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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@Nick what did this mean? Yeah, I know I've asked twice ...
@RandomVariable do you have some free time
@r9m Yes.
@RandomVariable I wanted to ask how you came up with the function here ?
@r9m Sometimes it's a bit of trial and error. But generally if the sum involves $H_{n}$ you want to use $\psi(-z) + \gamma $. And if the sum involves $H_{n}^{(2)}$, you want to use $\psi_{1}(-z)$. I just combined the two.
@RandomVariable okay thanks :-) .. I must say the evaluation of the series is really incredible :D
also I guess I have an idea with computing $\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{H_{n}^{(2)}}{n^{4}}$ without using contour integration (just manipulating the series .. ) .. :-)
@r9m Sometimes the contour integration approach is tedious and not very fun.
I was guessing writing $\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{H_{n}^{(4)}}{n^{2}} = \zeta(6) + \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\psi^{(1)}(n)}{n^{4}}$, might help .. the later series could be connected to $\displaystyle \sum_{k\geq 1}\frac{H^{(2)}_k H_k }{k^2}$ and $\displaystyle \sum_{k\geq 1}\frac{H_k^{(3)}}{k^2}$ and computed ..
@RandomVariable well its much better imo to have an identity that connecting the series with other known/easier to evaluate series ... the function you chose brilliantly reduced the effort by $1/100$ :-) .. which is why I was amazed ..
contour integration approach looks more promising than just trying to manipulate the series (the later somehow makes mee feel like I am calling shots in the dark) ..
reason why I'm blabbering : I'm poor with contour integrals .. @RandomVariable can you give me advice on where I should start reading from ? :-)
@r9m I have one on MSE where I use contour integration to evaluate a sum involving $H_{4n}$. I'm more proud of that one because I think it might be unique.
@RandomVariable oh ! link please :D
Hi off topic. Can Lagrange's theorem (the order of a subgroup divides the order of the group) be used to create subsets of a given group if we are given some element of the group?
@TheSubstitute I don't understand what you mean.
@TheSubstitute do you mean, to create subgroups?
yes sorry I meant subgroups
@r9m It's probably not unique. But we can pretend that it is. :)
I still don't understand what you mean. Are you asking about the converse, i.e., that if $d \mid |G|$, then there is a subgroup of order $d$?
@MikeMiller I'm wondering if the proof of Lagrange's theorem gives us a way to find a particular subgroup $H$ if we are given some element $a$ in the original group.
How do you propose it would?
given an element of a group you can always use it to create a subgroup, namely, the subgroup generated by that element. But it doesn't involves Lagrange Theorem at all
If I put the relation $~$ on a given subgroup $H$ where $a~b$ iff $ab^{-1} \in H$ then the maps from $H$ to the equivalence classes of this relation gives bijections to each of the equivalences classes with the group. On the other hand, can I start off with some relation such that each class has the same number of elements and then work backward to find a group?
ah, now I understand
yes kind of converse
in general the answer is no
do you have a counter example in mind?
@r9m As for creasson, he never responds to questions. And on another forum he basically called me stupid.
@Leo thanks
@RandomVariable sorry I went afk .. thanks !! :D I read that solution in the past and (+1)'ed it :-) Incredible ! :D
@TheSubstitute counterexample
@RandomVariable :( hmm .. dosen't seem to be a nice guy then :-(
@r9m What was more incredible was Tunk-Fey's evaluation of that log integral.
@RandomVariable which one ?
@r9m The really long one. You haven't seen it?
@RandomVariable maybe .. but a link might help :-)
holy moly !! its so long ... I have to read that one !! :) I missed that .. :O
It already has 16 more upvotes than anything I've ever posted.
@r9m I just realized that I haven't posted much of anything for quite some time.
@RandomVariable :) !! then break the silence and post something !! :)
@r9m There is something I want to post, but it's based on something I read in a paper recently. I might post it as a community wiki.
@MJD Sounds like the site needs a catalog of binomial sums. All the questions matching $... \sum ... \binom ... $ pattern in the first formula in the body of the post...
@RandomVariable why as community wiki ?
@r9m Because it's not something I thought of on my own.
@RandomVariable okay :-) .. but I guess its okay to post it normally if you put the source as reference along with your insight :) .. I have seen many people do that ..
hmm ... the last time I posted something useful was 9th Aug .. :{
@RandomVariable are you an undergraduate ?
@r9m No. I graduated several years ago.
@RandomVariable oh ! okay :) where are you from ? :)
@r9m It's still Tuesday where I am.
@RandomVariable :-) I see :)
@r9m Mathematics is basically just something I do as a hobby.
@RandomVariable :-)
@RandomVariable what profession are you currently pursuing then ? :-) if you don't mind me asking :)
@r9m In school most of the classes I took involved statistics. But I really didn't enjoy it. So at the moment I'm not pursuing anything.
@r9m This fall I was going to take a graduate course in Galois theory as a graduate student-at-large. But they canceled it right before classes started.
@RandomVariable I'm learning galois theory this semester .. :) (I'm UG)
@r9m After I graduated I took an undergraduate class in abstract algebra and an undergraduate class in theory of equations. But I don't feel like I learned much. The classes moved very slowly.
you know
Galois theory is incredible and beautiful when you first see it, very cool and interesting
but i have to say i have never seen it applied, at all, in anything. (except for maybe the Frobenius endomorphism, but I don't count that.)
I thought it'd be more useful when i was learning it. smelled somethin' real powerful at the time.
If a square matrix $A$ is such that $A^2 = 0$, then $\operatorname{trace} A = 0$?
@AlexanderGruber I was really disappointed when they canceled the class. I think technically just enough students registered.
But they canceled it anyways.
Hi @Alex
2 hours later…
Hey, does anyone know a quicker way to get a Lefschetz decomposition of some de Rham form than by doing a wedge product with powers of the symplectic form to get each part of the decomposition one piece at a time?
@r9m All these come from the work of the Fajolet. So, with some practice in complex analysis I can also do such things, and even much harder ones.
@Chris'ssis: What timezone do you live in?
1 hour later…
Let $x_n$ be a real number sequence. There are infinitely many subsequences of $x_n$ that converge to any of its subsequential limit ( including lim superior of $x_n$ ). Is that a correct statement ?
Figured out yes
@Thursday Well in computer language integer is not the same as the "mathematical definition.
Q: Total variation as surface area smooth functions of two variables.

Rajesh DI learnt we have different definitions for the total variation for functions of the form $f:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$ which are in some way analogous to the total variation of functions of one variable. For $y = f(x)$, where $f$ is smooth, the total variation is equal to the arc length of the c...

I just finished a very nice proof.
2 hours later…
@r9m Galois theory is absolutely great stuff.
math is awesome
mumbles something indistinctly about integrals
In general, I guess it is.
@BalarkaSen Haha
What's so funny?
In general, I guess it is.
Hi @skullpatrol
@skullpatrol do you know if the sequence x_n = tan n has any accumulation points?
Sorry, I can't help. @JohnJack
I needed help proving $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}n^2x^n = \frac{x^2+x}{(1-x)^3}$
@robjohn @r9m Here I'm doing great things ... some ways shacken the human's soul ...
@Chris'ssis such as...
@robjohn I'll tell you a bit later, it's about some series.
I meant shake ...
@Chris'ssis I wish was doing great things. But I'd be satisfied just doing good things.
@TedShifrin It is periodic, unbounded, asymptotic and can be written sin n /cos n
@RandomVariable Sure, first we want to do good things, but there is also an inner need for doing great things, at least to try to do them. It's in human nature to desire more and more ... Nowadays we take benefit of this technology because some believed in great things and produced them.
It's the miracle they produced such that I can read you, and you can read me right now.
@Chris'ssis I lost that need a long time ago.
@RandomVariable If referring to the series, well, a great thing, because I considered it like that, was the fact that I managed along with another mathematician to create a high school level solution to the Au-Yeung series. This is absolutely amazing to me, kids in high school would be able to solve that series elementarily.
I hope our solutions will fill the pages of the textbooks in the future with more and more elementary solutions to problems where at first sight there is no such hope.
@Chris'ssis I wouldn't consider anything I've done mathematically to be great. But my goal is to be a competent mathematician, not a great one.
@RandomVariable I see. I wanna be great (I'm honest).
@Chris'ssis Do you have any tips for periodic integrals?
I have a really disgusting solution for one where I managed to integrate the first half of the first cycle, then I just did some Janky Shit flipping and mirroring to make it "loop"
$$ \int_0^{\pi/2} \frac{1}{\log \tan x} + \frac{1}{1 - \tan x}\ \mathrm{d}x $$
Other series from the same category ... $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(-1)^{n+1} \frac{H_n^2}{n} $$ $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(-1)^{n+1} \frac{H_n^3}{n} $$
Silly but qute
@robjohn I already mentioned this to Daniel Fischer, but I was reading a paper in which the author incredibly states that $\log \Gamma (z)$ has no branch points because $\Gamma (z)$ has no zeros. The paper is about evaluating integrals attributed to Carl Malmsten using contour integration. In most cases the results are still correct because the branch points of the functions he's integrating are in the lower half-plane and he's integrating in the upper half-plane.
And I wouldn't like to be misunderstood, I don't wanna be great for the sake of being great, but if I'm great it also means that I understood amazing things, I created amazing things, and I had fun, enjoyed a lot the beauty of mathematics as long as I did mathematics. After all, I need no appreciation from the others. The appreciation I receive from my dogs is enough for me.
@Chris'ssis then take some time out to play with them :-)
@Chris'ssis I used to have birds. Cockatiels to be specific. They were awesome.
@skullpatrol I play with them every day. One of them is watching what you're typing right now. :-)
@RandomVariable And no bird now?
@Chris'ssis I don't have any pets.
some people are just not into having pets
@RandomVariable I see. It would be very hard for me to live without some pets. Moreover, the dogs are the best friends imho.
just like some people are not into math
@skullpatrol Are you into math? :-)
@skullpatrol Unfortunately, you don't like the limits, series and integrals that much. :-(
@Chris'ssis I do like it, but I'm not as skilled as you are.
@RandomVariable So, I wonder how he explains that $-\log(\Gamma(z))=\log\left(\frac1{\Gamma(z)}\right)$ has branch points at all the non-positive integers since $\frac1{\Gamma(z)}$ has zeros at all the non-positive integers.
speaking of skilled^
@robjohn Someone sent me that paper because they thought I would find it interesting. But I immediately knew something wasn't right.
It's 90 pages.
Hello @nablablah how are you these days?
Want to play some FIFA, @Huy?
@Khallil: Can do
@Khallil: Was gonna play a few games on my own otherwise
I'll be online in 10 seconds.
I'm online already
Updating the system software. It'll be done in 115 seconds.
@Khallil: I need PS plus for online?
@robjohn Would it be appropriate to contact the author?
I think so, yea.
@Khallil: Is there a testing period or so for free ?
I think you should've gotten a voucher for a 30 day free period.
@Khallil: A voucher. Wow. That must be somewhere in the flat then. Somewhere.
@Khallil: Whenever I press "get PS plus" I just get stuck on a black screen
maybe there are problems with the PS store ?
Maybe. I'll try it out now.
How've you been, AJ@topper?
My PS store is fine, @Huy.
I like PSTricks.
@Khallil: So is mine. Let's play.
Oh, I just got your invitation. Launching FIFA right now.
This is war, @Huy.
@Khallil: Dear god why did I choose a German team then ;_;
Are we playing with our ultimate teams?
@Khallil: I have no idea. I think I chose online, I thought that means original teams
I don't have an ultimate team
Ok. It's a friendly!
Overwriting squads.
@Khallil: If it lags I'll have to go look for an ethernet cable in the flat
@Khallil It's a LaTeX graphics package.
Ah, I see.
I just lost 20 points from the deletion of a question, lol.
You can have all of my internet points, @JasperLoy.
@Khallil I once had 20k, but I deleted my account.
Hi @JasperLoy
@anon It's good to see you instead of blue. After all, you are the great anon and not the great blue.
@nablablah What math classes do you have this term?
Sorry, @Huy. My mum was distracting me there.
(When Casillas was trying to be a hero.)
@Khallil: I'm being rekt :(
Also, I'll only be able to play this match right now.
I need to go out shopping for cat and chicken food.
@JasperLoy Intro to Real Analysis, Number Systems and the Foundations of Analysis, Urban Diversity, Comparative Politics, Poetry, Intro to Anthropology, and Acting for non-majors
@Khallil Was that for me? If that was for me, I've been fine... Job interviews this afternoon, now getting back into the maths. Got a couple of weird questions to run by here soon
Hi everyone BTW :)
@nablablah That's 7 classes, wow!
Wow, @Huy. Now I'm getting wrecked.
That one deserved a celebration. Who knew Khedira could hit shots like that? ^_^
@Khallil: rematch ?
Can't. Gotta go out now.
@Khallil Alright i'll go practice vs super easy AI
That was a good game. Next time, we'll reverse the teams!
sure thing!
See ya later, @Huy.
Yes, @topper. That one was meant for you. I'll explain the compliment later. ;-)
(It's a Beyblade reference.)
Please do!
can the integral of a non-integeable function have an inverse function?
@user35945 What is the integral of a non-integrable function?
@JasperLoy approximated numerically or found by other means
@user35945 The problem is that the integral is not defined for a non-integrable function, so I do not know what you mean.
he means without an elementary antiderivative
Let Mike help you then, I am only a banana.
I know nothing
Still better than a banana. Unless you are a papaya.
in some physics setting there is a solution to a problem that can be calculated numerically because no integral can be found, and therefore apparently you cannot revert the function
just asking if this is true, sorry for poor wording
i personally don't think it be like this but they say it do, I'd like an opinion before I waste my time
@user35945 Let $f$ be strictly positive and continuous. Then $F(a) = \int_0^a f(x)dx$ is a monotone continuous function with $F(0)=0$. Then $F$ has a continuous inverse
actually, even if $f$ is not continuous this is true. But the positivity is essential.
makes sense, thank you. now I guess I have to figure out whether that's the case.
Any tips on cutting down the careless mistakes? Slowing down would help but my exam is in 48 hours and I have a lot of questions to attempt. (argh)
@topper Fish oil :P
@rehband You see, you put a smiley, but then I'd believe anything at this point. If I had to guess you're saying "improve my brain"?
@topper: Just don't do them. :P
@topper: Practice and experience will help you.
I get more annoyed by the careless stuff than the stuff I fail on because I missed a concept or whatever
@topper: Everyone does.
@topper I'm just saying fish oil capsules might help your focus :P
@RandomVariable If they've left a method of contact, I'd say it is okay.
I'm sure you'll do fine though. Don't stress yourself
SE chat has 18430 instances of fuck. Amazing!
@JasperLoy Mostly pedro
@Alizter And yet I got suspended for saying F U to Pedro, lol.
@JasperLoy He has said it 124 times
@JasperLoy I am clean ^_^
@Chris'ssis has said "beautiful" 182 times
@BalarkaSen has said "galois" 407 times
How are you checking these stats, @Alizter?
@Khallil Search bar top right
then limit the user
it is fun
I've said 'well', 52 times.
I've only said 'fedora' once.
SE chat has said "I" 5166496 times. What a narcissist.
@Balarka has said 'trivial', 50 times.
@Alizter hahaha
@Khallil ROFL
hello @Hippa
@Chris'ssis I finally memorized durably the 7 first $B_n$, got any other awesome trick to destroy exercises ?
Bernoulli numbers?
Bell numbers
@Hippalectryon I have a counting problem for you.
@BalarkaSen I have work to do :/
We've had 4 hours of chem today
80 pages of printed stuff to read
that must've hurt
I didn't read them yet
I also have two sheets of math exercises, some of them are classical ones
And additional chem exercises for tomorrow
@Hippalectryon let me know if you are stuck on number theory
if there are any NT, of course
Those sheets are on sequences
that must hurt a lot O_o
(personally, i'm alergic to series/sequences)
i dunno. it's not that i hate them, i just don't prefer them over combinatorics/number theory/algebra
I have 12 hours of math a week :c
But also 10 hours of physics, 6 hours of chemistry, 2h of english, 2h of french, ...... ┬─┬ ︵ /(.□. \)
42 hours of class a week in total :D
@Hippalectryon lol
And as much personal work :c
@Chris'ssis Gimme awesome tips :D
@Hippalectryon If you could see what solutions I found today you'd die for pleasure instantaneously ... :-)
@Chris'ssis I'm too young to die (ಥ_ಥ)
@Hippalectryon Imagine this: you can compute absolutely elementarily this series $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{n+1}\frac{H_n^2}{n}$$
@Hippalectryon and then ...
$$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{n+1}\frac{H_n^3}{n}$$
@Chris'ssis how do you define "elementary"?
i can do that by generating functions
would that be considered nonelementary?
@BalarkaSen You use special functions my friend ... I don't ...
@Chris'ssis nope. only log.
i will need only logairithms to do it.
@Hippalectryon: You still in high school?
@BalarkaSen I was just looking at your answer, btw ... math.stackexchange.com/questions/661564/…
@Hippalectryon: What a weird system.
@Hippalectryon Are you trying to find God? :-)))))))) It's hard to find Him ...
@Chris'ssis oh, right, right i used $\psi$. drat.
I'll try with Lady Gaga then :c
@BalarkaSen When I heard you only used logarithms, my heart almost stopped for a few seconds ... I was about to faint ... for pleasure, of course :-))))
@Hippalectryon lol
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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