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Hey all! Can somebody drop me a hint for this question?
I'm unsure of where to even begin.
"Show that if $x$ and $y$ are non-zero integers and $x^2 =y^3$ then $x=a^3$ and $y=b^2$ for some integers $a$ and $b$."
@KhallilBenyattou Note that any prime factor of $y$ is a prime factor of $x$ and vice versa.
Now consider prime factorizations.
One can do this nicely like this. Fix a prime number $p$, and let $\nu_p(x)$ denote the unique integer $n$ such that $p^n\mid x$ but $p^{n+1}\nmid x$.
May I ask which notation you use for writing out prime factorisations, @Pedro?
@KhallilBenyattou Any understandable notation works =)
One checks that $\nu_p(x^m)=m\nu_p(x)$ for any integer $m\geqslant 0$.
Applying $\nu_p$ to your equation gives $2\nu_p(x)=3\nu_p(y)$. Since $\gcd(2,3)=1$, this gives that $3\mid \nu_p(x)$ and $2\mid \nu_p(y)$.
Say $\nu_p(x)=3k, \nu_p(y)=2j$. Then one gets $2\nu_p(x)=6j\implies \nu_p(x)=3j$ so $x$ is a cube, and similarily $\nu_p(y)=2k$, so $y$ is a square.
I've never seen a method like that!
Valuations are good!
Is that what they are called?
@KhallilBenyattou Yes. In this case, to each rational number $r$ we may assign a (possibly negative!) integer $n$ such that $r=p^n r'$, and $r'$ is a rational where $p$ "doesn't appear".
Basically, write you rational number as a product of integer powers of primes, and take the integer this prime is risen to.
In this case I considered the valuation on the integers only.
I don't quite understand the second part. Why must we check the property that $v_p \left( x^m \right) = mv_p (x)$ for any integer $m \geqslant 0$?
@KhallilBenyattou Because it is the useful part of the argument.
Applying $\nu_p$ to $x^2=y^3$ gives $\nu_p(x^2)=\nu_p(y^3)$.
Then I want to get the powers down.
$\nu_p$ satisfies $\nu_p(xy)=\nu_p(x)+\nu_p(y)$, so you can prove the above by induction.
For the last part, if $v_p(x)$ denotes the unique integer $n$ s.t. $p^n \mid x$ but $p^{n+1} \nmid x$ and $v_p(y)$ denotes the unique integer $m$ s.t. $p^m \mid y$ but $p^{m+1} \nmid y$, then we can conclude that $p^{n+m} \mid xy$, so $v_p(xy)$ denotes the unique integer $n+m$ s.t. $p^{n+m} \mid xy$, right @Pedro?
@KhallilBenyattou Well, you need to show that $p^{n+m+1}\nmid xy$.
Hint If $n+m+1\mid xy$, then either $p$ has $n+1$ factors in $x$ or $m+1$ factors in $y$. Why?
(This is the pigeonhole principle!)
May I ask why it's $-1$ in the exponent?
That was a typo.
Also, do you mean $p^{n+m+1}$ instead of $n+m+1$ in the second line, @Pedro?
@KhallilBenyattou Yes.
@Pedro: You wanted to discuss thingies?
@TedShifrin Yes.
Is that because we've already established that $p^n \mid x$ and $p^{n+1} \nmid x$, then it's left that $p^{m+1} \mid y$ if $p^{n+m+1}$ indeed divides $xy$ (and the other argument is the same by interchanging $m$ and $n$), @Pedro?
@KhallilBenyattou We already know that $n,m$ are respectively the largest integers $k$ such that $p^k$ divides $x,y$ respectively.
We want to see that $n+m$ is the largest integer $k$ such that $p^k$ divides $xy$.
It is clear $p^{n+m}\mid xy$. We want to see $p^{n+m-1}\nmid xy$.
Now if $p^{n+m+1}$ divides $xy$, consider two boxes, one for $x$ and one for $y$.
I thought that's what I was getting at with the contradiction that $p^{m+1} \mid y$ because by original definition for $v_p(y)$, $p^{m+1} \nmid y$, @Pedro.
@KhallilBenyattou That's the point yes.
@Pedro, so? :)
If we distribute the $n+m+1$ factors, either $x$ receives $n+1$ factors or $y$ receives $m+1$ factors: if $x$ receives at most $n$ and $y$ receives at most $m$, we would account only for $n+m<n+m+1$ factors, @KhallilBenyattou
@TedShifrin I wanted to discuss the last exercise in your final.
How to show there are infinitely many roots.
Yes, so I presumed.
You need to learn what order of an entire function is, and decide what order that function has.
Ah, I kinda see what you mean. Thank you, @Pedro! I'll try and write up a solution to it. ^_^
have fun @Khallil
@KhallilBenyattou No problem.
@TedShifrin I've just read what the order of an entire function is. So that function has order... $1/2$?
Yup (make sure you prove it) :)
OK, good.
I am guessing functions with order $<1$ have infinitely many zeros?
Functions with non-integer order have infinitely many zeroes (indeed, take on every value infinitely often).
Oh, cool.
I'll let you figure that out?
There is a real theorem here ...
does anyone here have any experience with basic graph theory (simple graphs only)?
@robjohn sensei can you check my answer to my own question here when you have time ? :-) I didn't receive any satisfactory answer of it for a long time !
Hm... hell of a nap
this chat is barely active currently
@Mathy ask (quickly), I'm after work so I am extremely exhausted but I probably can still think if it's simple enough
Hi, @Ted
@Mike ... @Studentmath: It's way past your bedtime!
4 am..
I should find more reasonable works
More reasonable hours!
That too
Hi guys
hi mr eyeglasses
@TedShifrin So, got time to decode comments?
Well @Mathy, I am off to bed. Ping me and I will check if I can help tomorrow if you didn't get it yet.
G'night @Ted @Mike Eyeglasses
oh, I've been grading finals most of the day, so not sure I have mental strength, @Mike
night @Studentmath
Oh, @Ted :(
You're doing topology stuff I don't know, @Mike
Soon you'll hate me just like Balarka does, @Mike :D
@TedShifrin The question is simpler than that. Qiaochu said something to the effect of "Pick a homeomorphism which swaps the smooth structures". I interpreted this to be a homeomorphism that pulls back one to the other. He claimed that these exist by definition of a top. manifold supporting more than one smooth structure; but I seem to have written down an (almost tautological) proof that if $\eta = f \circ \nu$, then $f$ is a diffeomorphism...
Whatever that meant ...
@MikeMiller where you get that hat?
@TedShifrin But it's about smooth structures. :(
That's, like, your jam. Your bread and butter.
Your peanut butter and jelly.
Can't we make this quite simple? Take $f(x)=x^3$ mapping $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$. It's not a diffeomorphism in the usual structure. But it will be in the atlas in which $x^{1/3}$ is a chart. So, setting this up the right way should do what Qiaochu meant.
No, I don't think about smooth structures particularly.
Yes, but I'm talking about exotic structures - structures that aren't diffeomorphic.
But even if they are, this sort of thing gives a homeomorphism that isn't a diffeomorphism.
Worse if the structures aren't diffeomorphic, eh?
It'll give a homeomorphism that's not a diffeomorphism, but I don't think it'll give a homeomorphism that pulls back the smooth structure you wrote down, @Ted.
(Which is how I interpreted 'swap the smooth structures')
It should if you do it in the right direction :)
then the proof I wrote down must be wrong, at least, so maybe his comment makes sense to me.
Thanks a bunch @Ted
@MikeMiller What was your 26th hat?
@Behaviour Finally got Breaking Bad after a user edited in their ideas post-closing.
On the plus side, just made 2k rep. On the minus side, I really need to be studying for this stupid algebra qualifier. Grr :)
I actually can get the treasure hunter hat on MSE (I was resigned to only getting it on Academia) - I just need to review 20 close votes per day until the end of Bash. And that I was going to do already.
@Alan 2K? Go edit all the misformatted questions, forget the qual.
grins I haven't done algebra in a full semester. Completely forgot just about all my Galois theory. Though I did approve my first edit!
@MikeMiller Sadly, I reviewed 2300+ close votes already, so no new badge coming from that direction. And LQ too. The other queues are usually empty.
And upvoting, of course, isn't an option for you.
@MikeMiller Got those. Hats are awarded quickly enough so there's time to retract.
@Behaviour I was thinking of the gold badge for having 600 upvotes.
There isn't such a thing. Electorate does not distinguish by direction, up or down. And I got it long time ago.
Oh, I see.
Different set of distinguishing factors.
I should start answering questions by 1-rep users to maximize probability of getting Naruto. I figure a decent soft question or reference request might get 30 minutes or less. I'm only going to take one shot at that, though, not spam the site with soft questions.
skims the chat Does anyone have a good book suggestion for multivariable analysis? We used Munkres's Multivariable book in my class, and I got completely lost in notation.
What does Naruto take?
Accepted answer that's not voted on for 12 hours. In particular, the OP can't vote on it.
I don't have any particular suggestions, @Alan, but that particular question has surely shown up on the main site before.
Yeah, I should skim it at some point, was more a question of opportunity since that seemed to be the topic. Right now I really need to force myself to study Algebra. sigh. I like analysis.
Hey guys
Hey Kaj. I see you stopped badmouthing hats.
I got 2 secret hats without even trying @MikeMiller ;)
For all I know they're pretty common though, so...
Holy shit, is this your site @MikeMiller? http://www.math.ucla.edu/~smmiller/90s.html
I'm laughing so hard right now.
If that's actually the first result for my site on google, I'm in trouble. I should probably get rid of it.
This is my site. Click ctrl+A.
hahahaha, that's so much more boring though
Boring is another semester of teaching Methods of Calc to a classroom where half of the students don't know algebra. sigh.
@Behaviour Can you make a script that shows questions posted by new users (users with rep 1), sorted by activity, not hiding questions with many downvotes?
@Alan, would you rather teach precalculus? Serious question.
At my school? Yes, only because of the role the two courses hold. Precalculus is only taught for students who want an extra prep course for calculus. Methods is the 'end' course for business majors and soft sciences (psychology, etc.).
Plus, I'm at a 'nontraditional' school, so you get a lot of people who haven't even looked at algebra in 3+ years and are now trying to learn calculus....
@MikeMiller My Review+Edit extension does something like this: looks at the 100 newest questions, takes those by 1-rep users, as well as those with downvotes and closevotes (regardless of rep).
I can write another script like that but I don't quite understand the use case.
Add to that the joys of our initial math placement test, which is taken online, from home, with no proctoring. The math dept.'s been trying to get that fixed for years.
I'd prefer precalculus too @Alan. I do a lot of tutoring here at my school, and its more difficult to help people with calculus since that usually entails also reviewing a lot of the pre-req material.
Oh man. At least the placement test here is on-site and proctored! :O
Naruto requires that the OP not upvote your post, which usually only happens with users of rep below 15, @Behaviour; restricting to 1 makes it more unlikely they'll reach 15 with upvotes. Those with downvotes help find posts suitable for Red Baron.
@KajHansen nod I need to run a correlation between people's day 1 quiz scores (which measures their prereq knowledge) and their final grades, but I highly suspect it's highly correlated
Your extension sounds more actively useful for my purposes (as well as in general).
We have retakes of the test on-site and proctored, but the first time...yeah. It's ugly.
It seems like it's only accessible via 10k tools, @Behaviour.
This is my second semester teaching it (and in general), so...we'll see. Finishing up my 2nd year of grad school
Alan has Naruto already. Showoff.
Agreed @Alan. I have a general rule that when people say they're struggling with calculus, they're actually struggling with the pre-reqs. This is, of course, for the typical calculus sequence and not the theory courses that are taught out of Spivak, e.g., and are actually pretty difficult.
laugh Without even trying. Woops
I really enjoyed Spivak's Calculus, but of course that was for my 4000 level undergrad analysis class. We use Stewart here for the calc 1/2/3 sequencee
They have a special 2000-level sequence taught out of Spivak here. I never got to take it though because I tested out with AP Calculus exams :/

I had a rigorous Calc 3 course though. I've never worked so hard to pass in my life :L
@MikeMiller "only accessible via 10k tools"? It's supposed to rewrite the /review page. And I use it on SO where I am under 250 rep and don't have access to the actual reviews, just by navigating to site/review
Yeah, my calc 3 teacher was awesome/rigirous. I'm getting to take him for a 6000 level set theory class this semester, I expect it to be awesome and incredibly hard :)
That's awesome! What textbook are you guys going to use?
Oh, I see. I saw the Tools descriptor and was a bit confused.
I had a very, very odd math background....summer school of 5th grade through 9th grade I was learning out of MIT's elements of mathematics curriclum, set theory/abstract algebra/etc. 10th grade calc 1, 11th grade calc 2/3. 12th grade, elective credits: Algebra 2, treig/geometry :)
Not sure yet, I need to email the teacher. Been slacking post finals.
Holy crap! I actually had no idea what math was about, or even that deeper math existed beyond calculus until 2 years ago.
Now, if I'm really, really lucky, we'll scrape together enough students for the department to scrape together enough money for us to offer Algebraic topology in the summer. The joys of going to a small department.
Wrote my first proof in the first week of that calc 3 course as a freshman, haha
grin Yeah. And then I didn't actually finish my bachelors until age 35. And it was only a B.A. :)
Have you read Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid?
I haven't, but I do own the book. And I have free time over the next few weeks ;)
It's worth the time. Among other things, it walks you through Godel's proof, informally :)
@MikeMiller This SEDE query picks unanswered questions by users with rep<15.
That's pretty cool. I know absolutely nothing about mathematical logic, so maybe that'll be a good place to wet my appetite.
It's written for a general audience, but goes into a lot of deep things. Very much a good place.
A classmate of mine gave a talk on a historical paradox, since resolved, whose name I can't remember offhand....was really neat though. In effect, there exists a countable model of set theory that exhibits an uncountable set inside of it :).
How do you determine titles that are potentially bad, @Behaviour?
If only I knew what that meant :) I'll check that book out though! I'm also planning on brushing up my abstract algebra by going through a new textbook of mine and also start skimming over next semester's point-set book over the break.
yeah, I'm trying out a new (for me) algebra text now (Dummit & foote)
I think D&F talk too much. But their exercises are good.
I really like D&F. I haven't gone through anywhere near the whole thing, but I've revisited the sections on field extensions and Galois theory for something I needed recently, and it was pretty lucid. I couldn't say the same if it was my first time learning the material though.
My roomie calls D&F The dictionary :-)
We used Hernstein in my Abstract Algebra classes, which seemed to cover a LOT less material.
It's not intended to cover as much material.
The GTA who was teaching our qual prep course learned out of D&F and was shocked that we hadn't learned some things, like the orbit stabilizer theorem
Which Herstein? There's a "baby" version, and then there's "Topics".
Baby for the 4000, the topics for the grad one
So I own two of his bloody books, one of which is completely subsumed in the other :)
LOL, yep :)
Meanwhile, I'm still irked that I didn't get one question in my analysis qual that I would have gotten had we taken it 3 weeks later :). (It didn't matter, I passed anyways), but stilL!
Turned out it was a special case of gromwell's inquality, which I learned (and learned how to prove) in my ODE course
That's a summary of my undergraduate experiences :P
Analysis is a weak point for me. I feel like I don't know much.
I'm the opposite. And so I'm terrified about this algebra qual. Bleh. I have one B, the rest As, passeed anaylsis first shot, and still scared about continuing in the program because I haven't done any algebra in a semester.
BTW, if you are planning on taking an analysis qual, I highly recommend learning gromwell's inequality and how to prove it. According to my ODE profgessor, he's seen a bunch of qual questions which can be solved by it (And I have firsthand experience :))
@MikeMiller The title filter is based on this answer, with minor later additions.
That's a few years away, but I'll keep that in mind @Alan
Well, off to study in the bathtub :)
That sounds relaxing. Good luck with things!
hello everyone
@robjohn I posted a question that's gotten a fair number of upvotes, but someone pointed out in the comments it's been answered completely elsewhere. Should I close mine as a duplicate of where it's been answered, or ask that author to put his answer on my question?
@MikeMiller Why not both?
@MikeMiller if it's a duplicate, then it will probably be closed by others, unless your question is somehow better than the other question.
@MikeMiller is the other question the same as yours?
I agree with Pedro, if you couldn't find the question when you initially asked it, then why would others have an easier time finding the question? If it's asked in a completely different part of Math.SE, I'd say keep yours
@robjohn A question was posted that had multiple sub-questions. An answer was accepted and the question on it I was most interested in wasn't touched upon; it seemed like interest was dwindling. I posted that subquestion as its own question. Five days after my posting, it was apparently answered on the other question.
@MikeMiller you can comment on that answer and ask him to have a look at your question.
Hmm. Is it wrong that I saw the phrase "learning to contain herself" and immediately my brain went to set theory and topology?
@Alan Yes. You need to get yourself checked immediately.
I find it kind of weird you can downvote in an election lol
Ya me too. It's sort of like a test with negative marks :P
Now if actual elections had down-votes that would be weird.
@user130018 In the final round, you cannot.
Why not? It should be consistent.
Statistically speaking of course.
Why change the rules halfway through the game?
Because the primary and the election itself serve different purposes.
It's not a strict upvote system in the final election.
This question has the potential to award JimmyK4542 with the Red Baron.
@MikeMiller: you might've been notified, but I went ahead and gave the bounty to Travis's answer
I wasn't; glad you did.
Kind've an odd scenario to end up with, but the results are fine
@studentmath: Is there any formula to find the minimum value of edges that GUARANTEES that a graph (let's call it "B") is connected? Simple graphs only, and the number of vertices is given.
@MathyPerson Start with the complete graph of k nodes, and see how many edges you need to remove to split it into two components?
Which, if I'm not totally confused, is k-1.
@JasperLoy I know -- I meant he could message me on Facebook.
@Venus Still unsure about what you mean by "you should know about that case."
Could somebody have a look at my answer and tell me why it is incorrect, it concerns the differentiation of a function at a point?
A: Differentiablility of a function

GabrielH$F(x)$ is differentiable at $0$ if and only if $$ \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{F(x) - F(0)}{x-0} =\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{F(x)}{x} \stackrel{\mathcal{L}}{=} \lim_{x \to 0} F^\prime (x) = \lim_{x \to 0} f(x) $$ exists. Now, the real question is whether or not $$ \lim_{x \to 0} \cos(1 / x)$$ exists. I wil...

wuts up
@GabrielH: Andres Caicedo's comment seems to explain why it is incorrect.
@IlmariKaronen I did try that, but I was actually given two questions. The answer that has k-1 is for the first question (If "B" is connected, what is the minimum possible number of edges?), but for the second question, it asks for the minimum number of edges that GUARANTEES that "B" is connected, so I guess it is sort of different..?
@MathyPerson A complete graph of k nodes has (k^2 - k) / 2 edges. If you remove k - 1 of those, how many are left? (That's the maximum number of edges in an unconnected graph. If you want the minimum number to guarantee connectedness, add one...)
so if there are 40 nodes, then there will be 1560/2 = 780. Remove 39 of those. 780-39 = 741. Add 1 to get 742? @IlmariKaronen
@MathyPerson your answer is equal to the maximum number of edges a disconnected graph on $n$ vertices can have plus one.
Whichis the disconnected graph with $n$ vertices that has the most edges?
How many connected components does it have?
oh yeah, Ilmari Karonen's comments make sense.
Although he didn't tell you how to prove it's the best method.
I mean the most number of edges.
See this
anybody interested?
What's wrong with vadim123's answer?
@MikeMiller Now please see the comment under the answer of vadim123.
It's the bottom paragraph that you're looking for.
Sir that statement is also available in other answers, but I'm not looking for that.
If I'm missing something then please tell me.
Android hat !!!! I need that :D
Pirate Ho !! :D
Hello, I have a problem.
@KajHansen D&Fs exercises are classic.
Looks like you're on your way to Naruto, @Behaviour.
Did you get Naruto on Hippa's question last night? @Mike
Did some idiot upvote it again?
Dessins are nit really meant for realizing graphs as Riemann surfaces. It's just a preimage of an interval under the branched cover.
BTW I disagree with Rec.Deletion on answers that only point to scholarly resources such as journal papers, ArXiv, or OEIS. These are not some random links that will break leaving the answer useless. Like this one
I'll say this is some weird paper, though. :)
But everything involving quantum physics looks like insanity to me.
You're right, the correct action there was to edit. Thanks for doing so and for calling me out.
Did you see the new question on groups that asks for classification of the groups such that inclusion is a proper order on the set of subgroups @MikeMiller?
It's a pretty interesting question. Not sure how to deal with it for uncountable groups, say.
I doubt it's true for any uncountable groups.
Presumably. I am not sure, maybe we can construct some kind of direct limit of groups to construct an ad hoc example.
Anyway, I'm busy looking at mediocre questions, not good questions.
You're still up for the Naruto hat aren't you? :P
Heya @KajHansen
Haha the hat looks good on you
@BalarkaSen Suggested close reason for this?
In how many ways can 12 students take Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry if 4 students are to take each subject? Please explain the problem.
@MikeMiller, stop sweeping your knowledge under the rug!
If you posted that on the main site it would be closed because you didn't show any work. We're not going to do any different.
@MikeMiller Duplicate of some 0/0 post.
I have commented on it at least @Mike
Maybe Anixx is going for 30 minutes or less.
It's motivated by hats.
Hats are evil.
I actually doubt that. I was not serious.
I am thinking whether I should post an answer here, now that I know a bit about what's happening in there.
Someone kill this off.
"The title is inflammatory and oxymoronic, and you're talking to people who are talking nonsense." LOL
Kevin's a good guy.
@Behaviour I think you should change Review+ so that you can still go to the review tasks on the RHS even if none are available; in particular, so you can look at the history (which I find is better presented in the review tasks than on your profile.)
@MikeMiller Good idea. Will do tomorrow.
Interesting. Too bad they aren't free, lol
LOL they are!
Is $Gal(\overline{Frac \Bbb Q[[T]]}/Frac \Bbb Q[[T]])$ prosolvable?
You can download them all!
Oh I guess they are.
I just saw the "Buy CD" button lol
In other words, is every Galois extension over $\Bbb Q((T))$ solvable?
Play the audio and then right click and press save as.
@Behaviour I think it's now a fair assumption that deleted answers don't count.
(It might also be that the answers need to be upvoted.)
^removed greetings?
I GTG.Cya!
Later pal
@MikeMiller Re : This. Doesn't R^2\{x} deformation retract onto V\{x}?
So from the fact above, the nonsimple connectedness of V\{x} should be obvious
Uh. What do you think $V$ is?
Open set in R^2.
You think $V \setminus \{x\}$ is homotopy equivalent to $\Bbb R^2\setminus \{x\}$ for an arbitrary open set $V$?
That's not true I guess.
No that's never true.
Well, not never. But pretty rarely. :P
Take V to be an open annulus.
Considering there are lots of very different open sets.
My geometric intuition is slow, @Mike. A result of doing mathematics while keeping eyes closed (algebra) :P
Geometry should be done with your eyes closed, where visuals are unrestrained by the world around you.
Fair enough.
@AhaanS.Rungta I was talking about Walter Lewin's case. See 2nd paragraph, it's mentioned there, "The woman was taking one of Lewin’s classes on edX, the online learning platform started by Harvard and MIT." Are you a mod at edX, right?
So, I believe you know about this case.
@Venus How will a mod at edX know all these personal things?
@KajHansen I will be taking a break for a short time.Good luck!
@Ashwin So the online class in edX is personal or private? #Surprised
2 candidates have withdrawn.
@JasperLoy Epic mod battle of history
Butin the long run, why does it matter, why should we care. The eternal wheel of time will keep turning needless of whom is elected.
I think I will change my votes.
I will vote for Thomas, Pedro and Daniel, just because that is the order of the number of helpful flags.
@r9m did you manage to see an elementary solution to that question of mine?
@JasperLoy I'd only vote @r9m ... (unfortunately, I don't have this possibility)
@Chris'ssis Oh? Why is that so?
@JasperLoy He makes me laugh often :-)))
@Chris'ssis Luckily I did not contest, or I would not be able to delete my account!
@JasperLoy Oh, da*n, I missed you!:-) I'd also upvote you as a moderator!!! :-)))))
@Chris'ssis I think you are better off doing Ramanujan style math than being a mod!
The race for rank 9-11 is really tight
@JasperLoy I'd never accept to do this job for free. Just think about it: I invest my time in accounting, tutoring and research. What about the time spent as a moderator? During that time I might discover another amazing integrals from my books.
@Chris'ssis Yes. You should really spend time on getting a math degree and then a PhD after this.
What would happen if the candidates rank 9-11 have the same votes? Who will go to next phase?
@Venus I have an even better question. Who cares? =D
@JasperLoy Yeah, I'm thinking of doing a career in math, but at the moment I'm very entangled and I need other things before. Where I live now I don't have great opportunities ... (I need to be patient)
@Chris'ssis Entangled in what? =)
@N3buchadnezzar I'm curious to know
@N3buchadnezzar I live in a small village at the moment, away from the city. So, first I have to move on the city soon. For doing that, I need to get a very good job there (and it's not easy to live in the city).
It's not impossible, but, well, I cannot do things faster. So, I need to be patient.
@Chris'ssis You need to be healthy, not patient (thats a pun)
@N3buchadnezzar That's very true. My mental illness has debilitated me for so long. If not, I might have won the Fields medal by now.
@Venus The one who nominated themselves first.
@JasperLoy Why don't you consider your illness as another challenge? All good things happen in mind first (well, some might not agree with that)
@JasperLoy Change the way you look at things. Make fun of your disease for instance.
@Integrator Why so?
@Venus No Idea. but wait...
A: What math decides who is eliminated during election primaries?

WardI have no idea where to find the official answer, but based on what happened on ServerFault last year (where I had +22/-12 and the other guy had +27/-17), in the case of a tie in the primary, the person who was nominated first goes on to the final Election. I don't know if this is still the case...

@Venus I don't have any idea.
Ask for help to mark this problem of mine as favorite. I need 3 more for the sake of hat
@Integrator Thanks
Wrong link! I meant this one. Haha

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