .. I was just thinking what it might do and whatever I said is wrong because I don't understand anything about logic :)
Well I disagree that mathematics is pointless
Mathematics is full of fruits which for me are just too high to reach now