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But you want to go to grad school?
@Incurrence Yes
Do you have a grad school in mind? What field?
I'm alone
@Incurrence All alone... I don't have a school in mind, I am thinking geometric group theory, but I like a lot of things
@DiscipleofBarney Does that above link only show me, to you, or does it only show you?
It shows you
If says 35, but it should say 40
@DiscipleofBarney You never talk about geometric group theory
There is no one to talk too. Bib came in here asking some questions relating to geometric group theory and I answered them
Plus I have a lot of interests and its not like I am an expert or anything
Oh okay. I find the more math I know, the fewer people can talk to me about it(which is obvious, but the point here is that it is sad)
@Incurrence are you stalking me too
Its sad to think about all the math that can't be known, there are thousands of papers out there, and tons produced every year, there is no way to keep up.
@ᴇʏᴇs What do you refer?
So is there something you were wanting to study? or some project, @Incurrence
@Incurrence I just made a post on my blog saying that I wish I had a best friend who was at my level of math, and we could learn together
@DiscipleofBarney I do want to start researching, but I have nothing in mind
@ᴇʏᴇs Link?
@Incurrence It's a private blog
@ᴇʏᴇs Private?
@DiscipleofBarney I dunno, I just think it is sad that I have noone to talk to about my math problems
Posting naughty pictures? @ᴇʏᴇs
@Incurrence for my @ᴇʏᴇs only
@DiscipleofBarney Yes but only a few
Why is it a blog?
Is it a diary?
@Incurrence It incorporates diary entries too yes
Can I see this entry?
wut u overtook me m8, ill fite u
@Incurrence I already won...
I hit 3k today so fite me
pizza needs two more votes
Hello @ᴇʏᴇs @Incurrence.
@WillHunting Hey Jaspis
@JasperLoy did you sleep
@ᴇʏᴇs For a while. I had too many disturbing thoughts.
@DiscipleofBarney Maybe we can discuss some research together in my summer(your winter) when I am doing my own undergraduate research
Sounds good @Incurrence
@Incurrence What research?
I am not totally sure yet, but I meet requirements to pick a topic
@Incurrence I had over 20k before deleting my account.
Probably in Algebra
I will be taking two advanced algebra courses next semester, so I won't be terrible when I start
@DiscipleofBarney Did you finish your undergrad long ago?
About a year ago @WillHunting
@Incurrence Which algebra classes
@ᴇʏᴇs Advanced Algebra and Algebraic methods of physics
The first is an honours course
I'm taking algebra next semester too
@ᴇʏᴇs @Incurrence I feel completely broken now. I think I am at rock bottom. This is very good. It means I am about to start a brand new life. I think I will change my reading list too. It will no longer be the 12 holy books I mentioned. Maybe I will change my life plans too.
Make it the 24 holy books
I'll be back later
Good for ye, Will!
This new profile page is very very bad, I cannot stand it.
It's okay @JasperLoy
@JasperLoy we'll not stand it together
Yeah, we'll sit on it.
@JessicaK The first sentence of your Fourier question doesn't parse for me.
Thanks @JasperLoy
@ᴇʏᴇs You should ping me as Will Hunting, LOL, Bart.
@JasperLoy Okay sorry
I feel like screaming to let out all my emotions.
@JasperLoy what about some stress-releasing activities
Like going to the shooting range
I just gave a bad answer and deleted it.
I wish I had more time to learn my stuff
@ᴇʏᴇs I am good at day shooting.
The lecturers go too fast because they don't care about teaching the course properly
I can't edit because apparently it is 3m old in one second... [edit: refresh fixed the time]
@ᴇʏᴇs @Incurrence One day the 3 of us should meet for beer.
When you win the abel prize
When you two win the Fields medal.
I will be the janitor at the ceremony.
Wow you guys totally don't want to meet :D
What makes you think we won't win? =)
The people who win such prizes often are the least expected. =)
When I think of how bad this life has been, I then think it could be worse in the next one, so I try to cherish this one and work towards a better next one.
I think I am lucky I am not born in North Korea.
I think I am lucky I don't have ALS.
Actually, do you guys think this site should even exist?
I think I am lucky you are here @JasperLoy
@ᴇʏᴇs But I have done nothing for you.
@JasperLoy A lot
Does anyone know stuff about genus here?
Does the red path have genus 1, the green, genus 2?
Is that how that works?
@Incurrence That pic looks like @ᴇʏᴇs, LOL.
Or is that homotopic equivalence classes or soemthing
I don't think lines are normally considered to have genus, there might be ways to define genus
Have you all heard of my trig joke?
a genus is a taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms
Well depending on how many singularities they go around, they have something
I think it is homotopy equivalence or something?
A tan is good cos it is not a sin.
I asked the lecturer weeks ago and he explained it quickly before leaving, with a picture like that, but I couldn't remember it
@Incurrence They are just lines
This is a 1978 Putnam problem. As usual, you are farming reputation by posting puzzles without source, this time also with non-original solution. — pizza 41 secs ago
But depending on how many singularities they go around, they have different equivalence classes
I wish users would take a more critical look at VividD's posts. The pattern isn't exactly new.
How come I don't get reputation for posting questions
I am guessing that isn't the first time
@pizza Has he done this many times?
You should also put the comment below the answer @pizza
If it did not happen too often, it could be coincidence.
Is it against the rules(on top of being ridiculous)?
It could also be he's in a problem-solving class and the questions were presented to him without a source so maybe he didn't know they're previous contest problems
Yes, we must be careful before accusing someone of murder.
I bloody hate the new profile page, the damn text click-able response field is even too small...
how r u doing
@KarimMansour Alright, but noone answered my question on 'homotopy(?)' equivalence above
I don't know any homotopy
@KarimMansour That's alright
give them time they will answer it
this summer I will study many subjects
You didn't ask a questions like that @Incurrence And I told you its just paths
They are homotopically equivalent?
Pizza comes in and says something but does not respond to us.
I think there is no point talking to Pizza anymore.
I should put him on ignore.
No @Incurrence
He was satisfied with our response, so he left, if he wasn't he would have argued probably or given more examples
@DiscipleofBarney Not those two lines, but if other lines went around the same number of singularities they would have the same homotopical equivalence class
So homotopical equivalence is how many 'genus' they pass around
@Incurrence He should at least answer some of us.
@WillHunting He answers me occasionally
@Incurrence Maybe he does not like me. I am sick of Pizza.
@Balarka When you come, can you read the above and answer it? It's about homotopy
@Incurrence I just had pizza for breakfast.
@Incurrence I think many are sick of me, which is alright. I will leave the site one day.
@Incurrence Not exactly
If you talk about more math, they will like you more probably
@DiscipleofBarney That's the impression I got form my lecturer
I will talk more about it after I read some more, for now I must get back to complex analysis
@Incurrence Well, my math is limited to 1+1=2.
Thanks for the talk @ᴇʏᴇs @Will @Disc
@Incurrence There is no such thing as genus of paths. The relation you're looking for is: the paths are homotopic (either basepoint-preserving homotopic, or freely homotopic). In any case, I don't know if they are or not, since I can't figure out what your green curve does.
Morning @MikeMiller.
Homotopy classes of loops on surfaces are more complicated than just "how many holes they pass around". The fundamental group of the genus g surface is isomorphic to $\langle a_1, b_1, \dots, a_g, b_g | [a_1, b_1] [a_2, b_2] \cdots [a_g, b_g]\rangle$, where that's a group presentation.
This is a very hard group to get a handle of in practice; there's still plenty of research done on, e.g., its automorphism group.
(The torus's fundamental group is abelian, isomorphic to $\Bbb Z \oplus \Bbb Z$, where the isomorphism is given by (number of times one goes around the 'interior loop', number of times one goes around the 'exterior loop'), counted with sign.)
Hello @VividD what do you have to say about Pizza's accusations?
Good morning @robjohn, you look good today.
I saw the problem he mentioned for the first time today.
And you thought of the solution yourself?
Did you acknowledge the source of the solution then?
People here don't like plagiarism.
Wherever you get the problem or the solution, just acknowledge it, that's all.
I will.
What about in the past?
Pizza mentioned this is not the first time.
Have you done this kind of thing many times in the past?
So, in the past, it was mostly coincidental?
What is coincidental
I am not sure what posts Pizza is referring to either, but he mentioned this is not the first time you are doing this.
Not acknowledging the source.
42 mins ago, by pizza
This is a 1978 Putnam problem. As usual, you are farming reputation by posting puzzles without source, this time also with non-original solution. — pizza 41 secs ago
Than he should prove it.
41 mins ago, by pizza
I wish users would take a more critical look at VividD's posts. The pattern isn't exactly new.
Hi @VividD
He said "as usual" and "pattern isn't exactly new".
@VividD You can defend yourself by raising a meta post about this accusation, I advise you, if you are innocent.
I have just provided you with the relevant info you need.
@VividD Did you draw the diagrams using TikZ or something else?
I actually think I strive to be original.
The question is, did you post without acknowledgement in the past @VividD?
Then you should defend yourself against Mr Pizza's accusations boldly.
I do not like people to be wrongly accused, because I was wrongly accused many times in life.
@JasperLoy Maybe I am more passive but I don't feel I need to defend myself if I know I am right
It is up to you to take action or not now @VividD, that is all I wanna say.
False accusations set me off very quickly
For those wondering what those two are arguing about:
A: Find the area of a cyclic octagon

VividDFirst we arrange (without affecting the area) the pieces of the octagon like this: Now we can see that resulting octagon is actually a square without four small triangles around its vertexes, like shown here Let's calculate area of the octagon $$A = (4+2\sqrt{2})^2 - 4\cdot(\sqrt{2}\cdot\s...

@Disc I will be testing something in 40 min
@Incurrence yea right, I bet false accusations don't set you off at all
@Incurrence the 3UTC thing?
And my conversation with @VividD here is in the transcript for all to see.
@MikeMiller Thanks Mike. This seems familiar. The green line was meant to pass around both of the holes once(and meet where it began)
Right, but this is not relly important, I am not here to feed my ego.
@DiscipleofBarney Yep
@Incurrence Sometime we will have to collude on some answers and questions that have 2 votes
@ᴇʏᴇs @Incurrence I am thinking, maybe I should not come to this room anymore. What do you think?
@DiscipleofBarney Indeed aha
@WillHunting Up to you, I can email you instead, but we won't talk as much for a certainty
@JasperLoy I prefer real-time conversations
How many questions are you expecting to be deleted? @Incurrence
@DiscipleofBarney Well for my test, I want to pass 80, but I wasn't sure if the only criteria is that they be closed and negative, so I may not reach 80 today
Just reach 100
@VividD As long as in your heart, you know you are telling the truth, it is OK.
@Incurrence They can't have accepted answers, and any answers on there have to be 0 or less
@DiscipleofBarney Yep, that was the impression I had, then I should pass 80
Did you do something else to get more votes (more than two sets of 40)? @Incurrence
@DiscipleofBarney I wanted to see if the process of deletion is slow
Hello @TedShifrin, I think Mike ignored me again. =(
@DiscipleofBarney So I have some very old and some very new questions to delete when the process begins
Okay, start voting right away, it might take a while, it was 15 minutes after 0UTC before I could start voting again
(because that is when the deletions started)
@DiscipleofBarney @Incurrence You guys are obsessed with this 80 votes thing LOL.
Do you have a script you are using to delete quickly? @Incurrence
@WillHunting Clean up clean up everybody everywhere
@Incurrence Can you share the script with us please so we can use it too
@DiscipleofBarney Nope, by hand
@WillHunting We are curious, and like testing things
I'll be back when I get the results of the test
E.g. I will log out of chat to study while I wait
Cya soon
I think I will continue to come to this chat, since even @DiscipleofBarney still talks to me, LOL.
I am feeling hungry, so I should go and eat something now.
@robjohn is user 17762 back? :-)
Good @JasperLoy
@ᴇʏᴇs :) lol
Why do people waste their time doing this?
For the lols
@MichaelAlbanese :P there seems to be a pending edit to that post as well ...
It's almost as ridiculous as the post itself.
@ᴇʏᴇs I just finished eating 3 bananas.
@JasperLoy Did you write on them
@ᴇʏᴇs No.
@ᴇʏᴇs So what have I done for you?
@ᴇʏᴇs what was he supposed to write on bananas ? :o
@r9m Exactly
I'm slow at understanding .. when it comes to sarcasm! :(
I am interested in the Pizza vs VividD case now...
@r9m I'm slow at understanding ... when it comes to math.
@MichaelAlbanesei lucky..I'm slow at everything in life
I actually dislike this site now because there are too many downvotes.
People are getting too sarcastic to new users instead of helping them.
My question got closed because the answer to it was too obvious lol
And sometimes there are too many stupid jokes in the comments which should be reserved for chat.
And some hints are so obscure that they might not reach a solution or are totally wrong.
And people get downvoted for posting complete solutions when this is a Q and A site.
Hints are only good I think if they are tailored to the person's abilities
And people get their question closed if some high rep users think they lack context.
So this site seems to be run by some people who think they are very smart and can do whatever they want.
I bet none of them will win the Fields medal, and that is why they come here to show their "mathematical knowledge" and put down other people.
This is the end of my rant.
Thanks @JasperLoy
In three hours, 5 people have cast a vote??
Or is there a cutoff to appear there of 10 or something?
@MichaelAlbanese What was this post? @r9m
@Incurrence random crap .. :|
What r9m said.
There's a limit to how many votes you can do per day
Also I voted several times earlier today, but I don't show up there
@ᴇʏᴇs Vote more please, I want to see if you show up
@Incurrence sure
Do 5 more votes
@Incurrence So how did it go?
@DiscipleofBarney None have been deleted yet, it seems to be delayed
Do they all have negative score and older than 9 days, not closed as duplicates or edited recently?
@Incurrence I voted 6 more times
@ᴇʏᴇs Still not there
@Incurrence Did a couple more votes
@DiscipleofBarney Ahh crap I screwed it up man
@DiscipleofBarney I'll retry tomorrow
@ᴇʏᴇs your on the votes page
@Incurrence Which part did you screw up?
@DiscipleofBarney I don't see myself :(
@DiscipleofBarney I don't see him
@ᴇʏᴇs You need a mirror.
@JasperLoy lol
@DiscipleofBarney Where I have duplicates I have no answers, and where I have non duplicates I have upvoted answers
13 votes
Haha, How upvoted
Q: The converse of the absolute value of a limit

anonWhat functions disprove the following statement? If the $\lim_{x\to c}|f(x)|= |L|$, then $\lim_{x\to c}f(x)= L$

Q: injective between cohomology on sphere

alex latIf $\omega$ is a invariant form (from the antipodal map on the $S^{n}$) and $\omega=d \tau$, for some form $\tau$ on $S^{n}$ then $\omega=d(\tau+i^{*}\tau)/2$. Let $H^{*}(S^{n})^{I}$ the de Rham cohomology of invariant forms on sphere. How to show that the natural map $H^{*}(S^{n})->H^{*}(S^{n})^...

Well after my abysmal failure, I am going to log off and get back to work
For all 40?
There were many that were just duplicates
Probably should filter that stuff out in the search
I didn't know that criteria ahaha
Cya later
See yah
www-math.mit.edu/~poonen/papers/ring.pdf argues why rings should be defined with identity.
@r9m I have commented on that answer :-)
@robjohn I am going to bed, see you in my dreams.
@WillHunting I don't know if I will be wandering in that territory...
@r9m here is your answer
I need to find all prime p such that p | $2^p$ + 1 and same thing for p | 2^p - 1.
By fermat little theorem
$2^{p - 1} \equiv$ 1 (mod p)
so $2^p \equiv 2$ (mod p)
hence $2^p + 1 \equiv 3 (mod p)$
I don't know how to continue further however any ideas?
Wouldn't you need $2^p + 1 \equiv 0 \mod p$? @KarimMansour
yeah exactly but I can't reach it
I mean
3 works obviously
@WillHunting What do I need to clarify?
3 | 2^3 + 1
but how can I get all primes and how I can prove that those are all the primes.
@KarimMansour Well how many primes $p$ satisfy both $2^p +1 \equiv 3 \mod p$ and $2^p +1 \equiv 0 \mod p$?
I mean 3 obviously works but let us see how many of them
1 moment don't tell me @DiscipleofBarney I am thinking
@WillHunting If I have a locally compact Abelian group $G$, I can see that for $\chi\in \hat{G}$, $\hat{f}(\chi) =\sum_{g\in G} f(g)\overline{\chi(g)}$. But in the case when it's not Abelian, $\hat{G}$ is not a group, and I am having trouble understanding the key difference between characters in the Abelian case and representations with their corresponding traces in the non-Abelian case.
@KarimMansour I wasn't going to tell :D
but the problem is isn't the variable isn't linear
so we can't get explicit form like we do with normal congruences
and p isn't really fixed p varies
Trust me, whatever you are trying, you are making way to complicated
I was thinking of doing two equations and then expressing $2^p + 1$ = pk
and then putting that into second equation and getting p somehow
When you figure it out, you are going to say "I am way to tired" @KarimMansour
haha you know me xD
@MikeMiller I use this script to make the Activity tab default.
oh my god !! it will be 3 only since we have 2^p + 1 = 2 + 1 (mod p) so 3 = 0 (mod p) and 3 = 3 (mod p) since p is prime and 3 is prime then the only number must be 3
@KarimMansour Haha. Did the Haar measure stuff go well?
yeah it went really well !
I am too tired this week I had 4 exams last few days and presentation today and just working on my last number theory assignment that I have to submit on tuesday then
and then project for number theory on thursday then semester is done :D
Hahaha. What is the number theory project?
I am gonna write on fermat last theorem
yeah :D
I wanted to do collatz conjecture but somebody in my class took it !
Admittedly there is a ton of fascinating mathematics around fermat last theorem, like arithmetic geometry and algebraic number theory etc
but still...

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